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Hey guys, I've just felt a sense of stagnation when it comes to my channel and everything today. Growth is at an all time low and I know partially that has to do with lack of consistency, structure, and a bit of request fatigue throwing everything for a loop. I plan to solve the latter very soon, so expect a change to tiers come March or April.

Though I'd like to fix that structure and consistency part immediately. I made a rough draft temporary schedule for Patreon so you guys know what to expect on a given day. This will also bring back voting and a sense of agency from you guys. This is just a guideline and doesn't rule out me putting up other stuff on any given day when I want to. That means groups not listed will still get content, this is just what you can expect to be up on that day.

Also, it's just a guideline for the month. Meaning it can be the same the following month or slots can swap out to new groups. I really, really want to hear what everyone thinks about this. Changes you'd make or what you'd like to see. Once I start streaming (very soon) I'd love to have a dedicated day each month for a long stream together.

The Discord will be up this weekend! Plus I'm trying to finish all Dec/January requests by the 15th if I can help it so I can make headway into February and finally catch up. I've speculated on ending or rearranging the King tier to match demand as well, which brings me to my final point:

My channel has been pretty stagnant in terms of growth. I'm lucky to get 250-300 new faces each month and I know that has to do a lot with my consistency, which I'm looking to remedy. I think it's also because I cast a WIDE net. So when I react to a new group and like them, you might not see another video of theirs for weeks/months. Early on when I had a GIDLE, Seventeen, Dreamcatcher, DAY6, ect. video every single week I saw tremendous growth -- so I'm currently trying to find a compromise. I'm NOT and never will be one to chase views or solely make videos on the most popular groups only. I mean hell, I dedicate tons of time to kbands because I love them and want more representation for them. Yet if I ever intend to make primary income from my channel/Patreon, that growth has to be there.

So feel free to reach out to me in the comments, in DMs on Twitter or Patreon, wherever! I love knowing what you want to see and where I could be better. Does my video/audio quality need some work? Would you like to see me start a podcast? Collab with other reactors? Everything is on the table here so we can both have a fun time.

Love you guys and thanks for all your support,

- Paul




I think this looks great. Album reactions and polls specifically are things I sort of miss from a year ago. Polls on YouTube might be a good way to get more involvement over there, too. And this may be a bit ironic coming from me, but I think that getting yourself some breathing room from the requests would give you the ability to check things out on your own in a more spontaneous manner. Like "today I'll watch this hilarious insomnicsy clip just because I can" or "today I feel like squeezing in this one clip from my faves". Kind of like you did with the LOONA NOTE the other day. Give yourself more control, is basically what I'm saying. 😂


Make adjustments to your schedule and take a day or two off. Or make it so that you record more during weekdays and take your weekends off from recording. I believe it will make it easier for you to take time to charge your batteries. Schedule looks good, a lot of my favorites are up there.


I'm v hype for discord ✌️ anyways, I like the schedule, though tbh I'm also in favor of you maybe trying to get at least a day per week off. Or at least schedule it in and if you feel like recording something that day, it could be considered like.. "extra bonus" for the week. but I think you'd benefit from having a day to yourself. 😊 which, by extension, also benefits us either way I'm down for whatever content you bring us, streams, collabs, podcast, all sounds fun!


Good variety and adding some structure is nice in order to know what to expect. Really happy to see regular Mamamoo content planned so I'm super excited!

V G (Zay)

Well I was already considering having Feb be my last request month since there hasn't been a lot of content or consistency but now I def will bc I'm not interested in any of the weekly groups 😅 that's me though, I think it's a reasonable schedule with a good mix of subscribers input and things you pick. Best of luck to you!


It's always been my intention to record a few days ahead of time, if possible, to give myself a nice buffer zone when I'm not feeling it. Thanks for the enthusiasm!


