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Hi everyone, here is the script for Haruka's section of Turning the Tables. As always, if you have suggestions to improve it please get in touch.

I have also come up with a plan for the one shot this month, featuring Haruhi Suzumiya hypnotising herself into becoming a maid. You can find that plan in detail here.

For now, the script - in two weeks time Mizore gets turned into a succubus, this poll will determine what I put up two weeks after that.

Page 1

Haruka is strolling through a street, dressed up in her casual attire. She is in a thoughtful mood.

Haruka: Gee, our anniversary is coming up. What should I get Michiru as a gift?

Haruka reacts to the following with interest.

Offscreen: That's right. You're not paying any attention at all to what I'm saying, are you?

Also offscreen: Yeah, whatever you say babe...

We see a woman in a low cut red dress, who appears to be a pretty woman but is casting a youma-like shadow. She is leaning forward to display her cleavage to a man, with waves of energy draining off him. Haruka is watching this in the background, a little surprised at how blatant this is.

Youma: You're being so helpful, so very helpful!

Man: Anything I can do to help out, ma'am.

Close up of Haruka smirking, as a thought crosses her mind.

Page 2

Haruka steps in, cool and collected. The man has obviously had his energy drained.

Haruka: Pardon me, miss. Is this guy bothering you?

Youma: Hrm? Oh? Aren't you quite the specimen?

Man: Huh... What?

Haruka: Come on, I'll take care of you.

Youma: My hero!

The youma smirks to herself as she clings to Haruka's arm.

Youma (thought balloon): Hehehe! These human men are such fools! Led along by their libidos, they give energy freely!

Page 3

Haruka: Right, this should be quiet enough. We won't be bothered here.

The youma flips back her hair - then leans forward.

Youma: That's right, foolish man! Behold, the power of cleavage! You cannot look away, you cannot - 

Youma: Why aren't you looking? What's that in your hand?

Haruka: Oh, this? It's my -

Haruka: Uranus Planet Power- Make Up!

Page 4

Cue a montage of Sailor Uranus' transformation

Youma: H-Huh?! What's this? What's this feeling awakening inside of me?

Page 5

The youma drops to her knees, clutching at her sides and smiling widely.

Youma: Ahh! Ahh! No, I must fight it! 

Haruka: Tsch! I didn't get it right?

Youma: No, stop! I won't fall for your beautiful manliness!

Haruka: Eh, whatever. I've never had a problem getting girls interested in me anyway.

Page 6

Haruka tips her finger under the youma's chin. The youma is extremely flustered.

Haruka: You know, a youma like you is too pretty to waste on evil. 

Youma: Huh? Huh? Huh?!

Haruka leans in cloesr to the youma

Haruka: How about you give that a rest and try a walk on the light side?

Youma: N-No, I -I'm not that kind of youma!

Haruka: What kind of youma are you, then?

Page 7

The youma gives in and kisses Haruka.

The youma moves on to kissing Haruka on the neck, while clinging on to her.

Haruka: Heh, Sailor Moon was right. This way of winning is kind of fun.

Page 8

Michiru sits at a table with a candle on it. She's wearing a dress.

Haruka approaches and kisses her cheek. Haruka is back in normal clothes.

Haruka: Did you have a good day?

Michiru: Better now. You wouldn't believe what happened at the recital.

Page 9

Haruka sits down.

Haruka: Yeah, well, I have a heck of a story for you as well.

Michiru: Certainly. But didn't you forget to bring dinner.

Haruka snaps her fingers.

We see the legs of an approaching figure.

Haruka: Actually...

Page 10

The youma is wearing a Sailor Uranus cosplay, and carrying a tray full of food towards the table. The youma has spirals in her eyes, thoroughly brainwashed.

Haruka: I brought you a gift as well as dinner.

Youma: I live to serve you both!

Michiru: Oh my goodness. How thoughtful. I can't wait for us to... try her out tonight.



Looks great! Can't wait to see it in comic form. :) EDIT: The Haruhi story seems to have accidentally switched "Mikuru" for "Michiru" in the first few paragraphs.