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Here's the script for Villetta's section of Japanophilia. In two weeks time I'll write up the Succubus Rebirth Plan centering on Ruby, so keep an eye out for that. Vote below for the script to be written two weeks from then!

Page 1

Villetta arrives in a limo outside Ashford Academy.

V: So this is it. Ashford Academy.

Villetta thinks about her strange encounter with Lelouch

V: This is the school that supposed son of a Duke attends.

She sees Kallen walking by.

V: Excuse me!

She shows a picture of Lelouch

V: Do you know this boy?

Page 2

Kallen deliberately checks Villetta out.

K: Huh? Him? Why do you want to know?

V: That's my business. Do you know him or not?

K: Hrm... I guess I do. Would you like to meet him?

V: Very well. I have a few questions to ask him.

K: Okay. Follow me. I'll take you to him.

Page 3

The two of them walk through the Ashford halls.

K: That limo... You're military, right? Did he do something naughty?

V: He might be a witness, but that's all I'll say.

K: But you are military, right? Stomping down on the nasty, scary Elevens when they try something...

V: I don't much care for the condescending tone, young lady.

The two of them arrive in an empty room.

K: No, no... I'm just thinking, you'd make a perfect test subject.

Kallen uses her Geass.

Page 4

Villetta wobbles and sits on a chair.

V: H-Huh? What was that? What's this feeling...?

K: It's fine, there's nothing to worry about. Why don't you tell me why you want to speak to Lelouch?

V: Is that his name? I don't see any reason I should tell you. It's an official military matter.

K: Oh, I think you'll tell me.

V: Is that a threat, civilian?

Kallen snaps her fingers.

K: No...

Page 5

Shirley, Milly and Nina all stroll into the room wearing kimonos, they all pose cutely for Villetta.

K: It's just that you won't be allowed to join the fun unless you spill your guts!

Page 6

Villetta watches them as they pose cutely and chat.

V: Wh-what? What is this? Why are you all so - So- 

V: Kawaiiii..

Villetta shakes her head.

V: What's wrong with me? Why did I say that?

K: Because it's true, of course.

Milly, Shirleyn and Nina reach out towards Villetta.

Milly: Wouldn't you like to be kawaii like us?

Nina: There's nothing scary about it!

Shirley: Teehee, give it a try you'll love it!

Page 7

V: N-No way, dressing up in Japanese clothing like that - Why would Britannian students at a Britannian academy dress up in -

V: In such kawaii clothes...?

K: Would you like to join us?

V: Y-Yes! I know I shouldn't, but- But!

K: Then spill your guts. What do you want with Lelouch Lamperouge?

V: Ah! Ah! Ah!

Page 8

V: I think he knows something about Zero!

K: Is that so?

V: Y-Yes! He was at Shinjuku! I saw him there under suspicious circumstances, and - 

K: Shush, you've done well.

Kallen takes a kimono from Milly, while Shirley and Nina hand one over to Villetta

K: Now, take your reward.

Page 9

Villetta undresses and puts on the kimono in a sequence.

V: Th-This is wrong.

V: I am Britannian!

V: A member of the Pureblood faction!

V: And yet, this gives me a strange feeling.

V: I cannot resist...

Page 10

Villetta is fully dressed in her kimono now.

V: Konichiwa! Oh, this is such a cute uniform, I love it to bits!

K A second wedge in the military. With you and Cecile, I'll be able to share the love for all things Japanese with them as well!


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