Yo bro let me put my 2cents here: First i think you need a month break from requests. I thought of that for several month now. Since i joined you a year ago you always have been behind in requests because of your hiatus cuz of your health etc you always had to rush previous month request and always got a month behind of work. Just mentally it's exhausting for you, you should reset to have a clear refresh and start, plus i think the price of the request are too low or you have too many spots open. You're in an endless spiral of request so you can barely ulpoad what YOU want to see even with our kings and aces here choosing awesome contents. - Next, as you said consistency is THE key, it can and will be hard but i think you have to stick to it just like the gym or any work if you don't do it regularly. ON youtube and on patreon. Plus you should talk a bit more of your patreon on youtube maybe advertisement at the start or just a quick slide at the start or end of the video. It's how ads works XD. - One of your biggest strenght, for me, is your diversity in listens. That's what make me stay here and on YT (you're literaly the only reactor i follow on YT) Kbands i've never heard of, little groups debuting from small comp or big ones, BG, GG,.... - This schedule seems great to me cuz half of it don't interest me and that means to me that you touch a way more diverse content and wider audiences. It's not a critic at all. - I already said that i was hype about a discord and twitch . - As suggestions i would propose you could do a day (every week or every 2 week) a reaction on youtube chosen by a vote to engage the YT audience. That all i can think off atm. Stay focus, don't give up, if you need to talk we are here on patreon on dm or even twitter. You got this i'm sure!!! TLDR: good schedule/ Change your Request tier or refresh it/ Discord HYPE/ Stream HYPE/ engage your audience on YT/ Promote yourself more/ Don't change who you are for views/ CONSISTENCY IS THE KEY in youtube nowadays! Good luck to you, i spoke way to much as a random ppl on the internet and as always sorry for the terrible english :)


I am excited for discord and any potential streaming you may do, as I like hanging out in chat even if I’m not totally sold on the content being streamed. However, I will say that what attracted me initially to your channel and then to your patreon is that you reacted to content from groups more frequently/consistently that other reactors don't dive into. I'm realizing now that it’s likely because of your request tiers, and the patreon supporters that are interested in those groups. I tend to search out creators who do react to a wider variety of content, as the groups that usually generate a lot more content aren’t really the groups I’m interested in. If you are experiencing request fatigue that’s totally understandable, and you should do what you need to do to keep from being burnt out. I hope you’re able to find a way to balance your schedule with exploring content from a variety of groups. (if you noticed my deleted comment, no you didn’t – trying to comment on mobile was a mistake)


If it helps (which I hope it does--it's good to know what your patreons are thinking, yeah?), I actually almost dropped your channel on my February review (and seeing the schedule I still might). While I appreciate that you want to cast a wide net, I do think that hurts you a little. In my case I only watch reactions to BTS/TXT/ and Mamamoo and there are lots of channels who dedicate more time to one or more of those so if someone is just looking for them, it makes more fiscal sense to go with that channel. I mention them because they're my faves, but it really goes for anyone who stans just a couple groups. No one wants to pay for a Patreon when they get one or two videos a month from them no matter how good the reactor is. So you're really banking on pulling in people who like everyone and everything and idk how big or how dedicated that community is (tbf maybe it's huge and I'm just not in that world so I don't know). Committing to a few that you can count on to show up and then doing a weekly variety day or something might be a good option. Of course, please take this in the spirit it's intended--just sort of an observation about what seems to work for other channels and what makes sense from a supply/demand perspective. Ultimately, you can either do what you love to do on this channel or do what makes you money. I think other channels have found a way to balance that so I'm sure you will too. Good luck!


Appreciate the constructive criticism. Yeah, just selecting a couple groups will never be me and I've accepted that. I like to be well-rounded so I can better express my thoughts, plus this genre is just SO expansive and it's exciting learning about it all. Who was inspired by who, how generations and groups came to be. Even if I solely reacted to my absolute favorite group I'd go insane fast. I suppose my main intent, which is how I feel about my favorite reactors, is to draw you in with your favorite groups. Yet in the end hope you start coming for me and what I can offer that's unique, or a friendly relationship we've built. I'll be able to better express that with streams and Discord for sure. Remember, this schedule is just what I want to guarantee to give people an idea of a given day. Other things will drop and the schedule will alter month to month. 😊 I sincerely appreciate your thoughts!


