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In two weeks, I'll post the script for Ami's chapter of Turning the Tables. For now, here's the script Kasumi's portion of Mariko's New Team. I'll be posting the first page of this one the 28th of December, so look forward to it!

Page 1: Kasumi approaches Nodoka to discuss her sister's strange behaviour

K: Hello Mrs Saotome. Thank you for meeting with me on such short notice.

N: My pleasure, Kasumi dear. Please, tell me what's on your mind.

K: Well, I'm concerned about my sisters. They've been acting strangely recently.

N: Strangely? How so?

Page 2: Kasumi describes what is strange (replete with background examples)

K: It's hard to describe. They seem a lot peppier than usual, and they've both taken up cheerleading.

N: That's not so strange, is it?

K: Also, Akane is being a lot more affectionate around Ranma.

N: Ah... That is a little strange, I suppose.

Page 3: 

K: I'm a little worried that someone might have hypnotised them. You know how strange things can be around here.

N: It comes with the territory. You should try to relax, Kasumi. 

(Nodoka is behind Kasumi, and slips off her kimono to reveal her own uniform)

N: Have you watched your sisters practise their routines?

K: A little, while doing housework. (Chibi versions of Akane and Nabiki doing cheerleading routines while Kasumi strolls by carrying a basket of clothes)

Page 4 flashback page

(Start with Akane and Nodoka sitting with a cup of tea in front of each of them)

N: It was so nice to have Akane come and visit. I didn't think anything strange about it.

(Akane reveals her cheerleader uniform to her)

N: But I wasn't prepared for Akane to show me her new hobby. I was taken aback at first.

(Akane cheers, spinning her baton while smiling brightly)

N: But she was doing so well, once I started to watch her cheer I couldn't bring myself to look away.

(Nodoka's face is blank and expressionless, spirals in her eyes)

N: Her words made so much sense as I watched and I just knew.

(Nodoka in a uniform, obviously hypnotised)

N: That joining Akane's cheer team was the B-E-S-T thing I could do.

Page 5: Kasumi is brainwashed.

Kasumi notices what Nodoka is wearing, while Nodoka is thrusting pompoms in her face.

K: A-Auntie Nodoka! You too!

Kasumi gets up to leave, backing away from Nodoka

N: It's too late Kasumi. You can't fight it anymore. You've already seen your sister's routines.

K: N-No, you're - Oooh.

N: You barely need anything done to make you join the team now.

Page 6: 

K: I - I suppose I could try it out.

N: Attagirl! I have a uniform for you to try out, and a cheer we can practise!

(Kasumi and Nodoka, both in uniform)

N: How do you feel now?

K: One, two, three, four, I'm not worried anymore!

Narrator: And so, another one falls...

As for four weeks from now, which chapter would you like me to post?


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