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Wheein Whee Album Listening Party.mp4

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Letter filled with light was for moomoos so your assumption about it being someone important to her was spot on.


I love the analysis of the lyrics! This album feels so pure, the production is so clean and has a very intimate aspect to it. My favorites are pink cloud, pastel and paraglide, couldn't choose just one :)

Steph M

I'm sure Wheein wouldn't mind a cat getting in the way of her album reaction haha. Great video! Really liked your analysis of the songs, you definitely made me think about the meaning of them in some different ways. Pink Cloud and Paraglide are also my favourite tracks, along with Make Me Happy. I love the low-key vibe of this project. I've heard a few great chill, relaxing albums like this in kpop now and they're always ones that I become very attached to. As you said, they're really nice for when you're in a more positive mood, or for when you want to get into one. Another great album from Wheein!

Stefan K

Pink Cloud reminds me a bit of Taeyeon's 11:11. I love how chill the album is, though I probably won't be listening to it much, just because I tend to favor more punchy/catchy songs.


Thank you so much for your reaction. I really love your analysis! As lately I'm pretty much used to albums with way more heavy sound than this one I was worried that I might not like it. But actually I ended up loving it! It was a great reminder of how much I enjoy this soft and dreamy type of songs. It is just amazing how she can deliver and transmit her emotions through her voice only, and yes, you're right, It's a very comforting and warm album. My favorites tracks so far are Letter Filled with Light, Pastel, and Paraglide, but since the whole album has so much cohesion I can listen to the entire thing over and over as if it were just one song.


It really does feel like one of those albums that is best listened to front to back each time


Yea i feel like while it took 1 or 2 listens for each song for me to really love it (tho Letter filled with light was quickly my style), it really grew on me. Its definitely an album to put on in a coffee shop or when it's raining outside or when i'm feeling thoughtful. i actually thought the opposite tho, I was surprised by the experimental beat of Pastel and i wouldn't expect it to be super popular, but Pastel and Make Me happy are my faves. I love that funky bass in Make Me Happy that i associate wheein with (ie. Watercolor). Thanks for reacting!! :D


I'm not a very chill person when it comes to music, I live for upbeat songs which is most of mamamoo's discography lol! so even though I loved redd, this album wasn't really for me but I love make me happy and pastel :)

sumi mia

I really like this album and I was actually a bit surprised, because I don't usually intentionally go and pick these types of songs to listen to. Maybe it was like you mentioned, the cohesiveness that affected that. Beside upbeat songs or ones with a darker tone, songs with a chill vibe don't usually stand out too much to me. My favorite of this album is A Letter Filled With Light :) I would say this feels like Wheein's style, but then again she's so amazing with her singing that I have yet to find a style that wouldn't fit her. I just sincerely wish she'll be able to do what brings her joy in whatever way she wants and feels comfortable with.


If push came to shove, I'd have to pick Paraglide as my favourite track but the album is so cohesive that it does feels like one long flowing song with different movements. I'm super impressed with how interlinked the album is lyrically and sonically; I'm always appreciative when that's the case with kpop albums. I listened to this album a few times on repeat the other day with my cat napping beside me on a lazy afternoon and I feel like it's an album that was made for an environment like that. Love this vibe for Wheein and I'm super glad that Ravi and the team at THEL1VE were able to help Wheein to make an album like this. It's not a bombastic or in your face project but it's one I know I'll return to again and again. I remember when Wheein was prompted on what type of singer she wanted to be and she more or less said that she wanted to be an approachable artist that listeners can comfort in. This album really proves that commitment in spades.


A late comment, because I just watched this again. I think we hear a lot more of WheeIn in this album. One that she put a lot of herself into. The kind that I think she really wants to make. And I, for one, could not be happier.