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00:00 - Where I've been
4:26 - Changes to King/Ace Tiers (Requests mostly)
11:31 - Patreon Monthly Scheduling
13:37 - Discord (Audience interaction)
15:00 - Livestreams, VODs, Gaming Streams
17:27 - Rambling of lots of different thoughts

Messed up with the audio at some points, sorry if I'm hard to hear! I thought this would be a better way to connect with you guys rather than writing something out. 💜


Let's Chat.mp4

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Thrashed Monbebe

I’m glad you’re back 💜 I think that you need to work with what is best for you. I think that all the ideas that you have sound really good- and if you start them and they don’t work then reevaluate again. I think most of us like how honest you are and how genuine your reactions and opinions are about all these groups that you watch. I am not apart of the king or ace tiers so I can’t have an opinion on that but this is your life and life costs money. I understand if you need to price up things a little bit to make it worth a shot. I wasn’t planning on commenting because I don’t feel that my opinions matter too much- I’m just glad you are sticking around because at least where I am at and being in my early 30s- enjoying KPop is a phase that I should have grown out of … am I’m not lol. It’s a safe place that you have created and I thank you for that. 💜


Can only speak for myself but I'm glad you took the break you needed. mental health first my friend. content is always more fun to watch and engage with when everyone is feeling good. for me, I totally get and support your restructuring of the tiers. maybe id feel differently if I was/really wanted to be a part of them but cutting down on 70 requests per month makes complete sense. it's a lot, even without all the other content. personally I'd love a discord. I'm in a couple as it is (own a couple myself too) and they're really fun just to shoot the shit with other kpop fans. opportunities meeting new people as well. looking forward to seeing what you've got coming and supporting you along the way ✌️


I want to hear from absolutely everyone! Love seeing names I recognize, like yours, but also all the new ones that have appeared over this last year. I've always wanted my channel/Patreon to be a place where we can be critical and analyze stuff all while having a good time with friends. I'll always encourage discourse, different opinions, ALL age groups and types of people, as long as everything is kept respectful.

Robert Arthur

I didn't add it up, but 70 song requests per month is a LOT. I completely understand you cutting back. I think you'll find that livestreaming the requests is easier and more fun. This is supposed to be fun, anyway. I know some reactors personally, and I know that some of them have had to act more excited than they really feel occasionally. It's difficult. I appreciate you being genuine. And I think your Discord will thrive. I'm pretty sure Beks and I will be there.

Wicked Echo

Completely understandable to need some time for yourself, as that should be your priority. I’m sure we all appreciate you taking the time to make this video though. I also completely understand the need to change up the tiers. I think I even mentioned at one point that it’s impressive anyone could keep up with all the requests, so do what you need! As I’ve always said, I’m here regardless. Hellyeah Discord, live streams, gaming… I’m on board! I think you’d do well with live streams, don’t underestimate yourself! We’re here to support you and share with you, alone or not. Also, ignore any weirdness you see with my membership – the Patreon app is an asshole. I rarely use it on my phone but decided to when I saw this video come up, and it tried to show me I could upgrade to Ace tier, which cool okay, I hit upgrade but then that seemed to remove my King but not actually upgrade me to Ace. It looked like it removed me completely as a Patron so then I rejoined King? Switched to Patreon in browser and it doesn’t offer Ace. The app still does. Cocktease. Anyway, so yeah, I wasn’t trying to actually unsub, I swear!

Dominika K.

Hey Paul, I was wondering where you were, but decided not to bother you, because I figured it is about work or burnout - it can happen with every hobby, and it's unavoidable when a hobby becomes a bigger stream of income. I'm also supporting the discord and twitch idea! I'd gladly chat with everyone or anyone about music, and this seems like a wonderful community tbh. Maybe you could start livestreaming with games when you don't have to analyze and criticise that much, only *reacting* to what's happening and well, playing - but I'm pretty sure you'll be fine with livestreaming reactions too - you were doing more than fine here as well haha. Also restructuring the tiers is a good idea. Your health is more important. Overall I feel like this was a needed update, and I'm supporting your ideas. PS: What games do you play/used to play with? I'm more into storytelling games, so probably there won't be that many in common lol, but I was really enjoying Detroit, The Medium, Cyberpunk, The Last of Us, etc.


