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Dreamcatcher Mind Episode 6.mp4

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On that one youtube channel where they have idols call their parents to say "I love you", I had noticed that Yoohyeon only called her mother or siblings. But i had assumed her dad was busy, I don't think anyone had known about her dad passing (outside of the members).

sumi mia

I honestly see no problem with stating what you think of a certain thing as long as it's in a polite and respectful way, which you did. Regarding fans, I get that many times they want to show they care etc, but I always try to remind myself that we should treat them like real people and like you said read the room. Idols are not our friends but just for reference, if we knew something of our friend like a family member passing away, we don't bring it up everytime we see them. Just being there and supporting them is often enough. This again depends on the person, but since we don't know these idols personally we don't get to decide to bring up emotional and/or personal topics.


Yeah, this episode was a rollercoaster of emotions for Insomnia's.


Totally with you on your stance on stuff like this. My brain just isn't wired for that, so past life regression, psychics and auras is really pushing it. I do think it can be therapeutic for some people, and if someone finds comfort and strength through it then that's great. Seeing Yoohyeon like this is a dagger every time and it feels completely real. The members' reaction when she says "Dad?" as well, since they obviously knew. Looking at this episode in the context of a show, I am always in favor of content that humanizes idols. Stuff like this, Running Girls, Miss Back - things that let them be honest and vulnerable instead of products. I'd love to hear Wendy talk a bit about everything she went through and shine a light on more of the shitty practices these people endure.

Rudy van Immerzeel

Well this episode was the hardest to watch for me. Losing a family member is the hardest that can happen in life. It happened to me several times. Lost my biological parents at a really young age (I was around 3, I’m adopted). Lost my older adoptive brother due to a car accident when I was around 20 and then lost my adoptive parents because of old age and cancer and all of my adoptive grandparents. Also made me feel closer to someone I love and not know on a personal level.


Yoohyeon talked on VLive about it. Basically she thought it was fine to share this with fans. When she realized artists and friends would see this she felt a bit embarrassed about it. Source: @18:55 ( https://www.vlive.tv/post/0-24173024 ). About hypnosis i do think it bring some people in a specific state of mind. In Yoohyeon's case for her it was like dreaming but more vivid like she said. Some people can lucid dream with practice, that is like controlling what you do in your dream by realizing you are in a dream and trying not to wake up. About past life stuff, I tend to believe it's more of a story your mind is creating from memory when you are under hypnosis rather than something that actually happened in a past life. I wouldn't be surprised if you can access information while under hypnosis you normally don't remember when you are awake. I remember dreaming and thinking of things i haven't though about for decades, so if dreams can make you think of things i think hypnosis can too. I SuA's case looked like a part of her story came from the show "The Penthouse", i believe the name she mentioned under hypnosis was at least. Whether we had past lives or not the answer is i don't know.

Stefan K

I'm super skeptical, so I get what you mean about reasoning your way out of stuff like this. My Mom and sisters are pretty big on oracle card readings; I think it's fun to play along a bit, even if I personally don't put much weight on any of it. I think it can be a good tool though for sure, getting people to think of their situation in a different way.

Mr Jackpots

I don't think past lives is valid, but hypnotism is very real. A lot of research has been done on how it works and they found that only about 10% of people can be hypnotized the way Yoohyeon was. Those people are the ones that have the ability to focus so intently on whatever they're doing that they aren't even aware that time is passing. Yoohyeon is often shown as clumsy and a little goofy, but when it's time to work she's all focus. Just look at what she did during Dmongus. They tested all of them before choosing Yoohyeon and Sua, so I guess the others were resistant.


I know I am very late but to clear something up about this. The whole thing about the past lives is just for fun all that matters is that they are in hypnosis and they are using their imagination. You can notice SuA kinda not going anywhere and the therapist clearly suggesting her towards something more interesting like when he said "I think you have performed here". Hypnosis is very real and can be used in therapy but it's very questionable if it can help with trauma. That's my only complain from this is how he claims he is healing her .