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A truly iconic show at this point that I hope becomes a yearly thing. It still feels like a lot of the final 8 girls haven't been given a chance to truly shine yet and didn't get a ton of camera time in comparison. I don't know if that's just a personal thing because I don't know them as well, or if it's true.

Either way, I'm very happy For Seoyeon! Deserved for her determination. Also Kotone is wicked smaht.

💜Please like this video if you watched the whole thing and let me know your thoughts💜



Edward Lee

koreans just sleep on the floor. Most of it has to do with how korean rooms are heated (the floor is heated radiantly from underneath instead of a HVAC unit blowing hot air. It's just an evolution of how korean houses were heated from olden times when they would have a shaftway underneath the house that led to a furnace and the floors were made of clay or other heat retention type materials. That technique just stayed through modern times-these days they have a water heater and pipes/tubes are put underneath the floor and hot water runs through those tubes and warms up the floor....a lot of more cost efficient) In addition, korean culture just does everything while sitting on the floor.....even if you have a couch koreans tend to sit on the floor and just use the couch as a backrest. Even korean tables are super low so we eat while sitting on the floor. This is why koreans are obsessed with NOT wearing shoes indoors. Obvi many apartments and households now have beds and upright tables and whatnot but for a lot of these smaller hotels or resorts that korean variety shows book, they do the floor heating method bc it's so cost efficient to not have to buy a bunch of furniture and only have to buy a thinner mattress and bedding) while being something all koreans are used to

Edward Lee

the pineapple pun....so the question was what do you call an apple (pronounced eh peul) with a hole in it. Answer: pineapple (pronounced pa een eh peul). pa een in korean means to dig

Daniel Peak

The camera time check is from Signals. They used to show off the date during signals to prove it was daily content