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LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7a0nlcildxze4qazasb78/IU-What-if-you-could-sing-with-IU-IU-TV-Fast-And-Furious.mp4?rlkey=uq7h2plhu3pw6d8r90fwkcq6a&dl=0




yay! more IU content please, she deserves so much love and attention*-*!!!!

Stefan K

I failed my first Driver's test because I failed to do a shoulder check when changing lanes and almost hit a truck 😰 Passed my second test without any issues, they even told me I did a parallel park pretty well. I should mention I haven't driven in like 10 years now, so I don't feel comfortable driving at all lol.

Steph M

I was wondering if you'd catch onto the end there, glad she managed the trick you haha. It's not the first time she's done an April Fool's prank like that on her channel, she loves to troll us 😂 I thought this request would be good to show you her more sincere, thoughtful side in the first video, and then her much less serious, goofy side in the second one. Glad you enjoyed!

Stefan K

I was just as bamboozled as Paul was lol. I love intricate pranks like this 😂

shinwon swimming

omg yessss IU :') these 2 vids were great. i've heard about that car prank but i've not actually watched the full video so thanks steph for requesting!


aaaaaaa it has been a long time since I saw these Dingo videos Not gonna lie, these are some videos that also helped me diving into Kpop hahahaaa


Finally got to these, loved them both! "You need to find what's yours, and find people who like that" is such a great way of putting it. 🔥 And I did not see that coming in the second video, I was just enjoying the hell out of her ajumma driver energy and then she switched it up on us 🤣 Vehicles per capita in Korea is about half that of the US. Their public transportation is extremely good - you can get from Seoul to basically anywhere else within 3 hours on the KTX, the biggest cities all have subways, and there are smaller trains and bus lines surrounding the cities.