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This'll probably be the last one of the year, unless I can throw another video together in the next couple hours.

Anyway, I know those of you who actually read the shit I write here know my life has been a dumpsterfire the past couple months, and these past few videos have been rough to do because the fucking meds they've got me on make my brainium feel like scrambled dragon dicks half the time, but I hope you all feel like you're getting your money's worth. I think it's definitely made for some weirder shit.

I never know what to put here because it feels like the only thing I can do is just talk about myself, and it just seems like jerking my dick.

Thank you guys, that's the important thing that needs to be said. I know there's quite a few of you who've been with me this whole year, and I really fucking appreciate it. It literally means everything, because otherwise I'd have to get a real job, and that would suck so much.

I'm exhausted. This video was supposed to come out yesterday and I had all my work time scheduled weeks ago, but I didn't account for the holidays, and I lost like five days worth of time because of christmas/family stuff. Still, I wanted to get it out before the year ended, and I FUCKING DID IT. So with that, happy new year guys, and I'm gonna go collapse.

See you next year.


Totally Legit Recap: "Uncommon Bond" Season 7 Episode 24

Glimmy continues to defy gravity and finally confronts her inner demons. Maud explains what she does with the Mirror Pool when nobody's around. I do silly things. Help me subsist on making pony videos instead of having an actual, respectable job: https://www.patreon.com/DWK Music: "Stressed Out" by Twenty One Pilots (cover (by me)) "Seize the Day" by Avenged Sevenfold "Road to Nowhere" by Ozzy Osbourne



Happy new year for you fine gentleman.


Just doing my job at the hut and a notification pop's up. Im like be right back team. Oh yeah and happy New Year.


What an awesome way to see 2017 off and a very happy new year to you! 🌟 May your 2018 be filled with light and countless blessings!


Best start to the New Year. Thanks for all your hard work and autism, fam! Still waiting on a new ramblimg vid from you, although after reading tour description sounds like you dont have a lot of time. Just do what you can mate, we'll all lap that shit up.


Happy New Year!


Happy New Year!

Bob Hershey

Yeah dude, try to avoid getting any of those real jobs. I have THREE part-time jobs and it's amazing I haven't deteriorated into a fucked-up sperg who watches YouTube videos and...uh...nevermind! Shut up!


You keep your trigger-finger still, and I'll do the same. Happy New Year you glorious disaster!


I give you money to jerk your dick, so let your load out brother!

Joshua Thomas

Oh my god, life lessons from DWK are actually relevant to me now. WTF happened to me?!


Yess, another amazing video! I knew this one was going to be awesome!! I hope you have a better year than the last one DWK! Thanks for all the good times you've brought us over the year, vie gotta say that your videos are so good that vie watched some of them at least 10 times by now. Your just so talented at making these and I can't see what you do with the next season once it rolls around.


I've been following you since I discovered ya in the summer. I love your videos. They're pretty much the only MLP fan content that I still watch. I'm sorry to hear you're having some hard times and are on the meds. There's too much that I would like to say that could fit in one of these comments. However, I want you to know that the fact that your plugging along shows a much stronger character in you than you'd think. I know from personal experience how hard it is, and I've seen others handle this MUCH worse than you are. Also, as someone who was secretly suicidal, I'd strongly suggest exercising. Once you get over the hump, the endorphins (natures drug) help with your mood immensely.


Happy New Year n Stuff DWK.


Safeties on, everybody. Uncle Deedub's orders. ^_^ Here's to another year of future dumb shit, and if not, here's to one fine ass year of dumb shit past.


Also you must either have the best support network or are yourself the best support network, because it's always admirable how close you always seem to toe the line while keeping the ending still mostly happy. I mean, it's not shady-Asian-massage-parlor levels, but it'll do. Hope we keep seein' more of ya'.


This was the depressing episode.PLEASE make it good! BAMN! DWK Nailed it! Great Episode! However now I am thinking of Pitching something to Larson about Diamond Dogs kidnapping Maud


Just glad to see you're still around and still crankin' out the good shit. Keep doin' whatcher doin' man, and take care of yourself.