I actually like the Wide net thingy... ( for the most part, im not into Guy Groups ) but with your diversity in content, it lets people who are like your channel... altho it is a double edged sword, because every so often content I'm not the biggest fan of, its that turn.... sorry I know I don't have alot of input, because I'm a new supporter... I just thought i would try and help.... Side note Patreon messaging / Commenting on Mobile is Horrendous... LOL

Kevin Liu

Just to share a similar perspective, I was in the same camp of considering ending my sub last month because of a lack of videos related to groups that I followed. However, I ultimately decided to keep your patreon on my list because although you only have maybe several reactions per month I may be interested in, those videos are usually very in-depth and genuine. So it was essentially quality over quantity that convinced me - which is hard for a reaction channel in the first place. But I really appreciate how your reactions to whatever are more than just watching a video and how you add your own perspective. I think my advice if any is to keep doing what you like, because when you like whatever you're reacting to, it's just more interesting to the viewers as well.


What groups are you guys typically looking for necessarily? I try to prioritize between: requests, whoever had a recent comeback, who I want to see, and who does good numbers on Patreon.


re: variety and your schedule: i think it looks good. personally, i don't watch all your content, and i never really intended to - i only really listen to a couple of kpop groups anyway and these days i barely keep up with associated releases let alone variety stuff. however, that has never caused me to think about dropping the channel/patron status: i'm still here because (a) i have seen nobody else react to kband content the way you do, let alone have a platform that allows me/someone else to rec sth like superband, that as far as i know is a niche solely occupied by you, (b) i obviously also enjoy hearing what you say about it, as if i didn't i wouldn't subscribe as i am not THAT desperate for this particular content lol. as such, i think the fact that there's variety but also a focus on particular groups weekly seems to make sense for your viewership re: consistency: i can empathize, i have been in the cycle (which i am perhaps am assuming that you have encountered) where you have responsibilities, then for whatever reason can't follow through, then the guilt kicks in and causes avoidance, and then you fall further behind... (my email backlog says hello...) it sucks. i've been following you i think for almost a year now, so i don't mind if/when you're late. i know you're good for it & excited for the discord, wooo


I would just like to offer an additional perspective/counterpoint to this that I had omitted from my initial comment, but as mentioned, there are a ton of other creators who focus on bigger groups either on youtube or on Patreon. I feel like there are less who dedicate time to groups like onewe or hoppipolla, or soloists like gaho, youha or yukika. Idk, maybe it is more niche, but by reacting to a wider range of groups you're reaching out to an audience that other creators aren't. I like the requests that allow you to react to groups that are your patrons fave groups, and that you take the time to offer genuine reactions to those groups. I also like the perspective you offer and the conversational (?) nature of your reactions, even if there's maybe only a handful of Patreon exclusive videos that I'm invested in each month.


i really like that you cast a wide net in what you react to. i follow sooo many groups, maybe too many. on my private discord i keep track of 43 named groups and 3 named soloists and have a handful of other groups and soloists i keep an eye on but don't follow as closely. i really like seeing reactions to variety contents like fun interviews, contents like skz code and going seventeen in that it's just the group messing around together, mafia dances, and other stuff that's just fun to watch and fun to watch reactions to.


Most of us are in the same boat. I only watch reactions of the groups i love regularly (and here and there might check out a live stage or something similar from other groups). Twice is the group that brought me here and it's the Twice reactions that keep me here, tbh. But that's something he can't avoid. Everyone has their preferences and the groups they love. If the reactions weren't the quality they were I'd have dropped the channel long time ago. As someone else mentioned, quality > quantity. If i get 2 GOOD and HONEST Twice reactions a month, I'm fine with that. On the other hand if he did 3 Twice reactions a week and he just sat there staring at the screen and said that's it that's the video. No, thank you, im out. And since you mentioned BTS (they are one of the other groups i love), to be honest, MOST reactors do videos of BTS just because of views. I'm sorry but that's the truth. I can think of maybe 1 or 2 reactors who are genuinely honest in their reactions to BTS. TL;DR - 2 good reactions a month > a dozen of fake and no emotion reactions a month.

Robert Arthur

I'm always skeptical of schedules from reaction channels, because I've seen them go down in flames way too often. But I know they help organize content, and some people really like them. I think if you just see it as a plan that you can deviate from when the need arises, then that's more healthy. I just see some channels constantly apologizing for blowing the schedule for a week, or missing the "Stray Kids" day or something, and it starts looking unhealthy. A schedule is not a contract, and nobody should treat it that way. If it's a good starting point for you, I'm all for it. As far as requests, I'm with Beks (as you can probably guess). I have never been able to convince another reactor to watch even _one_ Superband performance, and Kband reactions in general are few and far between unless you consider some exceptions like Day6. So I appreciate the fact that you give them a chance and honestly give your reactions to them. Maybe you don't remember this, but you _hated_ the first Superband video I sent you, which was an MV by Purple Rain. It was super weird and without any context, so that didn't help, but I think the prog/rock vibe was not your thing. I gained a lot of respect for you after watching your reaction, though. I think that's what makes you different. Too many reactors just like everything, especially if someone paid for it. I much prefer honesty. And that includes you being honest about requests wearing you down. I'll send you some suggestions for restructuring them as a private message, but I do think you need to cut down the volume of requests in general and make sure they fit a theme for your channel.


