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SEVENTEEN Ready To Love Comeback Stage.mp4

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Yeah Hoshi was amazing (no surprise at this point haha) but what I really admired was that Minghao was performing this on an injured instep on his foot (the company claimed that Minghao is choosing to perform and is recovering regardless) but i was impressed nonetheless, props to him for still being so stable . Also I highly recommend listening to the rest of the album, it's really good!


Picking a svt bias is impossible for me, it changes every comeback, if i still HAVE to pick a bias, it won't be one. Jeonghan was my first bias but since then I've changed from Scoups to Seungkwang to Dino to Hoshi, its just all of them now, lately its been Seungkwang since I've been enjoying the IDOL DICTTATION CONTEST and MMTG content, he's the funniest most fun person out there! PS. watched till the end


I think the fanchant was done by the staff, not sure.


Thank you for another great reaction (rant and all!) Seventeen was the group that broke me away from the concept of biases, there's just too much talent and personality there :D But it's still great to see who people gravitate to. And also that Halloween episode of Going Seventeen is a great idea (ep 27&28 of GoSe2020). I would also recommend the Mousebusters episodes (31&32) - there's a part of the MV that reminds me so strongly of part of that episode.

Fana Shafeeq

You should really watch the Halloween/Haunted House episode of GoSe (ep 27-28) like you said, its a fan favourite and actually brought in a lot of fans (like me lol)


I'm not sure about the fanchant. I know Dreamcatcher's members recorded their fanchant themselves to be played during Odd Eye


I found biases come harder and harder to me over time. Like only my first groups were for sure things. Yes, I have to see the Halloween one for sure!


i highly recommend checking out the album! It's a solid mini and has a genre that I genuinely do not think has ever been done in mainstream kpop? might be wrong with that though so don't quote me also if you want to check out fast fanchants, check out the getting closer fanchant! full names in official order forward and backwards for 26 total names in 23 seconds


Wait, part of the MV reminds you of...? ......😶 😑 .....is it the giant ball?


Great, now I will never be able to watch that MV again without hearing them chanting in the back of my head 🤣


I'm so sorry to have done this to you, but ngl I'm glad there's someone that shares my pain 😂


https://twitter.com/luthienmpl/status/1407367307442241545 I felt compelled. Let me know if you want to be credited :P


Also no credit (or blame) necessary thanks. This is already the best thing that's happened this week