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Hey, folks! Thought I'd throw out this little post to ask for your feedback as Patrons. What you're happy with, what you're unhappy with, ect.

I do my best to serve both YouTube and Patreon content the best I can while working, though I know there are issues and things I'd like to be much better about. Feel free to give me some constructive criticism in the comments, or DM me if you'd rather keep it private.

Points I'd like you to consider:

  • Any constructive criticism about the manner in which I conduct my reactions? What do you specifically look for in my videos that is unique?

  • Why did you become a Patron of mine?

  • What type of content would you like to see more/less of? Albums, live stages, variety, live streams, k-dramas, interviews, more heavily produced videos?

  • List the top 3 groups you're here for on Patreon

  • What do you think about my output? Do you feel like you're getting your $ worth as a supporter? Would you be interested if I made annual subscriptions available where you could save some money?

I debated just making this a Google Form. I'd like you to see each other's responses though and maybe start a dialog. I'm always a low-key ball of anxiety, hoping I'm making you guys feel valued. Don't let that stop you from being 100% honest with your comments.

Once again, thank you so much for being supporters of mine. If growth continues I could see myself attempting to try this thing full-time while I finish up my Computer Science degree this Fall/Winter.

Peace ✌️

- KP



Oh hey! Annyeong 😁 My brain is in “sleepy-bedtime-mode” now but I’ll try my best to construct my thoughts well and sincerely. Any constructive criticism about the manner in which I conduct my reactions? What do you specifically look for in my videos that is unique? — Honestly, I’m loving the way you’re already doing things. I appreciate that you always value our feedback and try out some of the suggestions that may work both for your advantage and ours as viewers (like compiling diff. group reactions in a long-form video) — I know people have diff. tastes and there may be songs that you vibe with and songs that are not your cup of tea, and that’s completely okay and I appreciate that you are always honest with your thoughts/reactions. As long as you enjoy the journey and enjoy discovering new music or new artists, I believe your viewers will enjoy as well ❤️ Why did you become a Patron of mine? — First, I initially subscribed to your youtube because as I said before I love your attitude towards discovering new music. You’re open to listen and give a song a chance - whether it’s something you vibe with or not - and honestly, that’s what I feel a true music lover is like. — Then, I became a Patron because of something you said - It’s that you really begin to fall in love with a group because of their personalities. That’s exactly how I am. These idols are human beings before they are celebrities. Their personalities are what gets me hooked. The talent/visuals/whatnot are just a bonus. Based on that, I felt like your content would be something I would enjoy consuming in the long run, so I decided to become a Patron ❤️ What type of content would you like to see more/less of? Albums, live stages, variety, live streams, interviews, more heavily produced videos? — I like variety stuff and the more “laid back” kind of content where you really see artists be their true selves. But actually at this point, I’d consume anything you put out lol I’ve become a Paul fan now 😂 List the top 3 groups you're here for on Patreon - Mamamoo - Dreamcatcher - IU Lol I think I blabbed too much, but I hope I made sense. Thank you for making quarantine life enjoyable! Hoping for you to be able to do this full-time in the future (if that’s what you want ☺️). Rooting for you!!


Oh wait I just realized there was a last bullet point: Do you feel like you're getting your $ worth as a supporter? — Yes. Thank you for working so hard 🥺 (I know how tiring it is to edit your content ㅠㅠ)


I love the way you do your reactions! You always point out really interesting things and connections I don't think of, which I love. You're also completely honest if you don't vibe with a song, which I totally appreciate (instead of pretending to like everything). I became a patron because I've also fallen into the hole of kbands as have you :D I wanted to request some awesome content for you to check out, several of my ult groups are kbands! I will say that I also became a patron for Kingdom! I had a blast watching it with you, I hope you could maybe get to know some of the groups that were on there? I'm a boy group stan, so I'd love to see some more boy group content! The top groups I'm here for are N.flying, Mamamoo, and Kingdom groups I guess haha. I've only been a King tier for two months, but I've loved seeing your reactions to my request! It's been so fun to finally find a reactor who's really digging into these kbands (you're probably one of the only ones out there). Only thing is that I do wish I could request slightly more content- only because I spend like 30 minutes debating what to request for my one song lol, there's so much great content out there that I want to request! But then again as a (also CS) student myself I totally understand that you're busy haha so don't worry about it! I'm already super grateful that you're even doing requests <3 Overall I really do love your content! Thank you so much for all the effort you put into this! I'll continue supporting for as long as I am able to :D

