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LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/26w7uxhi0n0ytf5q9sjc7/PENTAGON-Variety-Lab-06.mp4?rlkey=jgt8t8a1nitf08iaomzyvswff&dl=0


PENTAGON Variety Lab #06.mp4

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I was really happy to see Yuto's performance because he can use his native language and really express himself to the fullest although makes it a bit hard to judge as they didn't understand the lyrics. haha

shinwon swimming

Aw I really really enjoyed rewatching this w u and ahh I realised I shdve given more context to variety lab but as a whole series it doesn’t rly have a set structure or concept. They have grouped episodes like this (ep 6&7) where there’s continuation from one epi to another but otherwise, it’s q random lol. In a group that’s generally introverted, Kino has the extrovert levels fit for 9 ppl so I’m not surprised that he managed to pull Rain’s dancer into his performance. That boy is friends with everyone haha. Also a fact that often goes unnoticed is that Yuto is actually the first ever Japanese rapper in the whole of kpop. It’s q an impressive feat considering the language barrier. 🥲 he’s also composed and arranged songs for Pentagon’s last couple of albums, esp in their Japanese albums and Unis are all hoping for a Yuto-track in the next album (Btw I didn’t mind the ranking ! I kinda enjoyed it, I felt like I was watching queendom hahaha)

Steph M

Well that was awesome! At first I thought the competition would be satire (and the members were definitely having fun with it haha), but I love how they all actually gave it 100%. Definitely need to watch more Variety Lab, this was a great idea for an episode. Looking forward to part 2


I actually never fully watched this, seen many clips but never seen the full video myself, so this was very fun to watch!!

Diana Montaño

The song Hui performed and the reason they said the choreo was reused, is because Hui participated on a variaty show called "amazing entertainment", where trot queen, Leeteuk and the aunt that sings that song (is a comedian actually), get together to create the best idol like trot group. There where auditions and Hui, Yeone, MJ (astro), IN (stray kids) and other idol who i cant remember who is he, plus other trot singers...at the end Hui and MJ made it to the final group nezt to other 3 trot singers, Hui was selected as the lider...then they sang this song and other in.front of a croud, the released 2 songs and performed on music show and even went to Weekly Idol. They got together again vefore Hui enlisted.