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To start with, I've begun writing LS Kallen, and intend to have it finished by tomorrow night. Barring interruptions that should be achievable. I'll post it when it's ready, and on Monday I'll put up the next page for my Sailor Moon comic as well.

We've now hit the end of round 1. As it's an odd number of characters, Rouge is wrapping around to go up against Akari for her first bout. Let's see what the contestants think!

Rouge: Ah, Akari it is so nice to meet someone of even temperament. Most of those other girls are either quite devious, or.. Oh goodness, I do not like to speak ill of other people, please forgive me.

Akari: Teehee, it's alright Miss Rouge. I know what you mean. Most of the other girls in this contest are quite mean spirited or manipulative. It's refreshing to meet someone that is not.

Rouge: Yes, a straightforward country girl like yourself is much less frightening than any of them. Perhaps afterwards no matter who wins, we could remain as friends?

Akari: That would be nice! I'd like that a lot. Especially since you're as pretty as a pig, smart like a pig, as pleasant to be around as a pig...

As Akari piles on the 'compliments', Rouge's eye twitches a little. In particular, her back starts to ache a bit.

Akari: Oh? Rouge, are you feeling alright? Would you like me to give you a backrub? I'll have you feeling like a pig in no time flat!

Rouge: No thank you. I'm not actually all that fond of pigs.

A thunderbolt strikes somewhere nearby. Akari's expression is frozen in place, but she rises to her feet, dusts herself off, and says three simple words.

Akari: Bitch, you dead.

In moments, her prize winning sumo pig Katsunishiki arrives, and she leaps on top of him, towering over Rouge's petite form. However... One must not underestimate how dangerous this supposedly frail thing is, as she tips water over herself and that pretty face grows two more on either side of her head, alongside an extra set of arms from her shoulders (the cause of her back pain).

Now, which of these two would win in a fight is pretty obvious, but you're picking which you'd rather see become a ditzy cheerleader first. Please choose!

Would you like me to conduct similar scenarios for the other girls for future polls? It was fun to toss that together, but wanted to make sure you all thought it worth your time.


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