sumi mia

I'll try my best to write out my thoughts :) I don't have any criticism toward your content. I've said it before, but I really like how honest you are about what you like and don't and you also give everything a chance. That's why I initially subscribed to your youtube and when you informed of your patreon, I was excited that I would be able to see that same kind of energy with live stages and variety shows. Also you have some nice input on what you watch/listen and you're funny so 😁 I didn't become a patron because of specific groups, but the ones I follow the most are Dreamcatcher and Ateez. I really think you're doing a great job and you already have a nice variety of videos bothin terms of content and groups. I know I'm really bad at watching many things "on time", even those of my favorite groups, but I really do appreciate the work you put toward your content and yes I do feel I get my moneys worth. Keep up the good work, but remember to have time for yourself and take the breaks you need when you need 😊


Thank you so much for the sweet comments and info! I'm very happy you're enjoying what I do and hopefully made quarantine a little more bearable for you. 💜💜


I do want to do a special Kingdom Wrap-Up video where I look at each group with a new perspective, similar to my Kingdom Prep video. Unfortunately the King Tier limitations were a necessary change to allow myself to keep doing requests while also making other forms of content. There's always the Ace tier if I decide to raise the cap/someone lowers their pledge!


Thank you for being such a long time supporter of mine! I really appreciate you 💜. I love that you said you aren't here for specific groups. I'm a channel for multi-fandoms and always will be. Sometimes I really get worried people are only here for Seventeen, Mamamoo, NCT, or whoever and I'll stress if I haven't put out content featuring them in a while.

Steph M

- Any constructive criticism about the manner in which I conduct my reactions? What do you specifically look for in my videos that is unique? The thing I've always loved most about your videos is your honesty and sincerity when it comes to sharing your thoughts and giving your opinions about what you're reacting to, whether I agree with them or not. And I think I've felt that sense of authenticity in your content even more as time has gone on, so I'm totally happy with the way you conduct your videos! - Why did you become a Patron of mine? I became a Patreon because I thought that honest approach to making videos was really refreshing, so I wanted to see more of your content and support you further as a creator. - What type of content would you like to see more/less of? Albums, live stages, variety, live streams, interviews, more heavily produced videos? I'm really happy with the content you're putting out at the moment, but I would absolutely be open to more interviews. I generally enjoy that type of content just as much as variety stuff, so I'd love to see more interviews of artists, if that's something you'd also be interested in posting. I understand that you're super busy though, so no pressure with that! List the top 3 groups you're here for on Patreon My top 3 are Mamamoo, IU and LOONA, but I honestly watch the majority of your content since I love finding new groups and artists through these videos. What do you think about my output? Do you feel like you're getting your $ worth as a supporter? Absolutely. I think you're doing a great job, and I always enjoy the content you put out. Your videos brighten up my day, thanks so much for all the hard work! 💜


- Any constructive criticism about the manner in which I conduct my reactions? What do you specifically look for in my videos that is unique? Real opinions are what I'm looking for. I like that you say what you think most if the time, like in the new TWICE video with the sound issue(i'm joking) and of course with your musical taste hehe. - Why did you become a Patron of mine? I think we are like-minded, from what i've seen at least, you do not "freak out" about stuff. I like my reaction videos to be more than "oh my god" and "cool/did you see that". I wanted to see the rest of your stuff that you didn't put on youtube. - What type of content would you like to see more/less of? Albums, live stages, variety, live streams, interviews, more heavily produced videos? More: Albums, Live stages (more excited for special stages than for 5 reactions to the same song just with a different background), Variety for sure. Rest is fine with me the way it is. I would need clarification "heavily produced". -List the top 3 groups you're here for on Patreon Dreamcatcher TWICE Kinda any group I like that you do (And trying to get you more into BTS hehe) -What do you think about my output? Do you feel like you're getting your $ worth as a supporter? I've just been here for a bit more than half a month I think. I would need to see what an actual month looks like now that I've caught up with everything that I wanted to see.


