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Road To Kingdom Episode 5 PT2.mp4

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Rain Sparks

Two in a week you're insane! If I'm not wrong the one leading the convo initially with The Boyz and Oneus was the leader of The Boyz. 90% Sangyeon is and have no idea who besides him would be. Dongheon (1995) the one leading the VeriVery and TOO grouping is one of the older idols on the show if I'm not mistaken, but VeriVery's Kangmin is also the youngest on the show (2003 if I'm not mistaken). So, I think Dongheon naturally fell into the role of leading all seventeen of them. Not at you geeking over World War 2 lol! It's like me and my weird obsession with Henry VIII and all his wives. "American audiences would have checked out already it's too much math" Way to call me out... Chan's, the guy in TOO that stands out the most, rap with the gun was my favorite part. Overall, this was my least fave out of the three though. I feel like I didn't ramble as much as I usually do. Unfortunately I know VeriVery and TOO the least out of the groups and university is rotting my brain. It was a okay performance, but I wasn't that into it. I also am not into BTS's newer discography, so that may not have helped much. Interesting we both have that opinion. And you're not an asshole I think many people agreed with you! Thanks for the video though!! Excited for episode 6. The Pentagon and ONF performance!! Sorry they pranked you lol


The way they edited the clips with showing different outfits first was super confusing. It will make sense in the next episode because it's for their individual stages (pt2 of round 2). I also agree that the Too X Verivery stage was quite weak compared to what we've seen so far. I think in the first few episodes it was actually really hard to pick a favourite team or a weaker team because they were all killing it, but from this episode onwards there were definitely weaker stages. I just wish Golden Child hadn't been eliminated because I'm curious what they would have done in the further stages.


That is some fucking weird editing... Anyways, Pentagon x ONF is my favourite performance EVER. Like from any show ever, I think I've seen it about a million times. Can't wait for the next episode! Also fun fact: at the beginning of their performance, Pentagon and ONF chanted "Just On!". This is a combination of both their chants: Pentagon's "Just do it (yo)!" and ONF's "Lights On!"


I feel vindicated I am not the only ones that hates MNET editing. You are not building hype you are ruining the impact of the perfformance. Lmao, Jinho, he truly shines in telling everyone exactly what he is thinking - his truth bombs are almost as iconic as his high notes. Crazy it has been almost a year since he enlisted, and now Hui. At least Jinho is coming back in November and this comeback has Hui at least in the album. I think the third round was the messiest one, probably because of two performance in the same day, but I had quite few performances I did not enjoy as much as previous rounds. But I loved the intergroup interactions!

KPOP Stan Sara

Yeah, I hated admitting it but the "On" performance really let me down when I saw it originally. Like it hurts to say it because I know they worked so hard, but the performance didn't wow me at all. Don't be sorry about how they showed a bit of the last performance. It pissed me off SO bad. Luckily some of the other reactors cut it off before it started, but I wish you had not seen any of the performance :( it took away some of the wow factor when they do this kind of crap.

C. M.

I mean, mnet edits things really weirdly - like having the "my song" performance from pentagon in a different episode from the others and stuff - but this episode takes the cake D: I kinda like ON (though less than most songs from BTS's older eras) but I didn't like that stage at all.

Marina Korab

I liked TOO and VeriVery performance, but camera work was bad, it ruined the performance a bit. Maybe it was the weakest, but not for me