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LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o49nu7zgqkd80o3/Queendom%202%20Queen%27s%20Land%20Episode%205.mp4?dl=0


Queendom 2 Queen's Land Episode 5.mp4

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Edward Lee

lol, a chanel bag for each of them would be MASSIVELY more expensive then a vacation to Jeju

Steph M

Yeah the way they're doing these Queen's Land videos seems quite random, but hopefully we do get some good stuff for episodes 5 and 6. I did enjoy these though, especially the second part. I love the practice room bts stuff. Also, I hope I'm wrong haha, but I'm not sure if you'll get to see Dayoung's true chaos levels on Queendom. I feel like with the show being on this bigger platform a lot of the contestants are monitoring themselves a bit more (Ujungs have noticed that Luda's been saying very little 😅). You'd definitely see Dayoung's chaos in her member guide if you ever have a chance to get back to those though, her guide is something haha

Steph M

Yeah I think the lack of screentime is a mix of her watching her words, and also just being a very shy person when outside of her comfort zone. I guess that's bound to happen with quieter members on this show (like with Vivi), but hopefully she gets a bit more focus in future episodes


I really hope that next week we get a ton of behind stuff from the retreat. The few pictures that have been uploaded from the dinner etc. look great, would be awesome to see more of that night. Hikaru's copy mission and the letter were fun though. 😁


I live around the Seattle metro-area and went to PAX West a long time ago. Summer time in the PNW is the best, otherwise it's cloudy and rainy.