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  The aim of this update is to completely change the approach and make sure new elements like dodge, timed block, the new recovery system become essential to combat.

 As much as I tried to incorporate new changes in the last update to make sure NPCs have queues to block/dodge, You can still just spam the attack button and whatever the npc does he gets staggered.

  In a way, it needed fairness, make sure a reckless approach becomes punished and not paying attention to the enemy's actions gets you staggered.

- Bosses have a new hulk up behavior: they get a chance to no-sell your attacks; kind of a barebones feature but if you're near them you flinch or even stagger. In the future, I plan to take advantage of Dtry's payload framework so this behavior has varying buffs and animations for the bosses.

- Attack interuptions are more impactful, if you get interrupted by an attack in the middle of your swing, you get a heavier reaction and have to tap the recover/attack buttons more rapidly to recover out of it 

- for Impactful Blocking, the more times the enemy successfully blocks the attack, they get a chance to break the blocking stance and do counterattacks; depending on the combat mods installed, their decisions will be amplified like if using DBC behaviors or Ultimate Combat

The Payload framework really is a godsend and I do plan to use it more, Future plans include unblockable attacks with Enemy indicators(shaders, glow effects). Anyways that's that for this update and I hope this provides more challenge than just spamming left click.

Installation and requirements thesame as the previous versions, Skyrim Platform is a requirement especially for the Hit reactions, DBC is essential for Dodge/counter - reactions

note that only Project Impact requires SP; ABR does not require Skyrim Platform.

With Regards to MCO:
Another Amazing mod and framework made by Distar! And I will eventually integrate ABR, but with all the features, merging that and how MCO's behavior is more structured and adaptable, that will mean a shitload of transitions, so I will definitely need a shitload of time as well. Anyways thanks for the support and Happy Modding!


PI2 68


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