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Hi guys, I've been posting quite a few things this weekend, but bear with me for one last post until this coming weekend. This idea has been sitting in the back of my brain for a while. It was mentioned in a previous post, as a "Level Upper" thread. As that turns out to be something from To Aru I've changed the name to Skill Grinder instead. It basically does the same thing.

In any event, I wanted to run this idea by you all to see what you made of it before writing it, because I really do want to give it a good try. This would likely not be a long term story as currently planned, maybe three or four chapters deep? Maybe longer depending on how inspiration strikes, but don't expect it to be too lengthy. The following is a summary of events only.

Chapter 1:

Shirou discovers the Skill Grinder a little after Kiri's death, and then he spends the next five years grinding up a few skills. Notably, his Trace magic. He practices it night after night, and builds up his skill level in Tracing, reaching level 100 a little before the 5th HGW.

On that day, he was doing the usual. Repairwork on a heater at school. The level dings, and he's at 100 at long last. He can't believe it. It's taken him ages to get that skill up.

Just then, he hears Issei getting into an argument out in the corridor. With Rin. As usual. He looks at her, and without meaning to uses trace magic on her - and creates an exact replica right there in the room with him. A version of Rin that is all about getting on his dick ASAP.

He panics a bit upon realising what he's just done. Feels a bit guilty about it too, but the second Rin (hereby referred to as Rin2) seems mostly okay with it. Knowing this will cause a panic, Shirou gives her the Skill Grinder, tells her to head home, promises to do whatever she wants tonight (cue very Rin-esque response, "any~ything?") so long as she goes home and doesn't cause trouble. There are Skills loaded into device that should help her avoid notice.

Shirou heads out to draw Issei and Rin away from the room, allowing Rin2 to sneak out.

Change POV to her, as she thinks about the implications of this event. Rin2 has all of Rin's memories, appearance, even the magic crest. This is a big deal. As in, this could be seen as a form of Third Magic kind of big deal. And he just... did it. Without any apparent mana loss.

What's more, it seems as though he unconsciously made some alterations to what he traced, in her case making her absolutely craving his dick. She puts this down to him being a boy, and her natural hotness. Bu~ut, if she's the physical manifestation of Shirou's lustful intention then why not have a bit more fun with it? She uses Trace magic on the Skill Grinder itself, and finds that she has the incredibly broken ability to create more of them with levels in anything she wants, at any level she wants. That's what Level 100 in a skill gets you! Mastery beyond all reason!

Then she lays eyes upon Sakura, and decides it's time for a sisterly chat.

Chapter 2

From this point, the story becomes a bit murkier. I know that I want Rin2 to create a Sakura2 that is all about sharing. I know she wants to help Shirou's harem grow and grow through calculated use of the Skill Grinder. The specifics are a bit up in the air for now though. Including the impact this has on the HGW.

From here, I'd like to hear your thoughts and opinions on where this story can go. I don't see it lasting very long, as I said previously, but would appreciate your views.


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