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I have just finished writing out LS Kallen 3! I hope you all enjoy it.  I will write the next update in January.

Here is the link. 

On another note: Some of you might be wondering where the Ranma 1/2 character vote is, this week. Well, I've decided to change approach with that as well. I'm going to start doing them a lot more regularly, daily rather than weekly, but I'll do that from two weeks from now instead. The only intention behind them was to determine the order in which you would prefer to see those characters in the second arc of Mariko's New Team - and it's likely I'll get the prose versions of those written up much sooner than the relevant comics get commissioned, so I need to wrap that up sooner than planned.

If all goes well, I should have the first chapter written in prose form, that being for Akane, by the end of this month. If not, it'll be up in January. That will then be followed by Nabiki, and we'll go from there.

Only one person has expressed an interest in a Discord channel so far, which is a bit disappointing but understandable. If you missed that the last time I brought it up during the status update, and you think a Discord channel would be something you'd like to be involved in, please either leave a comment or send me a message. If there is enough interest by next weekend then I'll set one up then.


Emmitt Cleveland

I hope we eventually seduce Sayoko into being a full fetish maid.