- I really like your reactions and I don’t have any criticism towards your content or how you react - I became Patreon of yours after I discovered your channel I really liked your videos and wanted to see more - I would like to see you react to more albums a lot of artists/groups have more diverse songs and great b-sides that in general I hope you discover/listen to. But I know that you are very busy so it’s okay really and no pressure with that - my top three are IU, Dreamcatcher and Taemin. I already watch the majority of your content though and I discovered many other artists through your videos like k-bands - you’re doing amazing and I always enjoy the content you put out Thank you so much for all your hard work. Always remember to take care of yourself and to take a break whenever you need


- I appreciate the fact that you are honest and not too over the top with reactions while still really enjoying lots of different content, and are willing to admit when something was underwhelming or exceeds your expectations. - I became a Patron while I was on a RTK kick last year (I enjoy pain apparently), and came back as I saw more content on groups I follow. I also enjoy your style of reactions, and you are one of the very few covering all my favourite groups - I would love to see more performances (b-sides would be fun) and album reactions. It might be interesting to also have episodes on some variety show that have different groups every time like for example Weekly Idols - My top groups are PENTAGON Day6 and ONEWE (Kbands really). I enjoy lots of groups and I don't mind trying new things as well though. - I think the volume of output is more than ok, but I would suggest trying to plan your month out to help you keep track and prioritising, and have something like a monthly agenda that is shared (which should not be an excuse for people to bother you about releasing stuff). I am ok with the pricing but as I said I have some financial fun and games going on so I will probably have skip few months, but that is a me problem, which I would not take to heart. - again, I think especially lately a yearly tier might be a bit difficult, but some people might be interested? Hopefully this helped a tiny bit!

Martin Schafer

I'm pretty happy with what you do on patreon and youtube. My main groups are Mamamoo, Purple Kiss and Oneus


I suck at keeping things short, so sorry: 😂 • Constructive criticism/what do I look for: I generally really like what you’re doing already. I like your energy, pace, your approach to pausing and commenting while watching, afterword, etc. You have good flow throughout. I am sensitive to intros/forewords that drag on, and while I don’t think you’re guilty of that very often at all, maybe just keep it in mind. Of course, if you feel that a particular thing we’re watching deserves more time to share your thoughts/knowledge, feel free! • Why did I become a Patron? As I’ve said before, you seem very down to earth, measured, and honest. For MVs and other content that I really adore, I go through a whole drove of reactors afterwards, and none scratch the same itch that you do. You’re not afraid to call out bullshit when you see it. I also get the feeling that you do a fair bit of research on the groups you react to regularly, which is nice. I appreciate an informed take on anything. • What type of content would I like to see more/less of? I like album reactions and interviews a lot, so maybe try something like Showterview for a group/solo you like? K-dramas could be cool, but it’s a very different type of content so I’d say only do it if you have the time or especially want to try it. Keep in mind what -you- enjoy as well, since reactions are always more genuine that way. Also, I’d love more Queendom if you can find the time! • Top 3 groups? I have two groups for which I’ll devour pretty much any content they put out, and that’s (G)I-DLE and Dreamcatcher. I guess Purple Kiss and LOONA are sort of tied for third now. I listen to a lot of girl groups though and I’m slowly broadening my horizons beyond that, and I think your recent compilation approach is good for that (I just gotta find the time!). • What do I think about your output? You’re more than fine! I know you’re juggling a lot of stuff and I always say health comes first. I know a bit about burnout, and, uh... don't do it. 😂 Rather than actively waiting for content, I’m just happy when it does appear. I don’t care who’s first when something new drops, either. An annual sub would be cool! I’m very confident I’ll stick around, so if that’s something you feel like doing, thumbs up. Keep doing you! I always have a good time with your content. 😁


I can’t offer you much in terms of criticism, I really enjoy what you do! I love your vibe and authentic reactions. You are always very respectful of the groups and the fans in your reactions while still giving thoughtful opinion. Which is why I wanted to watch your kingdom reactions. DAY6 and SKZ are my ult groups and unfortunately there is not a lot of patreon content atm, but I did know that before I joined. I looked at what was up when I joined for the kingdom reacts. I would love to see more DAY6 and SKZ content, though I know there are a lot on YT as well, which is great! Other groups I love are LUCY and P1Harmony. And now after kingdom I'm getting into SF9 and ATZ. Would love to see pretty much anything on these groups 😅


