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For those of you wondering: yes, I actually quit drinking. This is the first one of these I've made entirely sober, and I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Or at least it's a lot less shit than I anticipated.

Anyway, while I didn't post anything in November, I actually wasn't dicking off the whole time. I was working on two videos simultaneously for most of the month until I decided to quit the sauce, for which I gave myself a week off. When December rolled around I just set them aside and started working on this, but I still have two half-finished vids, both of which will be coming out in January.

Anyway, thanks for sticking with me another year guys. Considering what's happened with patreon lately, I understand why a lot of people are bailing, and I'm trying to figure out alternate shekel platforms, but to all of you still here, thanks for paying my bills. We still have another season, and I'm sticking with this 'til the end.


Totally Legit Recap: "Best Gift Ever"

In heaven, there are no earth ponies, for all are given wings. Merry Christmas or whatever you celebrate. Despite how much I complain, I like being on this ride with you guys. Help me buy presents for all those friends and loved ones I totally have: https://www.patreon.com/DWK https://www.paypal.me/spaghettimancer



Be healthy. Be successful. Do what you need to do, and do it for yourself more than anyone. We are just people who give you money, even if many of us share that same opinion regarding your welfare and wish you nothing but the best. You don't owe us anything...even though you deliver anyways. You're clearly a fucking god, evidenced by your ability to quit drinking and by your ability to be fucking hilarious without any sort of substance, so just keep doing that. Keep being godlike, no matter what you do.


Hey Man, we're all behind you. Just don't go Twileynanas on us. ;)


We're so proud of you. :-)

Bob Hershey

If you've really quit drinking, that means you can spent the money we give you for other things like...uh...fuck, I don't know...rent, food, that kind of shit?


Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal


Congrats on quitting drinking, but I hope you start drinking cola cans or monsters or red bull, just so I we can hear that can pop in the begging. Or maybe a straw into chocolate milk would work .... yeah. Anyway stay awesome as you are and we'll follow you on every platform. And Merry Chrissymas (or Mare-y Christmas) and that stuff. > We still have another season, and then we have gen 5 and then we become furries. The ride will never end!


First off, fuck you Applejack and your "everyone gets off on christmas" shit. Obviously someone's never worked retail. `Secondly, glad to hear you're getting yourself sober. Will be nice going into the next season without worrying whether you'll drop dead before the show does.


Congrats on quitting Mr. Booze. I know it's just a nice platitude, and saying this is vastly easier to say than the actual quitting process. But what else can I do? I'm already throwing money your way, and you're still one of the funniest people on the internet. Without booze.


Keep up the good work my man. Where we're going, we don't need alcohol.

Vanyel Trickey

We're all proud of you DWK. None of us want to see you get hurt/hurt yourself out of stress, and if quitting the bottle is what you need to do, then we're all behind you. Just remember, like you said in the startrix episode, they gave you a reason not to kill yourself, with the price being eternal servitude. You're here forever.


There's a bit of a mean cliche that artists are little more that their substances of choice. I think that this video flies in the face of that. It's the best one you've done in a while. Keep it up!


I am pleasantly surprised that you quit drinking, bro. Good job! Also the video is really funny, insightful and I just love how you handled Derpy. As for alternatives to Patreon: I could just send you money via PayPal directly, but I also don't mind just staying on Patreon.


I can't drink soda man, it's gross. I do like sparkling water tho. Still, popping open a can of coconut-flavored seltzer water at the beginning of a video feels kinda gay. >and then we have gen 5 True >and then we become furries Oh nononono. Can't follow you there homey.


If the videos drop in quality I can always go back to heroin.