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Man, these videos are getting too complicated to make in just a week. I am fucking exhausted. I wish I had something interesting to say here, but I'm just sitting here drooling into my coffee and scratching my balls. Hope you guys enjoy, and as always, thank you for literally paying for my life <3


Totally Legit Recap: "Triple Threat" Season 7 Episode 15

Spike fucks up worse than usual, a bad dragon schools a pussy, we learn the difference between glimmers and sparkles, and Starlight gets grounded forever. Give me money so I can buy my waifu a sweet silicone pleasure plug: https://www.patreon.com/DWK Intro Music: "Dragon Attack" by Queen (cover) Outro Music: same song but it's the actual one



You really nail ember...in the recap i mean. I'm not saying you have a dragon vagina in your home or anything.


This one was fucking amazing, holy shit, thank you.


Glad I can contribute. The least I can do cuz you always make me smile sugar tits. No homo


Good to see that you've found a new source of ad revenue. I suppose we should also be expecting additional partnership announcements with Interactive Life Forms and Abyss Creations any day now, huh?

Jack Ponder

Always fun to see your stuff dude.


OK i finally got this thing working.An i still don't understand how it works. By that i mean.This site gives NO information of what it is doing.Just says the results of what happens after you click this button.


Best TLR you've made yet! I'm only halfway through and I've already lost track of how many times I've laughed hard enough to feel the vibrations in my ear bones


This was one of your best bro!

Bob Hershey

"...did you know a Flash can cum in the end of a Sparkle"? OMFG That one line is why I support your work...lines like that are beyond price! And I like the fact you had to do that line ten times because you kept breaking up every time you said it! :D


'Ey Deedubs...ya ded, mon?


Of course we enjoy your stuff, män. Time to get some strong gin, rye bread and sum elk for myself (I got no chicken tenders) also my card started working finally so more reason to celebrate, cheers


I also started Kill la Kill anime. It's quite odd at first, but dude... after watching JoJo's bizarre adventures I'm okay with it. And it's actually awesome


Hey DWK, the fuq you at? If you are dead, post the remainder of your videos from beyond the grave. Also my condolences


OK I got paid! Now by all means release videos!


Seriously, you alright big guy? PM me if ya need to talk. No bullshit. Otherwise I hope all is well.


It takes a while to edit videos an make music to fit the theme.So no rush.That an drinking damages skin so not too much alcohol is healthy. Do that when you're finished with the project. An you got a whole season of great episodes. Some .......well they where not as good an you should probably skip them.