Oh, I totally agree with what seekified said about pausing. I think you utilize pause and comment very well. Some reactors are strict no pausing which is frustration when they start going off on a long tangent and miss 10 things and others are pausing every 2 seconds lol you have a great balance and pause or replay when needed and not in excess.

shinwon swimming

Any constructive criticism about the manner in which I conduct my reactions? What do you specifically look for in my videos that is unique? - i love your reactions and i like how honest you are . i also like how you get into detail about some of the more technical parts of the song ie. music composition, instrumentals etc. Why did you become a Patron of mine? - to see more pentagon content tbh. lol . there's so few youtubers who acty react to ptg content besides their title tracks. and then i stayed bc of your other reactions too. What type of content would you like to see more/less of? Albums, live stages, variety, live streams, k-dramas, interviews, more heavily produced videos? - i'd love to see more live stages, album listens and variety. wd also love to see unboxing vids / PC collection if u have haha List the top 3 groups you're here for on Patreon - pentagon - IU - your RTK/Kingdom reactions What do you think about my output? Do you feel like you're getting your $ worth as a supporter? Would you be interested if I made annual subscriptions available where you could save some money? - i'm a new king tier (1 month ) so i hope you dm i'm just basing this on my experience for this month. i do think that output on patreon cd be abit more frequent. i find myself watching alot more of your youtube reactions than patreon releases. your youtube releases for the month in general tend to be more diverse than on patreon too. also 1 song request for USD15 is quite steep once converted to my currency (SGD) and i know i missed the boat when it was still 2 song requests :( i'd defo be interested in a subscription plan that's more cost-saving but cant say for sure if I can commit to an annual plan. anw thanks again for your vids i know you put alot of effort into making them :> i do hope you get to do this full time one day (if you want to )

Elizabeth Seravello

I wish you were making more content for certain groups, but I understand time constraints and the groups that you love are different from the ones that I love.


Hey there! I don’t really have any complaints at all, as you’ll see below! The only suggestion I would make is maybe doing a schedule for your reactions? That way people know what’s coming up, in which order. Also, is there maybe a way for the Ace Tier and King Tier to be able to see eachother’s requests? Just in case, on the off chance, there are any duplicate requests or too much of one group etc? * Any constructive criticism about the manner in which I conduct my reactions? What do you specifically look for in my videos that is unique? I personally really enjoy your reactions as they are! You’re not over the top, you’re always honest about whether or not you like something whilst also being respectful, you don’t simply drop a group after maybe not enjoying something in particular, and you don’t try and cater to the masses by only putting out reactions for bigger groups - which is very important to me. * Why did you become a Patron of mine? All of the above, plus I think personality wise I find you to be someone who seems quite similar to myself, and I found I was agreeing with quite a lot of what you were saying. However, on top of that, I was quite perturbed by how low your subs were considering the sheer amount of time and effort you put into your reactions - so I decided to support. * What type of content would you like to see more/less of? Albums, live stages, variety, live streams, interviews, more heavily produced videos? I’m honestly happy with anything at all, though a few more album reactions would be nice to see if you have the time! Maybe make it an option for Ace tier to suggest? Seeing as these are normally around the same length as a 40 minute variety show would be anyway. * List the top 3 groups you're here for on Patreon I’m multi-fandom to my core, so I can enjoy pretty much anything and I’m always looking for new groups. However, I am biased more towards Pentagon, Dreamcatcher and Ateez, as these are my main fandoms.


Hi, first of all, thanks for making content you're making, cause your reactions are gold. Even though I can't afford being your full time patron (yet) and join mostly whenever you have ptg content from month to month, I wanted to write a bit of my thoughts. It's my second time writing this, I guess I accidentally deleted my last comment. Or maybe my patreon is just glitching, then sorry for a deja vu. • I don't have any criticism towards your manner of reacting. I enjoy You being yourself and just having fun. I look for You in your reactions, your reaction manner feels genuine, as well as I really enjoy your post-reaction thoughts. Someone mentioned scheduling. Maybe at least for a few days ahead, not a fixed schedule for a whole month (that one might be a little bit boring?), but just a list of things you're planning to react for during those few days (just like you sometimes do on your community posts/twitter). Also, how about taking recommendations for music show choice for those comeback stages? • I became your patron because I just wanted to see your RTK and more PTG reactions (and somehow support you). And your music taste is similar to mine. • I would like to see more album reactions and live streams (with recordings). Your album reactions are gold, love listening to them. Really wish you made some more...Variety content and live stages are great too, but I guess you're already making good amount of them. I'm a big kdrama lover, but that's not a sort of thing I can see you making reactions for. Though there are some titles I really would like to see on your channel, hah. Also, I would like to see some more PTG content and maybe more 2nd gen groups content in case of you liking one of 2nd gen groups a lot. • I'm here for 1. PTG 2. (G)I-DLE 3. Day6 (/Dreamcatcher) • Those $ for sure worth it. Your videos cheer me up and make feel better after a hard day. But, yeah, still can't afford being patron for those months when you barely post videos with groups I like. Some options with saving money also sounds interesting. Good luck You're awesome