I first found your channel because you were reacting to some of my ults, and I decided to subscribe not only because of your honesty in your reactions, but mostly because of the sense of genuine humour and entertainment that seemed to enhance your reactions, to me. You really do make it feel like I'm showing my best friend my favourite group. It's probably because of how you aren't afraid to say your true opinion but you also still can find some kind of value that shows that you actually care about what I want to show you. I decided to join the Patreon recently (you are the first and only one that I support so far!) because I really wanted to watch the informal, more personalised(?) interactions that you have with the audience here, and also because a lot of the stuff that I would like to see you react to, would be here. Thank you. Personally, a Discord would be absolutely fabulous. It's such an easy, and fun way to organise a community that interacts with eachother almost on a regular basis. Though, the notifications can be annoying. Gaming vods?!? Second to reaction videos, they're some of my most watched content on YouTube. And both of those live are just the cherry on top, it's such an interesting thing to see when a creator is reacting in the moment with their audience. Could create some hilarious inside jokes, fun banter, or collectively coming to a general understanding of a topic. Who knows, it's a livestream. Whatever content you give to us, I'm sure we'll eat it up. Please make sure to take care, and don't overwork yourself. Easier said than done. Drink some water.


I was like "NOT MY OG PATRON!" All good. 😁 I've always immensely appreciated your support from the very beginning. I tend to underestimate myself quite a bit, which probably got my into the request overload predicament in the first place haha. Love the enthusiasm for other types of content, it's a big motivator. Once the King tier is downsized a bit more I'll be adding ACE slots at the very beginning of November.


As an office slave, I think the whole point of being a content creator would be the freedom to spend your time the way that you want. As an Ace, I obviously enjoy requests quite a bit, but I have been wondering about your workload for a while now, and I completely support anything that'll make this work for you as a human being. At the end of the day, I'm here because of -you- and not because of your tier perks. 😁 You're right about how being genuine and honest is important. On that note, if I ever request something that you're genuinely not interested in watching, you should just say so. 😂 I'm not gonna tell you how to run your life, but I want to suggest putting some dedicated, regular break time into your schedule as well if you haven't already. I personally struggle quite a bit with relaxing in my off time, since I always feel like there's something else I should be doing, and actually scheduling downtime kind of helps my brain to accept that it's fine to be lazy for a bit. And a big yes for a Discord and livestreams! In addition to yourself, there's a bunch of longtime regulars here in the comments who I'd love to chat with more easily, and I'm happy to help in any way I can with that. I'm also a big gamer, so it'd be fun to do something with that eventually. You've got this. 🙌


Thanks so much for your input! I think that even though I'll be trying to streamline requests a bit more, you guys will enjoy the changes overall because it will result in a higher quantity and consistency of content. I was it set where if I do episode 1 of a variety show you can expect the next one in a week or two max no matter what, you know?


It was very manageable the first 5-6 months. I think everyone will be happier once they see how shedding the request number down improves upload consistency. +1 to the Discord vote, noted!


Thank you so much for the support! I was afraid I'd come off as complaining because I appreciate you guys immensely and never imagined I would have this opportunity. In the end, the changes will be beneficial to all my tiers.


Hearing about why people decided to initially become Patrons and how they feel about it after a few months is extremely valuable info, so thank you! Patreon should have a way to send out critique/Patron happiness forms haha. Getting tons of love for the Discord so that might actually happen way sooner than anticipated.


That's exactly the problem I have. When I'm off trying to enjoy myself I can never fully immerse myself in the moment. There's always something I could be working on or doing. I think that drive is both a good and bad thing. The worst is when it leaves me frozen and unable to have fun OR work, which was very common this month especially. I'd love to jump on new content right away and always get to the full albums of some of my favorites, their variety appearances, ect. Though the quantity of requests have prevented that. They're an immense blessing that I just need to reel in a liiiiiittle bit. Everyone should notice the improvements over the next month or two. Thank you for the advice!


