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LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/541h2rmonvkwpnr/Queendom%202%20Episode%209.mp4?dl=0

Sorry if I come off as overly negative in this one. As I said on Discord, the structure of this show is starting to eat at me. MNET's editing, emotional manipulation, and needless drama has become a lot.


Queendom 2 Episode 9.mp4

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Daniela Padilla

i'll share my rankings hehe: 1.wjsn (hands down still the best performance of all queendom for me, i see people have critics about it but personally i don't see it) i think they should have won and even though its great brave girls did well i don't think their performance deserved that number 1 spot. 2. loona (i thought it was a very beautiful performance and very organized as well) 3. kep1er, their best performance on the show so far 4. hyolyn, did really well and i personally love the song so... 5. viviz, liked the performance a lot but nothing WOW. 6. brave girls. i liked it but that was it, nothing stood out to me. still glad they avoid elimination but its the stage i liked the least of all the performances here. i don't want to care about the winning aspect either but for personal reasons i want the number 1 spot for wjsn. believe me its not abour rivalry or being obsses with rankings but i just think their journey on the show has been the most consistance and i wanna see them get the first place i think they deserve but its just my personal wish so i hope i don't upset anyone with this statement.


It's all good, man. Personally, the performances and the behind scenes was some real uplifting tearjerker stuff, and for that I can give some of the manufactured drama and shitty camerawork a pass. My main problem with it is that they're stoking the flames of fanwars, one of the ugliest parts of K-pop, just to get viewership and engagement, and that's plain disgusting. As I said on Discord, just take episode 5-7 and make a show out of that and I will be 110% there for it. As for Butterfly, I'm happy with it. Yeah, it doesn't have the big frills, the killing points or the blaring high notes, but they stayed true to the -idea- of Butterfly and gave us a beautiful, if simple, stage. I liked the new dance break and the strings in the rearrangement. AND WE GOT THE VIVI SCREENTIME! The letters, the Orbit videos, and the behind scenes with Yves and the gang working their asses off to make this happen was all fantastic. Adored the Brave Girls performance, too. Their story as a group is so damn cool, and they managed to turn that into such a hopeful and uplifting stage, culminating in pure sonic bliss at the end. A true gift to their fans. I'll be listening to that one a lot. I think it's totally fair that a performance like that won the fan round, and I'm happy that it did. Hyolyn's stage was good, but it didn't knock me off my ass like her first round did. The song's fantastic and the concept suits it well, but the fan inclusion felt like an afterthought and there wasn't much progression throughout the performance. I'm surprised she placed THAT low with it, but she did go on after the emotional masterpiece that was Red Sun, so... The thing I'll say about Pantomime, after having watched it a few more times, is that it almost does too much, to the point that it's difficult for me to take it all in. That's one reason I think I gravitated more towards Kep1er in the last episode, and I felt really sorry for Kep1er here. I also want to see more of them, they're a lot of fun. 😁