I'm a few days late! As some of the other commenters have said, commenting on mobile is not the best. I agree with some of the others - it was a particular group that brought me in, but it's the quality reactions that made me join the patreon and stay subscribed. I subscribed to you on YouTube because of the Day6 reactions, and then joined the Patreon when the Seventeen reactions started. Pretty sure others have a similar story even though the artist names might change. If you are looking at numbers and engagement growth, it might be worth another poll to find out the biggest/most vocal fandoms (of groups/artists you also enjoy) on your channels. From there you could have an idea of which groups to have most often on the schedule - I'm not talking like daily or anything, but e.g. maybe every second week instead of once a month. I work a full 40-50 hour week, with an additional 3-4 hour commute daily in a country where data is not the cheapest, so I already don't have a lot of time for watching reactions, which does mean I only watch the videos relating to the groups I stan the most. However, your reactions are always worthwhile - the last Seventeen video, for example, was posted in December, but I haven't even considered unsubscribing because I know that when the next one comes it'll be amazing. And because you react to such a wide variety of groups, it's highly likely that you'll come across one of the other groups I really enjoy (like BTOB recently). So, yes, thank you for reacting the way you do - we always know it's going to be sincere, enjoyable, and well thought out, and that is what makes it okay to not see the faves as often as the stan heart likes :D ALSO yes a few people have said that rest and cutting down on requests is a good idea. We're all here on Patreon because we want to support you, and that includes supporting your health, both mental and physical. Re requests: I don't know how feasible this is, having only just had the idea and not thinking it through all that thoroughly - would it work to have a limited number of request 'slots' available per month and doing away with that tier? Or offering other perks to the Ace tier instead of the requests? Like, their requests could form the base of an exclusive poll instead of a guaranteed reaction? And when you have enough votes in a particular theme or for a particular group you can do a marathon video? TL;DR: Maybe find out which groups that you like have the most attraction and retention rate on your channels, and feature them more regularly, while still casting your wide net and discovering more that you love.


Hey now I didn't haaaaaate it 😜. I think it's absolutely no fun for either of us if I go into every video with the same end result. I not only try to do what I've enjoyed watching from other channels over the years, I also AVOID what has always irked me. That includes loving everything by default, not speaking my true feelings even if it'll rub some people the wrong way, or staying silent for 90% of the video. I'd appreciate any suggestions you have so feel free and DM away!


And I think about the fact that I have to finish that Don't Lie episode every day haha 😅. That's also a layer of stress I'd like to relieve by becoming more organized. There's always 4-5 groups at any given time where I'm like "I can't believe it's been so long since my last video." NCT, Seventeen, EXO -- they all fall into that trap sometimes. It's a mixture of lack of planning, where I need to write things down in some spreadsheet for what I need to do, and the wide net I cast. I already have both the King and Ace tier capped with "slots," it's just impossible to lower that cap because you need someone to leave it first 😅. I always hate to sound like I'm complaining about the support, because I appreciate it all so much.


Yeah the schedule, even a proposed schedule, is a good first step! Did you ever get that big whiteboard you mentioned? I can't remember which video it was in, but it was a good while back :D The problem with liking a lot is that there *is* a lot of each thing. And of course, some groups have long-form content which by definition takes ages to react to, record, and edit. From here on out I can only offer support and appreciation, I have no further advice, I'm sorry! Unless you count the Google Sheet that reactors like Suffi Reax has - here's a link if you want to have a look at what he does: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z94FYK6Wrr25ZHHXKWFTnPN_tuAT8Ra7ho1hdt1wSMg/edit#gid=1347548792 But this has its own drawbacks and he has already discovered some of them! In any case, appreciation + support, whatever you end up doing.