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WOOOOOOOOO! We're done with season six! What a fucking ride, man. Damn that was good. I want to thank you guys again for giving me your hard-earned cash to make sex jokes about ponies on the internet. This whole project has been some of the most fun I've ever had in my life, and that's saying something, trust me.

Anyway, up next, I shall tackle the EqG movies! Also, I'll definitely be doing another cast in the next couple days, for those of you who follow those.




Totally Legit Recap: "To Where and Back Again" (Part 2) Season 6 Episode 26

Glimmy attempts to save the world with the help of a drunk cunt, an annoying twat, and a giant pussy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DWK Intro Music: Cover of "Take the Power Back" by Rage Against the Machine (Yes, I made it myself, because I get that question **a lot**) Outro Music: Take the Power Back - Rage Against the Machine



Dude. I'm not even halfway through the episode and I'm already laughing my ass off.


This was the best one yet. RD punchline was a nice cherry.


the thumbnails are getting more surreal


Thanks for another bangin' season DWK! Great to see you getting the views and subs you deserve

Harmless Kitten

So I totally haven't downloaded MP3s of your first season to listen to while on the hour-long commute I have to and from work because you're funny as all hell. Nosiree, not at all.


Dude, thanks for sticking around so long. You've been here pretty much the whole way.


Good thing you didn't, because if you did that would just be ridiculous.


Season 6 was awesome but you made it 20% cooler with these recaps. How hard would it be to get you to do these for the other seasons too?


Well, I've gotta do the EqG movies first, then I'll think about that~


So you're working on EqG. What do you think of the way they translated ponies to humans? I always kinda wished that they had kept the Three Tribes thing going, made it so they were winged humans, magic humans and nature humans. But I guess they wanted to make EqG resemble the "real world"? kinda?


I really like EqG, as bizarre as the core concept might be. When I first saw the character designs I talked a lot of shit about them, but I've actually really grown to love them. They're basically westernized anime girls, and who doesn't like anime girls?


The picture for this video perfectly summarizes why every one of us autistic faggets on 4chan love you so much. Keep expressing how full retard these ponies can go, and I'll keep hiving you booze money for Glim-glam. God knows she smokes and drinks all your good shit.