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So I don't know if it's extreme anxiety (I'm hoping) that is manifesting physical symptoms, or it's something more serious, but it's really taking control of my daily life now so I'm sorry content has gone on a halt.

If you are at the King tier and have a request I have not gotten to yet, I assure you I will ASAP once all this is sorted out. I'm really committed to my channel and Patreon so once I know everything is okay when I see a doctor this week and get some tests done on my heart, it'll give me tremendous peace of mind.

I'm really sorry for this. I don't feel bad when I have to take breaks on my channel, but you guys make all this possible by supporting me with your own money. So I do feel bad when it comes to Patreon content and my tier benefits not being met in the required timeframe.

I'm an active, healthy person as far as I know, so I'm hoping this is just a vicious cycle of anxiety compounding on itself. Please stay healthy yourselves.



Once again mate your health comes first

Jay Geris

Absolutely take care of yourself as much as you can before you stress about content. It's our choice to continue to support through this, and I'm happy to


Please don't feel bad about something beyond your control. It's appreciated, but I don't think any of us would want that. Try to take some comfort in the fact that you are already taking steps to get an answer (although I know the waiting can be the hardest part). Just know that we are here to support you in all the ways we can, and we will wait too. Best wishes.

Kalah Dolman

Wow, good luck. I hope everything is okay.

KPOP Stan Sara

Best wishes to you. Take your time to take care of yourself. I completely understand the need to - I've had my share this month myself. I will gladly be waiting for your return when you're feeling better :)


We would rather be patiently waiting for you to be in your best condition when you come back. So pls take as much time as you need. Pay attention to your health. That always be first priority.


Health comes first, always! Take care, man. Hope everything's gonna be alright.


Stay safe.... I really hope everything will turn out to be ok

Rudy van Immerzeel

Like I said before, and I think the majority thinks like this, get well first, get reassured and than think about the rest. Life's to precious.


I've had that problem for couple of years now - anxiety & physical symptoms. The worst is behind me, but I feel you. A lot of days I was just waiting the day to end in hopes that tomorrow will be better, but tomorrow was just the same. So yeah, take care of yourself and don't worry about the content.

Steph M

I really hope everything turns out ok for you. And try not to stress about the content. We'll be here waiting whenever you feel like you're ready to come back, so just focus on resting and taking care of yourself right now


Take care of yourself first and you will come back stronger,like other said we gonna stay don't worry

Stanley Maximillian

Hope you recover so very soon buddy Youtube and Patreon is not the same without you


Just realized. After writing this I've been so much worse. Last couple of days have been.... awful. Physical symptoms triggering severe anxiety which amplifies the symptoms etc. Hopefully it will pass. Just came here to vent with this reply.