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LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ywwlgaymk33igpr/LOONA%20-%20LOONAVERSE%20FROM%20Concert%202022.mp4?dl=0


LOONA - LOONAVERSE FROM Concert 2022.mp4

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I think we are fully into Choerry's hot girl era and I am HERE for it


Wait! I haven't finished watching yet, but have you not seen the 4 different dance breaks in Love4eva? If you haven't you should check them out. There is a stage mix out there with all 4 on it. Also they did perform Frozen like maybe once at a random festival.


I honestly have only seen a handful of the early sub-unit live stages. I've moreso seen their performances while on variety shows like Fact In Star, ect


Yeah I didn't know for long time but each version of Beauty & the Beat had a different dance break on Love4eva. I think mine had the version they performed on the concert.


of course they gave Chuu's parts in YYXY to Kim Lip lol i don't know about Fab, but with Bubble (basically the same app except its a monthly subscription) all of the money goes directly to the idols. So it is usually a good way to directly support them, but who knows if BBC is taking a cut of it.


Gotcha. Well I'm just excited that you have more Loona to watch, if you feel like it. Olivia and Yves kinda wild out in one of them 😆


So they didn't buy Pledis's building. You were thinking of Polaris, which was BBC's parent company, but Polaris has basically dissolved as a company and BBC moved into the building. They are still the parent company on paper, but all of Polaris's trainees and groups are now under BBC. Three of those trainees were on GirlsPlanet999, after GP999 BBC created an official Instagram account for them called "blockberry_bebez" lmao. I really hope BBC actually does something with the bebez trainees. Yeyoung is a strong main vocalist candidate if they decide to debut a new group. She also was translating her instagram posts to English, but it seems like BBC staff does it now. https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ3xZowrZlz/?utm_medium=copy_link I know BBC did an open casting audition in 2021 and was advertising it on twitter, but who knows what kind of timeline that will be.


Wtf she's gorgeous. Wouldn't mind them prepping the debut of a new, smaller group with a different style.

Stefan K

Yeyoung reminds me of Chae Soo Bin (Actress) and Chanmi (from AoA) a bit, and yea I would definitely root for a 4-5 member group from BBC

Stefan K

My original bias Kim Lip is out to get me in this one haha.


yeah Yeyoung is gorgeous and a sweet heart. She was always helping other contestants on GP999. I think it would be smart if BBC starts planning a new group. "Favorite" came out in August 2018 which is not that long ago, but with several of the solos it is now over 5 years since debut. Most companies will debut a new group after 5-6 years. JYP is kind of unusual in that they are debuting groups 2-3 years after the previous debut. They are going to have 3 girl groups active all at once with Twice, ITZY, and NMIXX.

Stefan K

Yeah those dance breaks are all great, I love that stage mix.

Stefan K

It's crazy how much Choerry reminds me of Minseo, but yes anything with Choerry in it will have my attention


I'm glad you are a fellow Yves long hair and ears fan. She looked so good in that hoodie.

Stefan K

To this day I cannot choose between Hyejoo and Yves. This concert did nothing to shift the balance in either direction haha.

Stefan K

Man, I was not expecting Chuu at the end there, almost broke my heart lol. Also yea that Universe instrumental.. I need it.


This was a great watch, enjoyed everything about it. The sad moments of Chuu appearing and some of the girls crying was a "feels" moment.


Hell yeah man I can’t wait to get home and watch this


I loved this concert, they really knocked it out of the park this time. Like I said yesterday, the Sweet Crazy Love (Guess I'll Die Ver.) really did me in. 🥵 I'm starting to follow along with the Korean better these days, and when Haseul started saying that stuff about them being 11 and looking to the side, I was like "No... could she?!". Chuu showing up was such a gift, which I guess is very on-brand for her. Hope she's doing okay. The physical tickets sold out in minutes for both days, so I'm pretty sure the empty seats were a COVID measure. I can't wait for their next tour, gotta show 'em how it's done. Also I greatly enjoyed you going "HNGH!" whenever Yves was on-screen. 😂 I know the feeling, man.


I've given in to Yves being disrespectful time and time again, she's allowed to do whatever she likes now. It's pretty wild how strict some of the COVID crowd measures still are there. Compare this with pics from the ONEUS show in Manhattan last night.


Korea's seen an extreme spike in new cases with Omicron, so even with their now very high vaccination rate, I think they're just doing everything they can to take the edge off. Hopefully things will ease up for them in a few weeks.