All of your ideas sound completely solid, and honestly, even I was thinking for a while that there surely aren’t enough hours in the day to get through all of the requests you receive per month, so reducing these and adding Ace tiers sounds like a great idea. You’ll probably be better off financially that way as well, and the demand is there so why not? A discord would be really fun I think, as like you say, it will add that interaction element not just with you but with eachother as well. And gaining more Kpop fans to talk with is always a bonus, especially when they’re open minded. Whatever you decide to do, I’m sure everyone here will continue to support it!


Even I need a break from kpop sometimes and I’m not even making content for anyone. I try to listen to new songs and their albums on the day of but sometimes I just don’t feel like it and then I simply don’t do it. Like you said, don’t wanna go into watching or listening to something in a bad mood. So it’s totally understandable. Everything you said sounded really good, but looking forward to the livestreams and discord the most. Discord will really help tighten the community. And with livestreaming, during the pandemic, twitch was my #1 form of entertainment for a good while (until uni started normally again this september). So yeah, I fell in love with twitch and with interacting through there, can’t wait for that. And yup, you’ll be fine, but if you’re kinda stressed about it, just start with streaming some games! It’ll be a more relaxed atmosphere that way. Anyways, thanks for this video Paul! I love to use my arrow buttons to skip around a little normally but did not touch them at all for these 22 minutes! All the love <3

shinwon swimming

Hi Paul! I missed your reactions but I'm so happy you had a good break and that you're feeling much better :) I subscribed to your channel after coming across your reactions to my ults but I stayed because of how genuine you are and I've really come to enjoy getting to know new groups with you. I always look forward to your uploads :) I think I tend to always miss the timing to tune in to livestreaming stuff just cos of time difference but I think they're a gr8 idea. the last thing we would ever want is for you to burn out and stop loving reacting to kpop so do what u gotta do and we'll be here. 💓 P.s a lil TMI but ur reactions remind me of my older brother who I used to make watch kpop vids w me all the time before he moved away. We dont rly talk much these days which is prob why I find ur vids so comforting. :"> thank u for making them. 🙆🏻‍♀️

Steph M

Thanks so much for this update! First off I'm glad to hear that you took the mental health break you needed, it's so important to consistently prioritize that. And in terms of the tiers, I completely understand what you're saying. 70 requests a month is a TON to handle, and business-wise it makes total sense to put more focus on that Queen tier. It sounds like a very smart idea to cut back. I do love the requests, but I'll 100% be sticking around regardless of what you decide. And the new things you're thinking of introducing, like the schedule, kdramas, discord, and live streams all sound great! Totally on board for all of it. I have had that thought about YouTubers maybe feeling more nervous in a livestream setting, but I really think you'd suit it perfectly. Being a part of your community on here has been a real highlight of my past year, so I'm looking forward to supporting you more in the future, and hopefully seeing you get to do this on that full-time basis like you've been wanting to! Thanks a million for all the hard work and great content 😄


Hi Paul, glad to have you back and good to know you got your much-needed break! All of us need time to ourselves so it's totally understandable but thank you for letting us know still. :) As I've said before, what I love about your reactions is that they're always genuine so I'm thankful that you don't react to something when you're not feeling up to it. It's also understandable that you don't have to answer each and every single comment, especially the long ones (like mine) because there's only one you and hundreds of us. I do appreciate that you always take the time to read them. I've always been amazed at how you're able to keep up with so many requests, on top of other things you do, so if you think restructuring the tiers is necessary, then I support you on that, as well as the other ideas and goals you've mentioned. I've never tried Discord, mostly because I don't really do well in group chats, but I'd be more than willing to try it if you start one. The community here is awesome and I've always wanted to interact but my timidity gets the better of me every time, haha. Excited for the livestreams too! Thank you again for this update and I'm always grateful that you ask us for opinions and value our feedback. :)


discord please! i live there already. i would love to chat with you more (i've said this before but my primary reason for subbing was that i felt a kinship with you knowing we're about the same age and had similar musical interests/histories) and also other patrons here, i'm an extrovert and often want to talk to others but chatting on patreon is a pain in the ass. it took forever for me and robert to sync up to plan suband reactions lol so it would be way faster and easier in the future with a community~ even if it's just 2 people i'll talk enough for 10~ anyway i watched the whole thing but don't have much other to say than you do you and i support it, all of it, yes

shinwon swimming

Refreshed after I wrote a comment... Not the 3 ptg requestors commenting one after another. It's like we have the same brain cell hahaha


