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Hello everyone! It's hard to believe that December has rolled around already. This seems like a good chance for a quick status update. There's quite a few things I want to bring up, so let's get on with it!

Firstly, to those who are new I should give a bit more of a background about this Patreon. Initially, it was used to supplement my blog and provide a chance for people who were already fans of my written work to make donations or commission work. You can find my blog here: 

Feel free to message me for more details if you'd like further information about my blog. One of the numerous things I am planning on doing this month is tidying up the blog a little to make it a tiny bit more accessible to new visitors.

Everything posted on that blog has, to date, gone on the BEAddventure which has a bit of a limited audience. I am intending to expand past just posting there and have started putting a few things up on AO3 and Deviantart. In the last few months I've also begun to post stories here, first, for the purposes of a sneak peek for all of you. This is in addition to the commissioned writing I mentioned previously, which I will post here at the end of each month:  

In addition to this I've begun posting artwork that I've commissioned here, a month before putting it anywhere else. All funds go towards commissioning this artwork, meaning that the more I draw in, the more art that I can commission.

Owing to these recent changes the patreon has grown quite a bit - but I still think it can grow further. I'm looking into a few options to give back to you guys even more for your contributions. To this end, I'm considering writing a few one-offs rather than longer stories, which is what I'm kinda used to writing. I have a few ideas already. It'll be interesting stepping away from my typical slow burn style of writing. I'm planning to start this in January, as that will give me enough time to figure out the finer details. I don't intend to stop writing the stories that I am currently already writing for the Patreon - though will likely rethink how I select them. One option I am considering is shifting the polls from "which story should I write next" to "what direction should the story take."

Another thought that came to me was: How about a Discord channel? Would you be open to that? Would this be something that you would all like to be a part of? Please let me know what you think of this, and if it's got enough interest then I'll set one up and share the invite with all of you.I should also make sure you're aware of something else as well: If you donate an accumulated $10, I will allow you to request a story chapter from me. On anything I've written, or anything we agree upon. I will try to write it by the end of that month, so long as it is reasonable to do so. You can carry such requests over if you like and make your request on another month. This can repeat for every multiple of $10 that you accumulatively donate as well. I typically message those who have crossed the threshold around the 5th of each new month, as Patreon payments are normally finalised around then - but I have noticed a few newer patrons haven't replied to my messages on this subject.

Now, let's focus on this month. My full time job is winding down for the year around 2/3s of the way into the month, meaning that I'll have a lot more free time, which I intend to use to do a whole lot of writing. I haven't set anything concrete down for plans yet, but do expect to see a few more written pieces from me during that period of time.

Please do share any thoughts you have as well, as I like to hear from you guys. If there's something you think can be done better, or there's something you really like then that feedback is invaluable. I hope you all have a fun holiday season, no matter what you're doing with it.

If you have suggestions on how to help grow the Patreon further, I am certainly all ears. The same applies if you want to ask about the above. I look forward to hearing from you, and thank you all for your support.


Mr. Don Juan

Hello Hello I apologize for not responding sooner. I wanted to give a comprehensive response to your points. -I’m sure you are aware, but the revamping of BEAddventure made all the blogs link’s obsolete. Updating them would be a massive pain but helpful for allowing people to follow the threads. It depends on how much time and desire you have to address that. -Regardless, expanding your work into other platforms is a great idea to extend your presence and hopefully feed your blog and Patreon. AO3 and Deviantart are solid places, but how do you feel about going to even more sites with your work? -I agree with some one-offs rather than longer stories. Spontaneous writing could be refreshing. You can cut loose and have fun without worrying about leading or building to anything, looking forward to what you have in mind for January. -I agree with going direction-based. It is potentially more inviting and opens up better collaborative discussion. Keeping some focus or slightly narrowing it could help give people something to work off. -I would be interested in a Discord channel. But to be honest, I couldn’t say how active I would be in it. In any case, I hope you have a Happy Holiday as well. Don

Ted Pair

I feel okay with going to other sites with my work, but am not sure where best to do so. Do you - or anyone - have any suggestions for that?