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Road To Kingdom EP1 PT1.mp4

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I've been waiting for this to drop!! I've only watched all of Pentagon's performances and a handful of other performances from this show, but haven't seen anything else besides that, so it was fun to watch the first half of the first episode with you! I did not know Pentagon had such a grand entrance omg, had me sweating a little bit and made me feel very proud tbh hahaha


I got way too excited when this finally got uploaded. So happy to see your reaction. Fun fact for today: TOO's group name is pronounced letter by letter (T. O. O.), but it runs together when they say it quickly. It stands for Ten Oriented Orchestra.


yay! i became a patron for this so i'm so excited you finally posted it! i will watch it when i have time and give u some info about the groups (you don't even know how many times i've watched this show it's so bad omg haha). also, not sure if this is just for me but when I'm using dropbox the bottom tab (with the play/pause buttons and stuff) won't go away? usually if I don't do anything it eventually goes away but on dropbox i've found that it stays there and it kinda blocks the subtitles (it's still watchable since the bottom tab is see-through but it's just slightly annoying that I have to read the subtitles through that). not sure if anyone else has this problem? or just me? anyways really looking forward to watching!

KPOP Stan Sara

I just spent 3 minutes trying to figure out how to get the menu with the play button etc to disappear. No luck here lol Edit: I just reopened the video and it did disappear that time?? Weird


Apologize for any player issues, but I think Dropbox is my only option with files of this size. Using Vimeo I'd probably fill up super fast where Dropbox gives me a ton of space to work with. It'd help it the original video players weren't so terrible. Couldn't find a great website to watch it from.

KPOP Stan Sara

Oh you're fine! I think what we ran into above was a weird one off. I just closed the browser and re-opened it and that fixed it for me.


Just became a patreon and this series was a huge part! I've seen some of the performances, but none of the other stuff (like this entire video lol). Pumped to get to know these groups and see your reactions! TOO really is too cute

C. M.

I'm very scared of watching your RtK reactions because that whole show tried to murder me. [?] The thing with fanvoting was a mess. When the groups voted, it was fine, when it was different... yikes. I made my (admittedly bad) health worse trying to keep up, and after it was over (I had Basquiat stuck in my head for months) I decided I'd never do something like that again, no matter how much I love Pentagon (and I like all the other groups). Still... I'm here. Somehow. Wish me luck.


During RtK I was still REALLY struggling to learn people's names even by the end so prepare for that haha