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Squid Game Episode 2.mp4

This is "Squid Game Episode 2.mp4" by KP on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



no Sang-woo voted to keep playing even after he was the one who organized the vote, it was Gi-hun who voted to go home.


also if it wasn't clear, during the bathroom scene Sang-woo was trying to kill himself. Similar to using a car exhaust with a hose, he was burning charcoal/briquettes in a tiny room to kill himself with carbon monoxide/dioxide.


Good to see you back KP, you need to take breaks from content creating every so often to recharge and whatnot.


hey man glad you're back, mental breaks are very very understandable so it's alright. Since you want no spoilers I just wanna say I may or may not have teared up listening to you talking about hiding things from your loved ones while feeling like shit all alone cause that hit a spot but also somewhat comforting to know someone else has experienced that too. hope you're better now, though. Also totally agree about how this episode actually made the show way more interesting and give it more depth. I loved OITNB dearly for that reason as well, the characters feel so much more "human", I guess. Anyway, looking forward to the rest of this series :)


Again, enjoyed this soooo much. I'm so glad you considered reacting to k-shows. Just wanted to say I appreciate that you trust us enough to tell your personal stories. Somehow I feel more connected, and you've earned my respect for getting through whatever it is that you went through. I'm also glad that you take breaks when you feel like you need to. I know most of us say this a lot, but I'll never get tired of saying that we understand and we'll still be here when you come back 💙 Fighting, Paul! - nic

Stefan K

I actually went through the same thing (years ago) going home for Christmas; Lying the whole time about how my classes went. Truly felt like garbage the entire time, and I do not wish that experience on anyone.

Stefan K

Talking about the show now lol, you had very good commentary throughout. I think we are supposed to be surprised at how many people voted to remain in the game, but being shown more of their backstory afterwards is good storytelling. Looking forward to how you react to the rest of it.


to answer ur question, from what i've seen i'd say the two reigning heart throbs of the show are DEFINITELY the pickpocket and the cop lol


I thought he was about to electrocute himself in the tub, but the dude was really 200 IQing it


Exactly, they've given the characters a lot more depth this way! Now it'll feel even worse when they start killing them off 😅. I think it's a common habit of people in their late teens/early 20s to hide problems like that. Afraid to seek help. It starts to go away little by little as you age, in my experience.


It builds this vicious cycle of self hate that I spent my entire 20s trying to shed


Thank you, nic! Little breaks away help me reset, tend to some things I've been neglecting, ect. I try to be open as possible these days, so if I find a poignant connection to how a show connects with my life I'll always share. Happy you're enjoying this as these types of videos are very new for me 😊


oh wow, I didn't even realize that. I thought it was some sort of incense.


there's also been a fair amount of dilf appreciation for gihun and sangwoo too lmfaoo


if u mean *** then i AGREE !!! 😭


I am WAY late to this one, but it's great that you seem to be enjoying it. This episode really does drive home the fact that there are good reasons they all ended up in the games to begin with. Also interesting to hear a bit more about you and what experiences birthed your thoughtfulness. I can relate quite a bit with the struggle of admitting that there's a problem - most of my twenties were spent just trying to admit that to my own stubborn and prideful self. And yeah, death-by-coal-briquette is a recurring theme in K-dramas. Korean housing often have a kind of floor heating called ondol that used to be coal-fired back in the day. The briquettes are still around and are sometimes used for heating and cooking in rural areas, or suicide. Looking forward to more when you feel like it!