I can't agree with you more on that Mnet bullshit. I think everything that needs to be said has been said, they need to work on their formula but they probably won't, so we'll get to do this all over again once the next Kingdom or Queendom season rolls around. 🙃 Also the whole Brave Girls stuff wasn't just evil editing imo, it was just straight up lies. Like, evil editing is annoying, but has a little charm to it, but it's only when scenes from the show are put in a little different context. For the past episodes they showed stuff that didn't get aired and had nothing to do with the end result. Like, where was that scene of Hyolyn being pissed and walking away? Were was the scene where everybode consoled the crying Brave Girls? And what was that statement that sth happened before BGs performance but then it went smoothely? Let it be known: Fuck Mnet! Okay let's get to the good part, the performances. I feel like you could rank these in 2 different ways, the presentation as a stage and as a performance to the fans. I'm just gonna do both, there is no limit to how much i can write here, right? 😅 Let's start with the performance aspect, please keep in mind that i liked all of these stages very much. My ranking would go as follows: 1. WJSN: There are no words needed, this was a spectacle through and through, probably my favourite performance of the entire show. 2. Kep1er: They tore the stage apart. Jeez, these facial expressions, kids shouldn't act up like that, i get so mad i want to tell them that it is past their bedtime 😂 3. LOONA: Yes, maybe it wasn't the most overwhelming show, but i still was just in awe with that performance. I share all the same criticisms as you regarding the choreography and so on, but still my biased ass can't put them any lower. 4. Brave Girls: Loved their story telling and the use of old recordings, also it helps that the song is an absolute banger. 5. Hyolyn: Yes she had dancers, she had that beach house and the train set, but i still felt something was missing. The story of inviting her fan was nice though and fit into the performance, but the overall story of a fan coming home from school and suddenly dancing with Hyolyn at the beach felt a little discombobulated to me, which you seem to agree on. 6. VIVIZ: I'm sorry, i couldn't warm up to that stage too much. To me it felt like just another little prepped up music show performance. They had something going with that highschool setting but i feel they didn't pull through with it. Like, when i think of all the performances, i just can't remember anything exceptional from this one. Also, while i like Bop Bop, it feels REALLY overplayed to me now. Like, Rollin level of overplayed. They have some STELLAR besides, maaan what would i give for a Tweet Tweet live stage...(GET TO THAT ALBUM ALREADY) Okay, now for the ranking in regards to the fanservice aka. who got closest to the assignment imo, i'll try to keep it short, but just to clarify: OF COURSE i believe they all did their stages for their fans, i'm just going off of how much of that i recognized in their stage. 1. Brave Girls: Just an emotional rollercoaster man, showing where they started and where they are now thanks to Fearless, tears were shed. 2. LOONA: Like you said, this was the perfect performance for all Orbits. We all know Butterfly is THAT song, they know it and so they did their thing. 3. VIVIZ: I think it was something special for them to finally perform their song in front of their fans. Maybe that's why it felt to me like a music show performance, because that's usually where you perform new songs first for an audience. 4. Hyolyn: Yes, she invited a fan on stage with her, but that fan isn't just a random fan but also a friend. Other than that and having „BAE“ written on her beach house, this felt like a „normal“ performance of See Sea to me. 5. WJSN: It was a spectacle for the show Queendom overall, but out of context you probably wouldn't have guessed that this specifically was a performance for Ujung. 6. Kep1er: It's not their fault they couldn't perform their own song for the fans, their discography just doesn't allow it. But regardless, that stage didn't exude „Hey Kep1ian, this stage is for you“ in any way. Okay, this was hella long but i think i remember you said yourself you don't mind long comments like these 😛 All in all i am so happy Brave Girls didn't get eliminated, seriously, get rid of that rule. And while you're at it, get rid of that fucking „lower than“ segment, fake previews and unnecessary spoilers. Especially that voting thing gets on my nerves so much. Oh sure, you voted LOONA as lower because they didn't change up their song too much, Because See Sea and Bop Bop sounded sooooo different, am i right? Also Jinsoul can shout that sentence she said around the world: It's so sad that songs immediately get rated lower just because they don't have a high note or because they're not powerful, There is more to music than that, people. And yes, competition is good but as you said, this manufactured drama is just bullshit. I already see the fruits of these „voting war“ things, for example one person on reddit wrote sth along the lines of „WHAT? Kep1er voted LOONA as lower? This is the end of Sun & Moon. This means war!“ I mean come on people, it's not as serious as Mnet makes us want to believe it is. Anyways, despite all these flaws i'm still very excited for the finale, all the songs are bangers and next week we all can be sad together that it's over. And let's be honest: We all will be here when season 3 rolls around.

Steph M

Jinsoul explaining the falsetto in Butterfly was awesome 😂 I'm glad she backed it up. It was definitely a more subtle performance than the others, so I understand why it didn't stick out to people as much, but the girls did a beautiful job. The staging absolutely could have been better, but I really appreciated the extra touches they added like Haseul's narration and Heejin's calligraphy. Gorgeous remix too. Your commentary on the camerawork cleared some things up for me though, I was feeling a bit of a strange disconnect when I first watched it and I couldn't place exactly why. Also, yes there were problems with those harsh translations at the self-evaluations. Ujungs cleared up very quickly that Luda didn't actually say there was nothing special about LOONA's performance, she just said that it wasn't very different to the original one. Brave Girls' performance was fantastic. I'm a sucker for an emotional, storytelling stage like that, and I was totally pulled in by theirs. As soon as it finished, it clicked with me what mnet had been doing with all the dramatic editing, and I had a feeling they'd finish first. As disappointed as I was for WJSN, I really do think BG deserved it and I was so happy for them 💜 I enjoyed Hyolyn's stage a lot too, though I was a bit underwhelmed to see her go for a summer concept again rather than trying something different. I still think she did a great job though, and that last section with the fan integration was really nice. I'm mainly happy with the rankings, though I really don't think Kep1er deserved last. Their performance was great, definitely my favourite of thiers so far. And we chatted about it on Discord already, but I'm in total agreement with you in terms of being done with Mnet's bs. I don't think you were too negative here, I appreciated the honesty. You said a lot of what I'd already been thinking. Hopefully we can all just enjoy the finale now, I'm really looking forward to seeing how these performances turn out.

