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This is intended as the finale of the 'first arc' of Mariko's New Team. Let me know what you think!

Page 1: Mariko stops by to check on the team at the Furinkan school's gym. Ukyo, Ranko, and Nabiki are all present and practising

Mariko: G-R-E-A-T work Akane! You've been super busy! This is a great team you've put together.

Akane: We're not done yet. We're rounding out our membership with a few others.

(a brief split at the bottom of the page, showing four small panels - Shampoo is cheering in front of Pink and Link, Kodachi is cheering in front of Asuka Saginomiya, Kasumi in front of Azusa, Nodoka in front of Akari, if you're unfamiliar with any of these just let me know and I'll provide a reference)

Page 2:

M: That's the spirit! I knew you'd understand how great being a cheerleader was with a little encouragement!

(Ranma in male form is approaching Akane from behind, smiling)

A: Yes, I'm feeling a lot more confident thanks to you. That's the essence of cheerleading, isn't it?

(Ranma hugs Akane from behind)

A: Not to mention other benefits. What am I again, D-E-A-R?

R: Cute, so cute!

A: Tee- hee! I know you are, but what am I?

(The two of them share a kiss. The other cheerleaders are watching with keen interest across the gym - though Mariko's looking on with a questioning gaze)

M: Uh?

Page 3

(Mariko looks around the room, and sees Ranko talking with Nabiki and Ukyo)

Ranko: Ooh, I can't wait to find a nice B-O-Y and hypnotise him, too!

Nabiki: Totally! It'll be great getting pampered by a cute stud!

Ukyo: I, like, need a complete wardrobe overhaul too. It's not nearly girly enough!

Nabiki: I'd say the girl underneath can make any clothes W-O-R-K.

Ukyo: Oh, you flirt!

(The two of them then kiss as well.)

Mariko: Wait a minute, something isn't R-I-G-H-T here.

Page 4: 

U: Something wrong, sugar?

N: Isn't L-O-V-E the essence of cheerleading?

M: Well, yes, but something doesn't feel right. You're all acting like... stereotypes?

Akane is still embracing Ranma affectionately

A: Stereotypes? What did you expect when you brainwashed us?

Ranko, in the background, pipes up: I'm not brainwashed, I'm just naturally like this!

Page 5: Mariko is surrounded by her new 'team', each of them moving to hypnotise her by starting a cheering routine.

A: You see, I didn't have the best impression of cheerleaders.

N: It may have tainted her view a little.

U: So when she started to brainwash others?

Ranko: That impression might have influenced our behaviour.

M: My own technique...?

Page 6 Mariko watches as they engage in a hypnotic cheer routine

Mariko (thought): This is ridiculous, they think they can hypnotise me? 

Akane: I love cheerleading to bits!

Mariko (thought) I'm already a cheerleader! What effect do they think this will have?

Ranko: We've all become boy crazy ditz!

Mariko (thought): Although, I have to admit. They have good co-ordination.

Ukyo: You should know just what to do.

Mariko (thought): And they are all really super C-U-T-E...

Nabiki: Become a horny airhead too! 

Page 7: Mariko herself is the victim of her own new technique

Mariko, with spirals in her eyes, joins in the cheer.

M: M-maybe it would be fun to try things their W-A-Y?

Narrator: It's a common statement that is heeded too little.

Mariko is leading a cheer, with spirals in her eyes and her team behind her.

M: Alright boys, here's your dream! Mariko's super hypno team!

Narrator: Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.



I really liked it! Always love to see the original hypnosis end up hypnotized themselves.