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This episode was about suicide. I'm not crazy, right? I had a friend try to tell me that it wasn't, because being turned to stone is a process that can be reversed, so technically Rockhoof wouldn't actually be dead, but to me that's missing the point. Yeah, sure, a little girl's horse cartoon can' t have a character /actually/ hang himself, but the metaphor feels so obvious that they're practically bludgeoning you over the head with it.

On a more serious note, these videos have gotten out of hand lately, and this one was my attempt to steer them back to what I want them to be. They've been getting longer and longer and more crammed full of "1000 hours in ms paint"-tier edits that only flash on the screen for 2 seconds but take hours to make. Back in seasons 6/7 when I was doing every episode on a weekly basis, the whole thing was inherently self-limiting because I had a finite amount of time for each one. Once I decided to abandon that schedule, I fell into a constant game of one-upmanship with myself, trying stuff more and more shit into each video that ultimately added almost nothing to people's enjoyment of them. It slowed my production to a crawl and made the video editing portion of it - which was already my least favorite part - a miserable slog. I like writing jokes. I like making weird little musical segments. I like yelling into a microphone. I /hate/ video editing.

There are exceptions; I enjoyed doing the Horse Play one for the most part because it was a new experience. I also love doing horrible shit like Trixie making Glimmer suck her dick. If it's funny, then it's worth it. Other than that though, there's been a slowly-evolving misallocation of effort here. I've been putting less and less work into the parts of this "job" that I actually enjoy - which also seem to be the parts that you guys get enjoyment out of - and way, way too much into throwing an endless, spastic string of flashy bullshit onto the screen. If I'm gonna keep doing this through season nine, I need to remember why I started in the first place and make it fun for myself again.

Definitely a tl;dr here, since I don't usually say much of substance in these posts, but I figure if anyone cares enough to read what's what's going on in my head, it's the people giving me money.

Thanks for that btw.


Totally Legit Recap: "A Rockhoof and a Hard Place" Season 8 Episode 21

Helo darknis my old frined... For just one dollar a video, you can change the life of a (man)child with autism: https://www.patreon.com/DWK paypal.me/spaghettimancer Music: The Sound of Silence - Simon and Garfunkel In the Navy - The Village People



Well if it makes you feel any better, I love the shit out of your long-hard editing. I have a habit of rewatching episodes because there's always something I can find that's new, and I think it fun. But keep it real bro, you won't stop me from loving your work


What matters most, as always, is that you're able to keep delivering your signature style without burning out. I imagine most of us still enjoy picking apart your sillier frames along with everything else, but it's as you said...the core experience isn't affected if you fall back on the editing a bit. After all, with all that stuff weighing you down, how are you ever going to get to the other get to the other si-ide? He-ey-ee. ^_~


I always figured Trixie shooting herself after Glimglam turned her down would stand as the most blatant suicide parallel this show would ever get, but then this episode came out and I now stand corrected. Keep up the good work, you're probably the best content creator still in this fandom.


hey, whatever makes you happy do more of that so it doesn't feel like such a slog to you. I find you videos Hilarious and your humor is just the right kind of twisted to make me laugh. best of luck and I hope you have fun with your next twisted, marvelous creation.


Dude, seriously, they were definitely more fun when you were just yelling at the screen and not trying to be super-clever. Not that I didn't like the super-clever stuff, but they just felt a little tryhard. It's more fun to watch when it's more fun to make, is all I'm sayin'. Oh, and fucking finish Rainbow Rocks already dammit.


I watch your videos for the great jokes. The good editing is just the icing on the autism cake. Your recent episode was one of your best, but don’t burn yourself over it.

Rayne Blanc

Dude, if you quit having fun with it, it's not gonna be fun for us either. I'm glad you caught yourself before it ruined your work, because with or without the insane amount of effort you've put in this year, the shit's hilarious and easily the best fan series in years. I'd rather see a quick rant on each episode than you working so hard on each one that you only have time for half a season before the next one comes out. I'm here for your fast-paced, no-fucks-given humor, not your attempts at High Quality™ lol


I'm strictly talking about the visual portion of the program here. I enjoy attempting to be clever, so if that makes me a tryhard then I'm a tryhard, whatever that means. I'll finish Rainbow Rocks when people stop nagging me about it. Nothing kills my motivation faster than demands. All I can say is that if you want it to happen, don't bring it up. Not trying to sound like an asshole, I'm just telling you the truth.