Steph M

As much as I also don't want to care about the winning aspect, I'm with you on wanting WJSN to finish first here. Nothing to do with rivalries or bragging rights or anything like that, I love all the other groups here too, but because as you said, I really think they've been the most consistently strong throughout the show. Also, it's clear how much they want it, and for them to win at the end with a song composed by Exy? I'm sure it would mean a ton to them.

Daniela Padilla

yeah it would amazing! i also love all the groups, loona is one of my ults, but i just have a special place for wjsn in terms of this competition. bias aside i think they have the skills to back up their win if it happened. lets wait and see!


MNET be like "HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR EVIL EDITTING KP!?" "HERE YOU GO, LOTS OF EVIL, HOT AND SPICY!" Brave Girls 1st place was deserved, though.

Silent Night

I feel like this round was setup and manipulated by mnet to gain view and rating. Nothing against Brave girl but mnet gave them the redemption arc from being on the bottom and risen to the top and Hyolyn the giant where no one can defeat finally get taken down. One thing missing so far in Queendom 2, I don't know why no group hasn't done yet it, is hyping up the crowd and get the crowd involved in their performance it would help them so much just like Mamamoo in season 1 maybe Hyolyn did a little in the first performance. I think the group that gonna win is either WJSN or Loona. WJSN because they been consistent and with Bona back help them with their popularity. Kepler and Viviz are too new of a group to win. Brave girl nothing against them but they not really a performance group and just doesnt really grab your attention with their performance. Hyolyn probably the one most fear won't win because she a soloist and I don't think mnet gonna let a soloist win a group competition and she already trending down from this round by mnet

Devin McGinty

I agree man on the camera. This could have been so much better for the online viewer. But where I disagree is with the contestant vote. I really like the groups have to pick groups they feel are better and worse than them. However, it should be required they need to pick a group better than them, and shouldn’t be able to say ‘no one’. There is an inherent entertainment value to this part, but it should be equally balanced, imo. This way, you can’t use it just to your advantage in the points system, and would create some heartfelt moments too.

Fabien Da Silva

Fyi, we all have to remember this show is from a Korean POV. All variety shows like to add in the dramatic part of it, therefore they have to show contestants crying or other contestants downvoting each other. Its for people to keep watching the show and anticipating what will happen next. Koreans are very into reactions, but I guessed us the global viewers are not big fans on these, and prefer everything to be fair, friendly and straightforward.


I mean sure Mnet has a history of manipulating votes but i still have this romanticised view of the whole kpop community all over the world coming together and voting for Brave Girls so they don't get eliminated 😄


Oh man, absolutely agree with you. Fandom rivalries aside, WJSN has been the most consistently strong, not even just performance-wise. As someone who was not in any of these fandoms when Q2 started, I feel like they've used the show the best so far, showcasing each of their members and their strengths. Without outside research, and apart from Hyolyn, I can say from all the contestants, I found out all of WJSN's members names from the show itself. WJSN even made sure all of them had an ending fairy (when usually PD's focus on 1-3 members the whole show). They really knew what they wanted from Queendom, the exposure, and made the most of it. I hope they get that win but just so Starship can stop being stupid.


