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Two weeks from now I'll put up the script for R+V Succubus Rebirth Plan's second part. Vote here for what goes up two weeks from then.

Page 1: Hinako finds Akane and Ranma fooling around at school.

We join Ranma and Akane in the Furinkan school gym  She's sitting in his lap, and the two of them are affectionately holding onto each other.

A: So? Who is cute?

R: You are. You're the cutest.

A: Nuh uh, you're just saying that to get some action.

R: As if you'd ever fall for that.

The two of them lean in for a smooch - but right as they do the door slams open, revealing Hinako in child form behind them, eyes a-thunder.

H: Delinquents!

R: Ah, busted!

A: Oh no!

Hinako pulls out a coin

H: Happōgoensatsu 

Energy suck

Cue adult form hinako towering over the drained R+A.

H: Hrmph! I can sense that kind of sinful battle aura as well, Saotome.

R: Guuuuh

A: Bleeeeh

Page 2: 

Outside the room, we see Nabiki and Mariko looking in, concerned for R+A getting caught.

H: I'm going to have to give you extra 

Suddenly, Hinako goes into a cheer routine. She maintains the same stern expression, but is spelling out the following four letters in successive panels while making her body pose like the letter.


Outside the room, Mariko and Nabiki smile at each other while Hinako continues to tell R+A off (the following text would be pointing towards where she is in relation to those two, but Hinako is not actually onscreen)

H (offscreen): - Sessions to correct your behaviour.

Page 3: 

Nabiki and Mariko slide in on either side of Hinako.

N: You sure did hit the mark, teach!

M: Totally! They need better guidance.

Mariko slips a pompom into Hinako's grip without her noticing

H: Did you want something?

N: Our cheerleading team needs a sponsor from the faculty.

Hinako puts one hand on her hips and raises the hand holding the pompom into the air without seeming to notice.

M: We think you'd be per-fect!

H: I'm not sure. Cheerleading isn't my T-H-I-N-G.

Page 4: 

Mariko starts to twirl around a baton while Nabiki steps behind Hinako.

M: Oh, but I insist.

H: Huh? This aura - It's not killing intent, but...

Mariko's cheering intensifies, replete with spirals in the background.

M: Cheer, cheer! It's so fun! Cheering is for everyone!

Nabiki pulls out a uniform behind Hinako, bright yellow to match her usual dress. Hinako copies Mariko's pose.

H: Hold on, something is strange here. What am I doing with my arm?

N: You're having fun, that's what!

H: What are you delinquents doing to me?

Page 5: 

Hinako is in her uniform now.

H: Teehee! What was I thinking, you're not delinquents! You're super C-U-T-E!

Ah, but her energy runs out, leaving her chibi again. 

M: Ah, I won't get used to this.

N: She's fine like this, it's like having a mascot around!

H: Yaaay! Having lots of F-U-N!

M: She's cute and has enthusiasm so... It's fine, I guess?

One small panel at the end showing Ranma and Akane still drained of energy.


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