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HWA SA Guilty Pleasure Album Listening Party.mp4

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I've never clicked so fast 😝💚


I really thought you would like Bless U. It felt like a mix of WHY and LMM. Also Hwasa helped compose and write it with Park Woo Sang aka God Woo Sang. But yeah, this entire album was the upgrade I wanted. Maria was good but this EP was incredible (even if it was short). I cannot fucking wait for her next move if this was her warm up. After typing and backspacing for ten minutes, I think I would say my ranking is Bless U, I'm a Bitch, FOMO. I love FOMO but repeatability is a factor for me, heh.


This is a real short but sweet project from Hwasa. I definitely had a similar visceral reaction to Bless U in my first listen. I think that FOMO would've been better served as two separate tracks. Hard transitions are a tricky thing to get right and each half of FOMO is just slightly too short for me even though I love both parts. Bless U really got me though with its lyrics and triumphant ending. Each member of Mamamoo is really blossoming in their own ways in this era of their careers. Even though I'm expecting 2 big comebacks as OT4, at the very most, for the remainder of their contracts; as a long time fan, this is the most excited I've been to see them explore what they are best at.


I definitely have Bless U as my fave from the EP. The whole production and Hwasa's vocals fit so perfectltly with each other that it almost feels like ascending. Like you, I also think this was her best solo song. When she performed that song live during her Fans' Greetings yesterday, I literally shed a tear. It was that good. So, Bless U, FOMO and I'm a B, that's the order of my preference. All are masterpieces of course in their own right.


Please react to Wheein's Redd album and Byul's Dark Side of the Moon album. Both are A+++ albums. At this point we could all agree that Mamamoo and all its members individually never make bad songs. All are simply music geniuses.


Bless U is a blessing.


I KNEW you're gonna like Bless U!🔥 This song is sooo freaking good! The whole EP is a masterpiece, but 'Bless U' definitely is a cherry on top for me. Hwasa herself wrote the lyrics and composed the music with Park Woosang (whom I can't stop praising everywhere I can, he's so cool🔥🤣) for this one, and there's really no better combination for me musically than these two producing a song. I quite liked your interpretation of Bless U👍 I agree that half of the fun of enjoying a good song is connecting its lyrics to your own emotions and imagination and life experience✨ Hwasa actually explained the meaning of 'Bless U' on her showcase yesterday, and I'm afraid my English vocabulary is really suffering right now trying to retell it🤣, it's basically is a song for a precious person who you love very much, but hate at the same time because they hurt you, but you still can't do nothing but feel love for them, so you're saying 'I bless you' and let them go(???) (oh my god, this sounds confusing even in my own head🤣) My personal ranking for this one: 1 - Bless U 2 - I'm a B 3 - FOMO (I usually really like unusual beats and melody changes, but this one for some reason can't catch me properly🤣, but then again, it's been only a day, who knows, I may like it the most out of them all tomorrow or next week🤣) Thank you so much for your reaction! Can't wait for more Mamamoo❤


Bless U is so good! I get goosebumps listening to it, especially when she hits the high note in the middle of the chorus. Chills! So beautiful and definitely my new favorite of hers. I'm a B is such as bop and I love the MV. I'm with you on FOMO. I wish the first half was longer. Overall, the entire EP was amazing! My personal ranking: 1 - Bless U 2 - I'm a B 3 - FOMO Thanks for your reaction! Always enjoy your Mamamoo content! Looking forward for more soon!

Solar's Abs

🙏🙏🙏 Manifesting Bless U on Mdromeda it's live 🙏🙏🙏

Steph M

I loved Why and LMM from Maria, but I agree that the other tracks didn’t really make much of an impression on me. Everything here is great though! Bless U is a masterpiece. I also loved your breakdowns of everything here. Something I’ve been meaning to say recently – I’m so happy to see you doing more album reactions lately, because you’re just so damn good at it. You really make it feel like a thoughtful, detailed analysis, while still being fun and entertaining to watch. This was a fantastic video 👍


Wow, thank you so much for the kind words! The visual element is so important in kpop and I'll always love music videos, but I'm definitely able to hear the music and convey my thoughts better in album reactions. Fun reactions where I get to geek out alongside you guys over my favs are awesome, but it's the music that has deeper layers to it and could use a little analysis that really excite me most. Hwa Sa has been releasing great stuff that calls for it!


Really loved the whole EP. Thank you for your detailed insights! Hwasa and Park Woo Sang's combo is unmatched. When these two work on a song together, a masterpiece is produced. Bless U instantly tied with Be Calm as my most favorite Hwasa solo.

Martin Schafer

Your discussion of what Hwasa has to say about her artistic process made me rethink the symbolism of the crown of nails in Maria. I had taken that as her having to accept the pain of the haters attacks in order to do her art. But now I think it's the fact that her artistic process is painful, even if it's ultimately cathartic.


Super late new patron here but just came to say "Bless U" is life!