>The good editing is just the icing on the autism cake. Yeah, that's what I lost sight of. The whole reason I started making these was to talk about ponies. The visuals were just there as some supplementary material. At some point they became the part I was putting the most work into, which is never what I wanted to do, and I don't think most viewers really gave a shit. I went waaaaaaay lighter on the edits for this video and nobody even noticed, which just confirms to me that I was putting 90% of my effort into something that no one cares about. It was faster and more fun to do and I didn't get bored and frustrated with it.


Parts of me does miss the more regularly released stuff you do. But either way you go, I'll be there ready to watch it. ;)


Do what feels right for you man, we love these vids & you should love making em however you want.

Bob Hershey

Gee, I wonder what you could be referencing with that comment! 😋

Bob Hershey

I did feel a nostalgic vibe with this recap...like the kind of thing you did with Season 6. I love the 1000-hours-in-MS-Paint stuff you do for the videos, but it isn't the prime reason these videos are a success...it's that drunken rambling autist who's commentary contains more wisdom and relevance that most of the analysis community put together (you can't spell "analysis" without "anal").


I agree 100%. Yes, the episode was definitely about suicide. And yes, the MsPaint stuff is an optional nice-to-have for me (though if it stays for 2 frames instead of 2 seconds I tend to ignore it and rewatch it later because immersion and all that). I had to pause the video multiple times to laugh.

Harmless Kitten

I know I'm echoing what everyone else has already said, but that doesn't make it any less true: if you're not enjoying it, don't do it. And we want you to enjoy it! Not because we get something out of it, but because your mental health matters. Do what's best for you, and we'll be happy with it regardless. Also, this episode was hilarious.

Jack Ponder

The through and merciless deconstruction of this episode’s stupidity was so satisfying. Kudos to you and all that you do.


A Rockhoof and a Hard Place wasn't about suicide like how Tanks for the Memories wasn't about losing loved ones ;)


I agree with you 100%. Yes, that episode totally was about suicide. And yes, the MsPaint-thing is an optional nice-to-have for me. This recap was just as awesome as the others. Btw: If MLP really stops after 9 seasons, do you have plans for afterwards? Maybe recap the old episodes? Or will you choose another franchise to make fun of?


Why do my posts keep disappearing? T_T I already tried responding twice.


I agree 100% on both things. Yes, this was about suicide. And yes, the MsPaint-related stuff is a very optional nice-to-have for me. As always I had a lot of fun watching your recap.


I agree 100% on both things. Yes, this was about suicide. And yes, the MsPaint-related stuff is a very optional nice-to-have for me. As always I had a lot of fun watching your recap.


I agree 100% on both things. Yes, this was about suicide. And yes, the MsPaint-related stuff is a very optional nice-to-have for me. As always I had a lot of fun watching your recap.


I agree 100% on both things. Yes, this was about suicide. And yes, the MsPaint-related stuff is a very optional nice-to-have for me. As always I had a lot of fun watching your recap.


I agree 100% on both things. Yes, this was about suicide. And yes, the MsPaint-related stuff is a very optional nice-to-have for me. As always I had a lot of fun watching your recap.


I agree 100% on both things. Yes, this was about suicide. And yes, the MsPaint-related stuff is a very optional nice-to-have for me. As always I had a lot of fun watching your recap.


I agree 100% on both things. Yes, this was about suicide. And yes, the MsPaint-related stuff is a very optional nice-to-have for me. As always I had a lot of fun watching your recap.


My comments get deleted all the time, so this is a test.


Testing the comment feature...


Why do my comments get deleted?


Thanks for making all of our lives a little less grey and giving all us spergs something to look forward to.


Oh, and the most enjoyable part of each video is your commentary and you just being you. So you do what you need to do. You'll only make a better product that everyone will enjoy more, especially you.


As soon as the show ends I'll probably quit youtube and do something else.