Any constructive criticism about the manner in which I conduct my reactions? What do you specifically look for in my videos that is unique? Um personally there are times where you drink during reactions or just loosen up in general and it's fun for me, because I drink while watching too. Or maybe when you mention some of your non-kpop music taste, because I know a few of the indie/alternative bands you mention. But those are just VERY specific, personal things I enjoy about watching your videos here! Why did you become a Patron of mine? This whole form is just going to be me saying Mamamoo/general gg stuff, but I joined for Queendom reactions and stayed for your other MMM content. What type of content would you like to see more/less of? Albums, live stages, variety, live streams, k-dramas, interviews, more heavily produced videos? Love live stages & variety the most! List the top 3 groups you're here for on Patreon Mamamoo #1....sometimes I watch your other gg content, like Rose Quartz or Loona/DC if it catches my eye. Or Running Girls/Chuu Can Do It. What do you think about my output? Do you feel like you're getting your $ worth as a supporter? I think I've been subscribed for a few months now and sometimes it'll slow down but you're very communicative about when you'll upload again. No big problems here. Would you be interested if I made annual subscriptions available where you could save some money? Personally no. I'm not really an annual subscription fan oops


I came for an N.Flying reaction, and I stayed BECAUSE of your natural manner and the way you conduct your reactions. I look for (and forward to) your "cool neighbor" personality. There are just some people you feel you'd want to share music with in real life, and you have that vibe. I became a Patron because I was genuinely interested in your reactions to the performances from my bias band that cannot be done on YT. You've also introduced me to other groups who I may have not given a listen to otherwise. This is where that "cool neighbor" vibe comes into play, because we open our minds (and ears) when we like the person doing the introducing. I was so surprised and tickled to see that you reacted to Savy Guitar 2.0's guide to N.Flying and the story behind the iconic song. It would be wonderful to have an album listen of Man on the Moon. Then you could watch the recording logs for the songs, live performances of several of their new songs, as well as their Moonshot behind the scenes/making of videos found on their N.Flying channel. I'm a fan of album listens in general. I like K-dramas as well, but there are some not so great ones out there too - and you seem like more of a music guy to me - so I wouldn't force it if it's not your thing. 1) N.Flying 2) N.Flying 3) K-music/ K-rock/ J-rock introductions to bands I don't know. I think your output is realistic and well done. I would prefer that you continue to put out quality over quantity, and when your schedule allows I'm sure you will add more. I feel your tier is more than fair. I wish I could support more than I do, but I appreciate that I have the options to support more for a period of time then scale back if I needed to. The annual subscription option would not be something I would take advantage of, but there may be some who may benefit from a lump sum payment - so maybe test it out.

Jake Twohig

I don’t really have that much to say. I think your Patreon is good, and worth it. The groups I’m most interested in are Dreamcatcher and Loona. Maybe Mamamoo 3rd, but there are a lot of groups that could be 3rd. I tend to enjoy variety style content the most.


Constructive Criticsm - I dont know if this is a constructive critism but I hope you can take a 2 song requests or any 2 type of content request because you were the first for whom I ever became a King tier patron. So, basically 15 USD of King tier is like 1500 bucks for me which is a lot. But I really love your content so I cut down on others. But I dont want you to overwork either. So only if you can do it.