On board with everything, i just hope you will let the steams replay available for free cuz an European i can tell that i will miss a lot of them so i hope i would catch up with replays at least XD. Also i started watching my first fews dramas and oh boy what a world, don't know if you watch some of them already but i find it amazing. And the Discord needs to happen ASAP i need to talk to ppl about KPOP cuz my friends, coworkers etc don't understand the appeal of KPOP so i'm on my own. Anyway let's see how it goes and i will still fight for that ace spot XD


I understand completely, and have seen many other content creators burn out once they got bigger. Success is sometimes as much of a burden as it is a benefit. I think your idea to focus on your Queen tier is brilliant. It’s the opposite of what most do, and it’s what will set you up for a healthier, balanced life. It will also allow you to continue to grow without fear. Does the editing bother you a lot? Have you considered finding an editor? If you get even bigger, you may find you could factor that into your plan. I know many big YouTube content creators do it that way. All of those ideas sound great. I may not be able to participate in discord (I try to limit my vpn usage to avoid our content censorship in China), but it’s a great way to connect with people. Whatever you decide, I’ll be around to support 😎


You're someone I know I can count on to join the Discord! Love our chats on YT and twitter and watching you fall in love with LOONA has become one of the highlights of starting my entire channel. 💜


Excited to have you back but glad you took time for yourself and to reflect on what's best for you and the channel. I think all your ideas made sense, especially if they allow for us to spend more time enjoying the content along with you vs. feeling like you are forced to churn out reactions just for the sake of meeting a monthly quota of requests. I haven't really done Discord yet, but I have participated in live chat in other formats, and it is always fun having that level of instant and organic interaction with the host and the other viewers. While I can totally relate to your worry about being able to edit when recording vs. being live, I think you'd be a natural in the livestream format. I imagine that, like me, your other patrons would enjoy that added sense of connection and real-time interaction. I am always genuinely excited whenever I see you post new content. You and your honest, sincere reactions have been a big part of making this whole pandemic bearable. ❤️


Ooohh, Discord idea sounds interesting, I’ve never really done it, but I’m willing to try, I really like it here in your YT channel and Patreon😅 And I’m so down for gaming livestreams🔥 I love playing games✨ Just maybe save the VODs, considering how many people here live in different time zones🙌🏻 I’m sure you’re gonna be great in livestreams, you seem very genuine in your natural reactions✨ Please don’t overwork yourself, stay safe and enjoy creating your content, that’s the main reason, why people love your reactions - you seem like you’re enjoying it as much as we enjoy watching you🙌🏻


Yo, that sounds like a lot of commitment. But it all sounds good. Good luck.

KPOP Stan Sara

I love Discord :) I just sometimes get overwhelmed when it's TOO much chatter, which some channels...oh my god their community is filled with young and hyper people and it honestly ran me off lmao and I'm a gamer myself so I'm 100% for livestreams or at least trying it out :) (games or KPOP content, anything)


I'm glad you took a break if you needed it. I don't really use discord unless it's to video chat my friend who lives like 7 hours away from me but I'd actually look into using it more if you opened one compared to other creators. Mostly because we've actually had some interactions and I don't think it'd feel as awkward as joining a discord that's already been open for awhile where the dynamic is already kind of set, you know? I'm actually excited that that might be an option now! As far as for my livestream opinion, my schedule doesn't really allow me to join in livestreams, so it would be cool if they were recorded somehow and made available after the fact for people who can't join in to watch later on. Anyway, I totally understand the need for a healthier workflow, and if you think you've figured it out, that's great! I think someone else above said it too, but you can always re-evaluate if it's not working out. That's actually the benefit to something like this. You can adjust to what works best for you, and in the end most, if not all, of your patrons will probably benefit from it anyway so it ends up being a win-win!


