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LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/d99tldcmmh1jdxyfao6h2/IU-TV-Eight-Behind-the-Scenes.mp4?rlkey=lhy3dpboa9ez0jxlnra6yymg5&dl=0


IU TV Eight Behind the Scenes.mp4

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Yeah, IU's talking voice is really good. It's one of the reasons I like watching her kdramas.

shinwon swimming

aw iuuuu. <3 iu is the cutest smollest bean in the world. btw if you ever get started on kdramas, i would highly recommend scarlet heart ryeo. it's such a classic but it might wreck u. hahaha. iu plays the lead in that drama.

악 ᄏ

IU has a really close and Family-like relationship with her staffs Many of them have been working with her for a long time (over 10 years for some) and it's called 'The IU Team' Watching them interact with IU is one of the main reason I watch her behind the scenes stuff. It's just really cute and wholesome

Steph M

I'm sorry for the torture, it was pretty fun to watch you suffer though 😅 She's ridiculously adorable. Plus I thought this would be a good video to request because it shows some key points about IU like her wit, her great relationship with her team, her undying love for chocolate... And I agree she could do a lot of amazing things down the line with how intelligent and creative she is. She's completely excelled at everything she's done so far with her singing, writing, and acting, so I'm very excited to see what more she does in the future. And I'm really happy to hear that there's more IU requests this month, can't wait!


IU TV is so much fun to watch! My personal favorite episode is still the April Fools Day video where her IUTV PD pretended to be mad at her and left her to do all the editing and filming on her own. It's so funny, I still laugh the whole time everytime I watch it. IU has an adorable relationship with her staff and they're all so involved in her IU TV videos. They're really like a family. I agree that she'd be a great book author. She's brilliant and witty and it helps that she's also huge bookworm. I'm so excited for the other IU videos for this month!


Wow, Steph went on the attack with this one, huh? 🤣 I feel like I need to recalibrate a lot of adjectives after watching this.

Steph M

The funny thing is I didn't even really mean to attack with this one, I think all IU content just has this effect 😂 She's way too loveable