Top 3 - I am a Neverland so I really love your GIDLE reactions, especially because you keep in mind their personalities and remember little details about them which makes me feel like I am watching along with a co-Neverland rather than just some random reactor. My second favourite is Superband I was introduced to it through you and I love love love live performances. 3rd fav is a switch up depending upon the songs released by groups or artists, but also recommend you check out Begin Again a bunch of talented people sing live in various places, Suhyun of AKMU is a fixed member for few seasons. What I like - I like how you are not over board or like over hyped. You dont speak over the song or when the audio/video is playing. You pause, speak your thoughts and play it again. I really appreciate it because i hate it when people speak over the content as they miss the details. I like how genuine you are and clear about what you like and dont like. i also appreciate your commentary about song composition and your love for synths :D Annual Subscription - To be very honest I cant afford an Annual subscription so I may not be up to it. I always switch your patron depending on how much I can afford for a particular month as per my savings. So i have been all stage patron for your channel and I may continue the same way. What I would like to see more? QUEENDOM :D, GIDLE interviews, Album reactions. I like the poll system you introduced for albums, like you recorded for top 2 and excluded those in the next round. I also hope you can check out comeback stages for groups from either showcases or stages from Music bank Inkigayo etc.


You are doing a great job, please do take care of your health. A sound body and sound mind makes for great reactions :) Dont overwork yourself. I love your channel. All the best for everything. A satisfied patron, I am.

The Real Jules

Hiya – wanted to share my thoughts. Hope these are helpful! - I think you’re doing great. I especially like the Patreon content where you can just crack open a beer and we can watch along with you, and where you share your honest opinion with us. Seems you genuinely enjoy the music and that makes the reactions relatable and chill. - I’m a patron for more personal reasons: you’re close to my own age (us ‘oldies’ must stick together), we seem to have similar taste in music outside of K-Pop and I enjoy ‘hanging’ with you. In short, you just seem like a mate. I’d watched a bunch of your reactions on YT before you set up Patreon and got into your channel initially for your k-band stuff, I even left a comment on a The Rose reaction which is VERY unlike me. - I enjoy most of what you’re currently doing, barring some of the girl groups I just don’t follow, but everyone here will have their preferences music-wise. I’d love to see more variety content, as they’re a good laugh and will help you get to know groups better, plus album listens are fun. Using ATEEZ as an example, you mentioned in recent videos that you’ve not listened to many of their b-sides/ earlier albums, which surprised me given how much you like them. - I might be in the minority of your patrons, but I’m almost entirely a boy group stan, and my top three are: 1. ATEEZ, 2. SKZ, 3. Day6 (this also includes bands in general, but Day6 are my fave boys). But knowing you’re more of a girl group fan, here’s my top three for them too… 1. Red Velvet, 2. Dreamcatcher, 3. Weeekly. (For the ladies, I’m much more interested in soloists, like Chungha, Sunmi, Hyuna, Jessi…) - I do feel I’m getting my money’s worth – I can tell you work hard and I enjoy what you put out. You also take the time to gather feedback from us, which I also hugely appreciate. My main thoughts/suggestions are: 1) Because I am more of a boy group stan, I like the idea of having certain days/a loose schedule for when you post girl groups and boy groups stuff, it would give a more even range/spacing of Patreon reactions perhaps? 2) My second idea is more for you – I always worry about content creators/ reactors getting burn-out by only engaging with content suggested by patrons. Perhaps occasionally, you could do a sort of Bucket List Reaction vid, where you pick out something you’ve wanted to see/react to that hasn’t been suggested or you haven’t had the chance to get to yet because of other requests, but really want to see. E.g. I know you’re a Red Velvet stan but haven’t had the chance to explore them much on your channel.


