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LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3k12dike52we1im/Queendom%202%20Episode%2010%20Finale.mp4?dl=0


Queendom 2 Episode 10 Finale.mp4

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For the live vocal part i think it's more a matter of safety, this time the show was live live meaning there was no audio fixing possible in case of a technical problem. Managing multiple mics for a group, dancing hard moving all around, for 5 groups is a bit risky. That's why the pre recorded is very loud in case of any accidents. The girls probably all sang live but we could barely hear it. That's also why on most music shows you can rarely/barely hear live vocals


Thanks for the journey, Paul!! You were one of the people who I really liked to rewatch each episode with!! I’m so happy you enjoyed my girls Kepler’s performances throughout, I can’t wait for your future reactions to them :) hopefully since they’re coming back with a new song in literally a few weeks you’ll do some variety content for them because they’re literally hilarious. Their GP999 stages are also really nice to watch but I know you’ll only do requests in the top tiers so if you’re interested in that I’d definitely be willing to increase my membership (if there are even any spots left haha)


Thank you for the journey I absolutely loved your reactions and comments on the show, looking forward to the next ones


As an Orbit, I have such mixed emotions. This was really hard for me, even tho im happy Loona got so close despite not getting any points for round 1. Thought they were gonna pull it out somehow. I hope this gives them the boost they need going forward.

Steph M

I was in a similar state when it came down to WJSN and LOONA haha. Two of my absolute favourite groups in kpop, so I knew I was gonna be happy either way, but boy was that wait not good for my heart 😂 I was so thrilled to see WJSN get the win though. Thinking back to the first episode where they were talking about being in that frustrating middle-ground of popularity, and now seeing them finally get this recognition and attention they so deserve - it really means a ton. Especially when you consider that their contracts are up for for renewal in February. That's another big reason as to why I felt they were so hungry to win the show - You never know what'll happen with those situations, but hopefully there'll be a lot more WJSN to come after this 🤞 I think I was just cradling my ujung lightstick for a bit after the win was announced haha, couldn't be prouder of them 💜 And I'm also now even more excited for their concert next week haha - Queendom winners and Dawon returning, it's gonna be such a celebration 🤩 Incredibly happy to see LOONA getting the runner-up spot too, what an amazing comeback they made after that crappy first round situation. Also I thought they gave the clear best performance of the night, my opinion of Pose did a COMPLETE 180 after that 😅 They absolutely slaughtered it, and I think they really showed what an incredibly talented group they are through this show. I really hope it gives them more of that domestic popularity that they were looking for, they deserve it so much. Very proud of them too 💜 Can't wait for us all to just enjoy these groups' upcoming comebacks now without all this competition stress 😂 Really great finale, some lovely moments and everyone killed their performances! And a huge thanks for the great, long videos you've done for us throughout. I always appreciated your thoughtful input every week. It was particularly awesome to see you get to know my WJSN girls better through this show, and of course to geek out over LOONA along with you 😄 Hope we can all do this again for a Queendom 3!


Normally it would be time for one of my essays now, but i just can't so i won't. Yes, the LOONA situation stings a little and probably will for a while, but i also can't be mad about WJSN winning. Anyways this has been a blast watching it with you and now we wait for Kingdom 2, Queendom 3 or whatever comes next. Celebrating LOONAs comeback is now the top of my priority list 😁


As much as I was crushing my LOONA bong in my hands yesterday, I am super happy for WJSN and I think LOONA (and everyone else, really) are still winners in that they will benefit immensely from having been on this show. Overall, I feel that the participants this time stood to gain a lot more than the ones on Q1, and that they're capitalizing on the opportunity more as well, what with multiple comebacks and tours announced already. My top three are WJSN, Kep1er, and LOONA, in no particular order. WJSN and Kep1er I expected to like a lot just based on their songs, and they absolutely delivered what I wanted. AURA got an energy and attitude boost from the choreo and camerawork and it turned out to be a really captivating performance. Dayoung and Soobin's parts really stood out for me. Kep1er probably had my favorite camerawork of the lot; we were IN that performance and the energy was fantastic. Will not be getting over Blue Hikaru or the Dayeon/Hikaru/Xiaoting triple threat into Chaehyun's highnote (hope she's doing okay 🥺). As for POSE, this performance massively elevated the song for me! Seeing the attitude they brought with that choreo and the best rapping I've ever seen LOONA do really brought home what the song is trying to do, and I loved it. Their versatility is insane, and the fact that girl groups are doing stuff like this now is one of my favorite parts of this gen. 🔥 I pretty much only knew LOONA and WJSN going into this, but the members of Kep1er and Brave Girls especially have really won me over. Like you said, it's those little stories - moments of growth and interactions that really makes all of this worthwhile. We all give these shows a lot of shit, but you can bet your ass I'll be watching all of this again, just as I've rewatched Q1 multiple times, and that I'll be cheering when the next season is announced. Realistic picks that I would love to see on a potential Q3 would be Dreamcatcher, Everglow and Purple Kiss. And thanks, as always, for all the work you put into this. I feel like I don't say it enough, but sitting down and watching a show like this with you and then having a space to share our thoughts is truly great. 💪


Oh, and I'd definitely watch the remaining behind content. Everything from round 3 is subbed now, not sure yet if we're getting anything for the finale.


I watched this live and it was painful for me, not sure if I’m ready to watch it again with you yet lol. Trying to get into a good emotional place to put myself through it again 😅

Stephen Ball

I hope you'll keep up with Viviz, I've enjoyed your reactions to their parts in these episodes and it's fun to see Eunha crush you consistently haha. I know you have a lot of groups on your plate, so a disbanded one might not be as feasible to add to the lineup, but there's so much great Gfriend content, they're such a fun group with truly unique music.


And especially if he likes Red Sun this much, there will be a lot of Gfriend tracks to his liking i think haha


What a great series. Quality entertainment and an emotional ride there. In my heart, all the groups won because of the exposure this show brings. I know I've already spent many hours watching groups I would not have otherwise. Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work.


its crazy that Loona won the live vote as well. they won the spotify song streams, video streams/fan choice, and live vote categories in the finale episode, but they couldn't make up the difference b/c of round 1. i felt like i was having a heart attack when i was waiting to see if Loona won, my heart rate must have been off the charts. Loona getting 0 points in round 1 is pretty bs considering Mnet's initial statement. They never said they'd get 0 points, they said Loona would get to participate and be evaluated/scored. Overall i'm happy with WJSN winning and Loona getting 2nd.

Stanley Maximillian

I'm literally here just to watch your reaction for the last 1 hour looooool