I didn't get a chance to watch this last night, but I'm glad you're prioritizing your health and what works best for you over anything else! I've been through a few different Patreon restructurings with other reactors on Patreon and I think just being as open and honest about the workload can do wonders for your community in understanding the time and pressure all this takes, especially since you're still working outside of this (as of right now). Cutting back on the amount of requests is absolutely not a bad thing by any means, that's *SO* much content, even if people are only requesting short music videos. Also I think Discord is a great idea! I'm only currently active in one Patreon server outside of my other active servers, but it's a server I've been a part of for a really long time now, and I think it's a great place to be able to communicate not only with other members of the Patreon, but the Patreon owner themselves, so yeah. :) I can't speak much as far as livestreams go because I'm usually not able to join livestreams as often, but I definitely think they're a great option as well for being able to connect with people in real time so I would be excited for you to be able to get that figured out as well, especially for non-kpop content that others might be interested in! And I've said this before to other reactors I follow, just remember that taking breaks is absolutely okay *AND* necessary. This is a lot of work, and if you need to take the time to recuperate and get back in a good mindset, you SHOULD do it. Kpop, and honestly just music in general, tbh, even if it does become your main source of income, shouldn't become something you dread or not a source of joy anymore.


Welcome back ! On board with all of this. Discord. Squid Game. Gaming. We have similar hobbies it seems. XD and planning. I would love to interact more with you and the community.


Like what everyone else said in the comments, I’m glad you took that much needed break! I personally enjoy watching content more when the reactor is enjoying themselves as well, so I’m happy that you took the time to care for your self. 💙 I totally relate with wanting to share things/content I enjoy with friends, which is one of the main reasons I joined this community. It’s like sharing my happiness with a friend and enjoying music/entertainment together. It’s a wonderful, warm feeling. Your ideas are all good tbh. I’m down for some gaming stuff. I’m a gamer too (although I don’t play as much as I did anymore..life is busy lol) and I follow a few gaming channels on Twitch, so if you’re planning to stream there I’d be present (if I’m awake 😂 I live in the opposite side of the world but in case I don’t make it to the live, I’ll watch the VODs 😁) Also kdramas are a big yes for me! The main reason I got into kpop was because of kdramas. The OSTs are usually sooo good and it’s where I discovered some of my first kpop faves. Count me in! The scheduled releases are also a big yes for me. I’m a very spontaneous person, but I also like when things are organized. 😆 Lastly…wow. I’m a CS graduate too! Idk if your work outside of Youtube is related to CS (some of my friends have jobs that are so unrelated to their college majors 😆) but if it is…man, the job’s not easy. I don’t know how you’re still able to produce the amount of content you release. When my shift ends, I usually don’t have the energy to work out or do physical activities. My brain’s just drained. So I usually just watch stuff on Youtube / Twitch and fall asleep 😂 Props to you, really, for being able to cope up with all of this. Hopefully you do find the “balance” you’re looking for and be able to continue this for a long time (or as much as you want). Know that I’ll always be here to support 🤩


Based on the comments here and the majority of my YT comments, I think my audience skews slightly older. Everyone communicates really well so hopefully that won't be an issue 😊

sumi mia

This was great! I'm grateful you shared all this. I think all these plans are great. I've actually thought about lowering my tier to Queen, both to make it easier for you even if just a little and also because I've had a little bit of a hard time figuring what to request with one video. I would love to continue on King tier, but if it helps I think I would lower my tier and hopefully be able to squeeze myself into Ace at some point. Your wellbeing is important and it's great you have put it first 👍 I think the idea of the schedule sounds great and I would be excited for some drama reactions too if that's something you want to do. Also discord and live streaming sound great! I personally wouldn't mind gaming streams, I actually really enjoy watching people play as I love games but am a really poor player and want to enjoy the stories etc games bring. So yeah, I would love that 🙂 I am almost always a mess and over enthusiastic with my requests and especially comments. English not being my first language makes it often difficult to convey my thoughts, but what I'm with all this babbling trying to say is that I am always happy and grateful for your work!

