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Superband Performances 3.mp4

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yay, we made it!!! really glad you enjoyed. obv there are a zillion more performances we didn't get to but i think this was a great overview of the show and main players. you appear to be a yechan bias and i love that. i also get so immersed in the performance he puts on. btw, flare was a bside on lucy's first mini! also lucy and hoppipolla both performed on the sb2 final! can't wait to start showing you those. as i said i would really like to try and give you the experience of watching it from the start except in shorter versions, so i will try to do that. aaand, i added the songs (live recordings) from this rec to the spotify playlist i had made for you, one more light is there too: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7fdBBx3Q3tXibz2ISy0bP3?si=LDPFhziDQrCOIq-5cBfExw&utm_source=copy-link

Robert Arthur

Dude, I spared you the Purple Rain final performance, where they covered a prog-rock song that I blasted in my dorm room at the University of Illinois in 1986. I loved it, but it's time to move on to the Superband 2 world. Hoppipolla ended their contracts with their management in April 2021, but I have no idea what that really means (and I'm an entertainment attorney). I'm assuming that means that they are free agents and they can sign with whomever recognizes their potential, which should be everyone in Korea. I have no faith in Korea's ability to see potential in bands, though; so they will probably be performing on a street corner in Itaewon soon. I promise I won't spoil anything specific in Superband 2, but holy crap I hope you are ready. The degree of badassery is off the charts. It's like every musician in Korea saw Superband 1, said "I can do way better than that." and auditioned for Superband 2. The mixes are waaay better. The only thing missing is the live audiences, and if I saw the Koreans sitting down for some of these I would have completely lost my crap. We have a ride for you, is what I'm saying. Get ready.


Long multiple comments ahead because i love this so much. I'll divide them up because for some reason Patreon won't let me comment the whole thing. ;-; LUCYPOLLA!! Thank you to Beks and Robert again for the great requests, this was a great series of videos to wake up to. Snooze and Flare are actually my top 2 all-time favorite Lucy songs and it's not because these two the ones they performed on the show, it is just my style. The way both songs start off slow and build up to a more upbeat sound in the end and with such comforting lyrics...I love it. Lee Juhyuk, Lucy's vocalist here, has one of the most beautiful sounding voices I've ever heard. When he opens his mouth, an ethereal sound naturally comes out. I hope you get to check out some of the songs from his original band, GIFT, someday. They're amazing. Fun fact: GIFT's bassist, Kim Hyungwoo, is actually the bassist in the 1000x and Creep performances that 3 out 4 Hoppipolla members did.


Wake Me Up is a special performance to me because it's the first time Hoppipolla tried something different from their usual style. It's originally an EDM song but they turned it to Irish country. They worried that they might be boxed into just a certain emotional sound so they did this just right before the finals with the possibility of being eliminated but they took the risk and the result is AMAZING. Jinho, the cellist, struggled a lot at first because he was used to a classical setting and the cello being an instrument you play while sitting, there would be limitations in movement when you do an exciting song. And thus, the "spinning cello" move was born. I'm so proud of how much they've grown as both a group and individual musicians on the show. Hoppipolla is now known for that signature 4-in-1 cello intro and it's loved by so many. They always find a way to make their performances dynamic and it's one of the many things I love about them. The instrument Youngso used for One More Light with the music box feel is a Kalimba. They felt it was the right song to conclude their journey on Superband, with them being each other's lights as they went through hard times together throughout the show. And they wanted to pass on the message to the viewers that they can be a light to someone else as well. Also, good catch on the last part, the original doesn't close out like that. They changed the "Well, I do" part with "Oh we do." Btw, glad to also know your roommate loved Enough!! Hoppipolla's last comeback is their EP with Your Ocean. They ended their one-year contract with Moss Music last April and they're agency-less right now. When they have band schedules, they go on their own, with the aid of their solo agencies. All of them are focused on their solos currentlyㅡHyunsang released a single, Jinho released a classical crossover album, Youngso and I'LL teased solo albums coming out in maybe November and December. But I'LL also keeps on reassuring fans that they're working on their next album (full album!!!) so there's nothing to worry about them being silent. They're going at their own pace and I'm sure anything they put out will be worth the wait. Sorry for the long comment again. I just have so many feelings for these two amazing bands and seeing you enjoy these stages made me really happy. :' )

Dominika K.

Hoppipolla. Mannnn, they are amazing. I guess I'll just loop And Then There Was Us today.

shinwon swimming

that Flare performance gave me massive goosebumps damnnnnn. also istg the moment you add string instruments into the mix the song just instantly levels up.


I love hoppipolla, I discovered them through you & the requests here and I'm glad. lucy are great as well


Oh my god.. I remember asking about ur reaction to the One More Light stage on youtube, and finally made a Patreon account to watch your Superband reactions here. I didn't know that you've already reacted to it. Quite sad that you're already moving on from SB1 without reacting to their Hoppipolla (the Sigur Ros song) stage. That's their first stage as Hoppipolla on the finals. But knowing that you'll probably react to more of their perfomances soon or later, I won't complain.

Glenn Auve

Hoppipolla was very smart about the songs they selected, especially in those last few rounds. I agree that their namesake song was a hugely important part of the show.