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Iz*one unfortunately didn’t really get to do tours or even in-person concerts because of the pandemic😔 even their last concert was online Also, I think Miyeon wore the cherry pajamas on Hyemileyechaepa! The next video isn’t necessarily an overlap, there’s some fun cut scenes so I’d enjoy it if you react here but it’s of course up to you!


Mandarin is a category of orange that includes the small citrus types. Clementines and satsumas are seedless and have smooth skin, while tangerines have seeds, rougher skin and are usually a bit bigger, but all three are mandarins. That's how I've had it explained to me, anyway 😁 I eat clementines every day so I'm always annoyed when my grocery store suddenly decides to pretend tangerines are the same thing. Zuha's so much more outspoken and relaxed compared to a year ago. Honestly, she feels like the most truly fearless of the bunch with how she just goes for it a lot of the time. I go to restaurants by myself all the time, I think it's super relaxing. It's kinda like you're in a social space without having to be social yourself, it's great when you don't feel like cooking and don't want to be stuck inside 😂 Their promotions ended a whole ago now but they didn't do Day Off straight away because of other schedules, and now I suspect they're prepping for a tour. I like the idea they mentioned here of them staying somewhere after the tour, and Kkura mentioned Europe, so... 🤩

Stefan K

I'm lucky to have a friend that is totally fine with just chillin'. Most people need to be doing something all the time (and that's fine, I'm like that often too). But it is nice to just kick back and relax once in a while.


Australia has alot of shark attacks man i would say we are number 1