V G (Zay)

Everybody needs a break sometimes! A heads-up is lovely if only so I'm not like "wait is he ok did he die" XD the online experience. But good for you for taking the time you need 100%. Cutting down requests makes perfect sense, and I really appreciate on the other side that you're not eliminating it entirely! There's a lot of kpop reactor channels out there just reacting to new releases and some stuff from the like 4 biggest groups, so having that variety is a benefit. Specifically setting aside time in the schedule for thing YOU particularly want to watch is an excellent idea however, gotta do those things to keep yourself extra engaged and excited! Hmm, I wonder if you could do an 'artist of the month/week'-type thing, let all the patrons (involve all the tiers!) vote on an artist--or even something like one male artist and one female, or one popular group and one underrated one--and you do a mini-marathon of that artist? You could even start with only polling some groups that you particularly want to see more of and then later do more out-there stuff. Speaking for myself, even when I am not able to request, being able to kind of vote/chime in is a lot of fun! :D


I watched this video last night and wanted to comment right away but ended up rambling so much I didn't even know what I was trying to say anymore. I think all the plans you outlined here are pretty solid though, it's obvious you've put a lot of thought into these matters. I think everyone will understand your reasoning for decreasing the number of King tier patrons. You're always open and honest so I feel like everyone will see where you're coming from. Anyway, I am looking forward to the live streams and the gaming and the discord! I think those will all be fun!


Thank you for the heads-up, and also for the sincere chat. One of the last things I picked up from this video was that you can tell when someone is sincere on camera, and I absolutely agree. With my real-life commitments at the moment (40 hour work week, approx. 2.5 to 3.5 hours commute per day, and trying to complete a qualification via distance learning) I can’t watch as much content as I would desperately like to, so there are only a few reactors that I regularly watch. And then not even all the videos ☹ Just the ones relating to my top few favourite artists. The point is that for me to watch a video I need to have faith that the reactor is either a) sincere and enthusiastic, or b) will give me insight into the video/the song/ the dancing. And I think you strike a really good balance. That bit you said about wanting to show your friends your favourite videos really resonated, and that is the vibe I come here for. I watched your Day 6 discovery journey, and the Seventeen one, and seeing that progression from curiosity and novelty to the genuine appreciation and excitement is absolutely great. (and hearing you mention TooGrown – did you see his 4 HOUR LONG stream of all the Day6 major MVs? It was great and the link is on his Discord if you haven’t seen it yet and want to/have the time to watch it.) To also support what some of the other commenters have said – schedules are always nice. Like, I look forward to Mondays because it’s “Boy band Monday on TooGrown’s channel and he will do a GOT7 video (and BTS and Stray Kids but I mostly love his GOT7 ones), and Wednesdays are great because Going Seventeen, and Thursdays are great because it’s “Seventeen Thursday” on TGs channel. Most of the other people I follow don’t have schedules like that so there’s the unexpected pleasure of seeing a reaction pop up, but it’s not consistent so you don’t know that you can look forward to it. Having at least a basic schedule, even if it’s not necessarily for a particular group, allows the viewer to anticipate their favourite days. Re Discord – I think it’s a great idea. I’ve seen at least one other person mention here that they would not be there regularly, and it’s the same for me, but it is a nice way to allow the community you’re building here to interact and grow closer. It can be difficult to have a conversation in the comments :D It’s also a great place to store your VOD links if you’re going to go ahead and livestream. ReaKtpop (aka Sazaria Games) has started livestreaming her gaming as well, and her Kpop reaction videos are amazing (she does a lot of technical info but she’s also genuine and genuinely enthusiastic – if you have the time please check out her reaction to Day6’s Letting Go), and she’s been working towards the same kind of balance you are talking about at the moment. And Newova has been through the whole thing of separating channels based on the different types of videos he does, but then putting them all back on the same channel – the algorithms were not kind to him and he was trying to balance what worked for the channel stats vs what his viewers wanted/needed. So looking at some of his posts and videos may also give some insight. There’s definitely a space and opportunity for both branching out your output, integrating your content across platforms, and balancing real world and virtual lives with your health. Definitely please have your health (mental/physical etc) as your main priority! Everyone on Patreon is here because they believe in you and care for you, so at least you know we would understand! Good grief, long comment. ANYWAY I’m almost done – have you considered doing a pilot livestream and Discord launch with your patreons (patrons?) first? To see whether you are comfortable without a script/editing, with people interacting with you in real time. (Possibly also do a poll to check out when the majority would be online, because of all the different time zones represented here?) In summary: good talk, thanks for the heads up, your concerns and also ideas are valid, the ideas specifically are good, and Good Luck! (Also more Going Seventeen? Automatic yes vote from me.)