Always late to the party but here we go: First, i think what i like the most about your content is probably how you react to stuff: you just enjoy it, you don't overreact, you watch for a lot of stuff not only the big groups, you talk about the MV, the production,.... You're reaction are almost always the same as mine XD. I also love that you don't really count your video if it need 20min let's go, if you want to put 3 youtube vid and 2 patreons in a day let's go. Yeah sometimes you need some days off and it's totally fine for me i never feel like i wait for your content. Your the only Reactor that i'm subscribe on youtube, the only one that i check everyday to see if something new drop. You're also my only content creator on patreon cuz i love the content you create it never feels forced or for in search for the views. Second, i became a Patreon cuz i wanted to see your'e Queendom reaction (i got fooled really hard on this one) but also the King tier was really appealing and at that time a Little rookie group name Purple Kiss was wrecking me so i wanted to share with all of you guys. I would love to see you react to way more albums especially older ones from group you love (like Mamamoo for example), B-sides are always what makes a group truly great. I think more Variety show is always a win. There is something about Korean Variety shows that is missing in a lot of Western shows. My Top 3 groups for Patreon is : - Mamamoo i discovered you when you started to react to them and it's my all time favorite group - Purple Kiss (yeah big surprise since half of their videos here are my requests XD) - And before discovering you're content i was almost a Mamamoo only listenner but you, your content and The Awesome Crew From The KING Tier made me fall in love with groups like Dreamcatcher, GIDLE, ONEUS,... you even made me love and stan a BG (thanks a lot to Alice for this one) Finally, yes i find that my money is well invested and i hope that more ppl will jump on your patreon. Your subscription is pretty low so i don't mind paying month by month but if you do a annual one i would take the saving Money XD Thanks for coming to my TED Talk, Sorry for the awful english. And keep on going with the cool and peaceful atmosphere here you guys are awesome. Shout out to the King Tier, you guys always choose awesome requests


Any constructive criticism about the manner in which I conduct my reactions? What do you specifically look for in my videos that is unique? are we still saying vibe? i vibe with it, idk. you pick up on stuff that makes me go, "yes, exactly!" no complaints Why did you become a Patron of mine? lack of impulse control which happens to me a lot on patreon, but then i actually stuck around What type of content would you like to see more/less of? Albums, live stages, variety, live streams, k-dramas, interviews, more heavily produced videos? i think it would be pretty sweet if we could request a mini-album as an option for the ace tier. since there's a 40 minute variety option, perhaps there could be a max 20 minute album option. List the top 3 groups you're here for on Patreon obviously, superband stuff -- i subscribed here to recommend creep to you, thought i might dip after that, but you really liked it and i really liked how you really liked it and now here i am, a certified fansubber LMAO my "ult" groups in kpop are mamamoo and day6, but i dip around here and there to your other reactions as i go, if i know and like the artist What do you think about my output? what's most important to me is that you're clear with us when things come up and have to be delayed/there's a quiet period, and you have been thus far. as long as that's held, i don't think anything of it that there's ups and downs in activity, so i think everything's good Do you feel like you're getting your $ worth as a supporter? Would you be interested if I made annual subscriptions available where you could save some money? i probably would not take an annual subscription, because commitment. i do genuinely feel that i am getting my money's worth. if i were looking at the prices without having seen your videos i might think wow, that's really expensive. but actually being here now i'm having a good time and don't regret it at all


Any constructive criticism about the manner in which I conduct my reactions? What do you specifically look for in my videos that is unique? So, I usually find it hard to stick with reactors. I love first time reactions to groups I love and then normally it kinda dies out for me. You're just more genuine, you react to things you want but you also listen to us. Idk, it just works really well Why did you become a Patron of mine? I've never even considered being someone's Patron before, but why I did this time was again, because your reactions are exactly what I like but also because you were gonna do Road to Kingdom! What type of content would you like to see more/less of? Albums, live stages, variety, live streams, k-dramas, interviews, more heavily produced videos? I'd love more albums, maybe we could vote on an album reaction each month or every 2 months. I'd also reaaaally enjoy livestreams and kdrama's I think would be very interesting (I absolutely love kdrama's) also maybe some more bg content but honestly I'm fine with the amount you're doing now as a normally gg stan yourself ! List the top 3 groups you're here for on Patreon Pentagon, obviously, Seventeen and Day6 :) What do you think about my output? Do you feel like you're getting your $ worth as a supporter? Would you be interested if I made annual subscriptions available where you could save some money? It depends on how much money I could save, for me right now it probably wouldn't be a good option since I'm a student and I just don't know when I need the money. I'm probably gonna hop on a lower tier next month since I'm gonna be moving so yeah, commitment wouldn't be great in my case. They're not the cheapest tiers so I can see why people might be hesitant, but I just love your reactions and if I would think it was too expensive then I probably would've left already ;) Keep up the good work and don't ever put us before your mental health, take breaks whenever <3


