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PIXY TV Episode 5 + 6.mp4

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Wouldn't it be something, if 1 day Pixy were to meet DC? DC members would be like the seasoned idols that they are, and welcome them with their chaotic energy.

Steph M

That scene with Ella and the shoes is definitely one my favourites too, such a sweet moment 💜 Two great episodes! It took me a while, but I recently locked in Sua as my bias. I've found her super sweet and endearing since I first watched this episode, but one of the things that has really struck me about her is the insane potential that I feel she has. It's funny to look at her being so nervous about photoshoots and being on stage here, and then seeing how much she absolutely kills it as a performer. Especially in Bewitched and The Moon, she always stands out to me as having really compelling charisma in those performances. Surprisingly she's a member that doesn't have any main/lead position in the group, but considering what a solid singer and dancer she already is, I think she's an ace in the making. Really enjoyed watching this series again and hearing your input, here's hoping these producers do more docu-series with the group! Also, I was so glad to hear what you said at the end there about wanting to see a detailed look at the recording studio process. WJSN have really great 25-30 minute vlogs on that that I've been going back-and-forth on wanting to request, because I wasn't sure if you'd be interested - I'll have one of those on the way soon 🙂


Always find it strange that idols seemingly just get thrown into a lot of stuff with minimal prep. As if the manager went "oh yeah, you have a photoshoot on Thursday". They must be so good at improvising, I'd be totally panicking. 😂 I think that, while they probably have less real training compared to groups like Purki (where several members have 5+ trainee years and survival show experience), they've just seen a lot of curveballs in life to get here, and it's given them a lot of perspective despite their young age. PIXY's positions seem to be pretty loose outside of the obvious rap line, plus Dia being the main dancer. Sua and Dajeong are both just listed as sub-vocalists now which honestly sells them short. Sua especially has shown some really impressive vocals lately. Lola has been wrecking me a lot, she's got quick wit and is often hilarious in their behind the scenes stuff. My bias line is Dia and Lola right now but we'll see what happens! Thanks so much for all of these reactions, I had a really good time. There's a small amount of variety stuff, covers and behind the scenes from them that we could watch in the future. Will give it some thought as we work through the other things I have lined up for you. 😁


And Minji would collect another girl group for her dream stage. 😁


idk if they actually have less training/experience than the purki girls. Dia trained at allart for 4 years but was an fnc trainee before that. Ella, Satbyeol, and Dajeong had already trained and debuted in groups before. Sua and Lola are the ones we know the least about but they each trained for at least a few years. And half of the members were on survival shows, as well.


I knew Satbyeol was on MIXNINE, but excluding Ella I have to wonder what training they really got at these other companies since their comments are so negative about their time there. But regardless, it seems I have a bit more reading to do! 🙂

Stefan K

My two favorites in Pixy :D It's funny now that I think of it, because of how different they are in terms confidence and attitude.


I don't know whether Sua personally has them, but a lot of idols have veneers. Haseul and Yves have them, you can see the difference between their solo debuts and now. J from STAYC has them, one of the members calls her out in a video lol. The member mentions her own natural perfect teeth and then kind of gives a look in J's direction.


Aespa has some booth recordings for their recent release "Dreams Come True", you get to see multiple members singing and rapping. It isn't start to finish, but it is a good amount.


my bias is Dia, but Ella is right up there almost near bias level