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We're back to monthly polls! 

Just to start with this new process I'm keeping things a little light. I'll probably only choose the top 3 rated girl groups and top 3 rated boy groups to do videos on. Remember, this will be in addition to the regular stuff I'll already be doing, this isn't only what will be posted. Please recommend variety shows/albums/live stages in the comments for your top voted groups! 

In terms of variety shows, maybe one off appearances are best rather than starting a group's personal series. If there was a group not listed here, they probably didn't come to mind or didn't fit for me! I'm trying to figure out what's the best process of doing this each month so if you have advice, please tell me.

Thank you so much for your support!

NOTE: Fourthwall is launching later tonight. You will be able to find the same content over there as on here, but imo it's much neater on Fourthwall. I will be posting content to both Fourthwall and Patreon simultaneously until November most likely, then we will leave Patreon behind.


Christina M Villa

BTOB suggestions: 2 Days 1 Night is fun and short episodes; Born to BTOB was after Hyunsik and Sungjae returned and leading up to their comeback (Solar guests on an episode) which has them playing a bunch of games; BTOB 4U Impromptu Interview 1&2https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHeCZ9rS8xs. I also suggest a listening party for Huta's Boom album. There is not a skippable song on the entire thing. It shows off all his skills as a rapper, singer, songwriter, producer, etc. It is one of my favorite kpop albums of all time.


Svt game caterers are really funny! I definitely recommend those also dingo mafia dance, for shinee I recommend mmtg the first one is ep 181 and is iconic and they recently did another one, also I live alone key and Minho have an episode that is extremely funny and also a cute one with key and taemin if you want to kill two in one amazing Saturday has had a lot of idol guest (like Girls generation, Ive, aespa, gidle, ateez, zb1, Mx, shinee etc) but svt episodes are always a hit ( they appeared recently ep 261) everyone is really funny and taeyeon and key are fixed cast but the episodes are long and I do recommend viewing the rules first so you can understand! and if you do btob Changsub has a show that is hilarious called jeongwaja on YouTube Hope this helps! :)