Any constructive criticism about...? Not much really. Not really a criticism but annoyance on my personal level: maybe sometimes you misunderstand what people say, because not everything translates well from korean and you tend to forget that. "Did she really say that?" Yes, but not really. You know what I mean? What do you specifically look for...? I just feel like you have a similar taste - you notice the same things and you like the same parts & bits in songs/MVs/shows/etc. And I like that there's someone that I can watch and go "Ooh, you too? YEEESS" Also the chill vibes - no over-the-top hype or anything like that. Why did you become a Patron of mine? To get more variety content reactions. What type of content would you like...? More variety show reacions, simple as that :D Love kpop variety content, so ofcourse I want to see your reaction to all of that aswell. You know, stuff like Dreamcatcher Mind, Learn Way, Running Girls, Chuu Can Do It, Mafia Dance etc. The more that kind of content, the happier I am. More Learn Way, please. I dont know how much you are into Twice, but Time To Twice would be amazing. List the top 3 groups you're here for on Patreon Dreamcatcher Loona Cant pick 3rd. Any other girlgroup. What do you think about my output? I'm fine with it. I'm getting my moneys worth.


I originally became a patreon months ago to see your reaction to seventeen live stages, because I really enjoyed your reactions to them on youtube. I was also introduced to girl groups on here and liked watching your Loona reactions. I still am a patreon because I like your content very much, I think your reactions are genuine and you put effort into your videos which I appreciate A LOT in kpop reactions. To be honest, I would like to see more seventeen content (like live stages, going seventeen, dance practices, or performances on channels like rolling stone, genius, etc) because they are my favorite group and I liked your previous going seventeen reactions. Album listenings would be awesome too since I personally like seventeen's b-sides more than their title tracks (which are still really good) . Regardless I do still enjoy your other content. More seventeen reactions would just be really nice to see :))


Hi! I hope this isn't too late but here's my feedback: Any constructive criticism about the manner in which I conduct my reactions? What do you specifically look for in my videos that is unique? No complaints here, I like the way you do things already. You're very honest about your opinions and you take time to respectfully explain what you liked or didn't like about what you're reacting to, and I appreciate that. You have interesting insights and try your best to learn and remember the info we give you through our comments and requests, which I'm most grateful for because as you know, I write extra looong comments haha. I hope you don't mind that though, it just means I got way too excited and thoroughly enjoyed your videos. Why did you become a Patron of mine? As I've said, you have really interesting input on the songs and music videos you react to and I wanted to hear more of your thoughts on other content like live stages and albums. Also, you're one of the very few reactors that regularly react to k-bands and probably the only one that does constant reactions to Superband so of course, I'd be more than happy to support. ^^ What type of content would you like to see more/less of? Albums, live stages, variety, live streams, k-dramas, interviews, more heavily produced videos? I guess I'd love to see more album listening parties, especially to lesser-known groups and bands. Your album reactions are always fun to watch and it's also a great way for me to discover b-sides from groups that I rarely listen to. But I do know that you're very busy right now so I guess you could just consider this when you go full-time? :) List the top 3 groups you're here for on Patreon My top 3 would be Mamamoo, IU, and K-bands. That's not really a specific group but anything k-band related, I will watch it. What do you think about my output? Do you feel like you're getting your $ worth as a supporter? Would you be interested if I made annual subscriptions available where you could save some money? You're doing a great job and I'm definitely getting my money's worth. I hope you don't pressure yourself too much to put out content more than you're able to because I'm enjoying them as they are. This should be fun, not just for us, but for you too. :) For the annual subscription, I don't think I'd be able to commit to it right now. Thank you for asking us for our feedback! I can see that you're doing your best to provide the best possible experience for your patrons and I'm truly grateful for that. Thank you for all your hard work! 😁

Kate Vells

Hi! Sorry if this is too late, but I do want to give you my feedback: On terms of any constructive criticism, I actually don't have any sort of "complaints" or things to say, you are very honest but still super nice and you have a good vibe, I think that's what makes your reactions unique your vibe is very chill... I became a patron mainly cause of the live stages and the variaty shows, it's fun to see how someone new to a group starts their journey into getting to know the members and their personalities and their dynamics as a group, also for Running girls hahaha loved that show I would like to see more album listening parties, that's like my #1 thing My groups are: Twice, Mamamoo and Purple kiss And on terms of the output, yeah! I think you're doing it great, don't pressure yourself, but I do feel like I'm getting my money's worth... Other than that I have nothing else to say, you're one of my favourite reactors and I hope this helped a little, thanks for asking our opinions and take care of yourself don't overwork 😊