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💜Please like this video if you watched the whole thing and let me know your thoughts💜




OMG Thank you so much🥰❤️‍🔥


So glad (most of lol) Day6 are back together and making music! They said in this first post-military album they wanted to stick the the classic Day6 sound we have all been missing in the last 4 years since they last promoted together (another "4" they attribute the fourever title to!). I definitely feel like while it wasn't their most experimental album (e.g Entropy) it was definitely a return to top form from them-- Didn't Know is a personal favorite cause I love that Day6 angst! I think they're definitely going to be releasing music regularly in general now but are also eager to tour ASAP so that might be the priority for now. Personally I'd kill to see them play songs from The Demon album that we never got to see done live!