Man oh man, did I call it last episode or what? Kinda salty WJSN didn't get the 1st they deserved but I voted for BG and I'm actually so happy for Brave Girls. And Kaia summed it up well, love that all the fandoms actually came together and pulled them from elimination. Literally, the most united we've all been. That said, you can see exactly the impact of Mnet's editing, evil or sympathetic. Kepler absolutely did not deserve last. Period. Anywhoo, I wouldnt take anything these live subs say seriously. None of it is accurate anyway, and Mnet has a lot to gain by subbing them in the worst context than the words actually are. Which is crazy, because they definitely had enough time to sub properly, cause its far from "live." My initial unbiased rank was: 1) WJSN 2) Kepler 3) Loona 4) Brave Girls/Hyolyn 5) Hyolyn/Brave Girls 6) VIVIZ Even without any biases, I think I was still expecting too much from Hyolyn, because watching her stage over and over has made me appreciate how spectacle it actually was. To be honest 3-5 is the hardest to rank this round. Everyone did SO WELL. I said it somewhere else but I'll also say it here: Bona and Yujin knowing each other is because Bona used to be a Cube trainee. She was supposed to debut with CLC but then Exy stole her away to Starship, and the rest is history! Given how CLC was treated, everyone say, "Thank you, Exy." That Yujin/Bona interaction was a dose of that wholesome we all came here for. And also, BIG PROPS to BG, Kepler and VIVIZ for voting up. When coincidences like one group voting them down while the respective group votes them up happen, that is the funny wholesome shit I miss from Queendom 1. I'm so glad BG, Kepler and VIVIZ took this time to applaud and give credit to the others! PS. For that global evaluation vote, I can tell you why Loona got 3rd. We weren't allowed to show anything that supported a certain group, but before they announced that on the zoom, you can tell a lot of the voters were Orbits. They got their 1st votes, and everyone else gave their 2nd vote to Brave Girls, and then WJSN. << But also, zoom streaming is terrible af quality. (You would know lol) Kepler went first and was a big spectacle, but maybe there weren't a lot of Keplians there. (I would've given them mine if I didn't think BG was getting eliminated...) I specifically remember loving every performance but placing VIVIZ last comparatively to the others. BG didn't have any translations for their videos but like I said, people gave them their 2nd votes. And I think I would blame a lot of Hyolyn's no votes to the camera. The story wasn't that clear, and at the end of her stage, the camera lingered really weirdly long on the fan, and then it just cut off and made us vote. That might've thrown off some people tbh >>


Honestly seeing how these rankings from us the global fans watching this shows how much Korea based these shows are its like they want to make there groups global but at the same time letting global fans know that these groups are ours and are mostly portrayed to the Korea media I am so glad groups like Twice, BTS and Blackpink broke out into the world and not even korea can stop them they are literally FOR the world I am rooting for my girls Kep1er since day1 even though I'm biased towards to girls I know when to put others above them in performance and not even my biased mind can change that but this time the girls did really well compared to other groups NY ranking as of this round would be 1.BRAVE GIRLS(it was originally WJSN but God they really touched me with that performance the song sounded a little upbeat but my emotion were actually sad) 2.WJSN(now this is a weird one ngl there was too much shit happening on stage all at once that I couldn't get a good grasp of the members and then at the end it just went full crazy but the perfomance was Phenomenal it it made me feel like I was in the audience watching them put on a show and I loved that) 3.Kep1er(They girls struggled so much and none of there performances were crazy they kept that simplicity and then i realized something was missing and I didn't know what and after they Perfomed THE BOYZ I realized what It was the impact that I felt from GP999 was present in this performance it reminded me why these girls are amazing down to each last members showed why they were my picks to make it into the group) 4.ViVIZ( OK they should be 5th for me but I think I got a good reason for my 5th place loved this performances this was what I wanted from them In round 1 I wanted them to show me who they are as ViVIZ and not GFriend that's why when SinB said what she said it made me happy not to undermine GFriend but it's like we are a new group we need to move forward not backwards that being said the performance felt more of what I would see on a KBS special or something they didn't need to go big but it felt short of tact I guess but that dance break SinB sent me bro like she really became one of my faves on this show) 5.Hyolyn(Now Hyolyn should of been 4th lol but the reason I put her at 5th is because her performances started to feel kinda of the same thing through out the show now I don't doubt Hyolyn she always bring the intensity to her performances and I love that but most of her performances just consist around hype, high vocals, intense dance break and that's about it the only time she showcased something different was during the vocal unit but I needed different sides to her I feel that's what the other groups did perfectly through this show Kepler showing both there cute and badass perfomances, loona showing there fun, dangerous and elegant performances, ViViz who I though were so cute in concept can pull off something badass ect. Hyolyn felt stagnant like her concepts don't really go a anywhere outside her lane and it could be why she ranked so low this time people might of just gotten tired of how much it just feels too familiar) 6.LOONA(Now this gets interesting they are so much factors with Loona but those are outside facts so I'll focus on the performance facts here compared to what the original Butterfly gave me this was kind of a snooze fest might be harsh but I just felt like I was just watching them that's all I didn't felt the need to cheer or point out this looked cool or anything I admit I did get emotional and Ah God there voices are angelic but the perfomance fell flat on its butt there was substance compared to the first time I watched Butterfly that shit gave me goosebumps It felt like they came prepared but didn't deliver for me

Osivids Tutorials

wait what’s the tea with brisxlife??


I think the subs are way off, the viki ones are known to be the most accurate subs and so allot of the mnet subs are a bit shoddy.


Yeah which is why I usually wait for Viki. I just really wanted to watch it this week. It'll be a struggle to wait on episode 10

Stanley Maximillian

well, we know that he does reaction mostly for money and popularity rather than genuine love for Kpop