Alondra Jiménez

the changes you have planned are totally understandable and I don't think anyone would have a problem with that! As long as you are well and really enjoy what you do, I think it will be reflected and as you said, it will be better for everyone :) in my case I only met you and entered patreon because I saw a video of you reacting to my favorite group in life , and I really liked that you are already very different from others, very genuine, At first I only saw the videos related to groups that I know (since highlight left, I didn't know anything about kpop, and less that there were 'generations' haha), but these days and more now that you weren't there for a while I realized that now I watch and enjoy all the videos, I discover new things and I like it! I hope I can get the ace tier and if not, I think I'm happy just watching the content on yt and patreon💜 as always, I wish you to keep growing a lot, since I actually think you deserve it, good luck!!!

Moonlight (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-03 17:55:23 very late I know but I was very busy I just managed to watch this now. I don't think anyone here including me has any problem with the changes & plans you have. like other commenters have said, schedules are a good way to keep things more organized, also I recommend also combining all comeback stages you want to react to in one live stream then uploading the vod later, it will save so much time for you, I saw others do that lately and it really does save them a lot of time. I would also suggest having half of the month for just watching and reacting to what you are interested in & your fav groups stuff regardless of comeback or a reality show or a variety and the other half of the month for requests. as for discord I used to have one but I kinda unlike it from here months ago but maybe I will link it again. to be fair personally regarding requests I wanted to go to ace tier to request one longer video instead of overthinking what to request or changing my requests anyway, I just wish you the best and I'm glad that you are looking after yourself and really your health is more important, good luck on everything.
2021-10-26 14:14:39 very late I know but I was very busy I just managed to watch this now. I don't think anyone here including me has any problem with the changes & plans you have. like other commenters have said, schedules are a good way to keep things more organized, also I recommend also combining all comeback stages you want to react to in one live stream then uploading the vod later, it will save so much time for you, I saw others do that lately and it really does save them a lot of time. I would also suggest having half of the month for just watching and reacting to what you are interested in & your fav groups stuff regardless of comeback or a reality show or a variety and the other half of the month for requests. as for discord I used to have one but I kinda unlike it from here months ago but maybe I will link it again. to be fair personally regarding requests I wanted to go to ace tier to request one longer video instead of overthinking what to request or changing my requests anyway, I just wish you the best and I'm glad that you are looking after yourself and really your health is more important, good luck on everything.

very late I know but I was very busy I just managed to watch this now. I don't think anyone here including me has any problem with the changes & plans you have. like other commenters have said, schedules are a good way to keep things more organized, also I recommend also combining all comeback stages you want to react to in one live stream then uploading the vod later, it will save so much time for you, I saw others do that lately and it really does save them a lot of time. I would also suggest having half of the month for just watching and reacting to what you are interested in & your fav groups stuff regardless of comeback or a reality show or a variety and the other half of the month for requests. as for discord I used to have one but I kinda unlike it from here months ago but maybe I will link it again. to be fair personally regarding requests I wanted to go to ace tier to request one longer video instead of overthinking what to request or changing my requests anyway, I just wish you the best and I'm glad that you are looking after yourself and really your health is more important, good luck on everything.


I'm a big fan of the discord and twitch ideas. None of my other favorite reactors have done that yet so it'd be REALLY interesting to see that happen. And I wouldn't worry about messing up on livestreams,-- I feel like I've almost never seen you make a jump cut, even in your drunk 3 am reality show reactions lmao I support all the other ideas too. Anything that makes it easier and more sustainable in the long run for you is a great idea. Esp financially!


p.s. I play TONS of games, so maybe there will be an overlap in our steam libraries? And I graduated from school with the intention of getting into game production too. I'm working as a concept artist for somebody else's game right now, but I hope I can make my own later on. The industry is buckwild though....I'm in solidarity with you