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Regarding character and series lock, I can agree 1 year for characters and 6 months for the series. We can discuss it here.

Also planning to make group in discord.



I think 3 months for series is fine as it would allow for lesser know characters to get a chance but 1 year for characters would be a good change


Didn't we have this discussion ages ago already? Honestly people need to just stop being salty about their waifus losing.

Wisteria Fireheart

I think series at 3 months is fine. There's lots of characters to pick from in a series to get love. However, a character getting the one year or six month lock and key would be a thing to me. There's a couple characters that just... get picked way too often.


Just to say it real quick, I’d love to join a discord


Second, personally I think 3 months for series is fine as that can give a chance for other characters of the series to have a chance, but I do think characters sadly need to change, or at least if characters win too much they need a longer cool down, that’s all, but the series I think can personally stay at 3 months just fine


Technically at least from my standpoint, it’s less about my Waifus in a poll losing, but more that I think some characters are put in and/or win too much, making it almost pointless to suggest other characters


I don’t know if it’ll be a popular suggestion but why not increase the lock of a franchise an character incrementally if a repeated franchise wins? I’m not sure this’ll be a good example but bear with me. Let’s say Mythra from Xenoblade wins, lock the character and franchise as normal. Now if Pyra wins immediately after Xenoblade’s franchise lock goes away then raise the character lock by 1 or 2 months extra and the franchise by 2 or 3 months extra and keep raising it should the same situation repeat itself. It does seem a lil unfair I admit but it’s the only idea that comes to my mind at the moment.


Personally I see the logic of “if a single character from a series keeps repeatedly winning, then the character should be locked away longer as to give other characters for the series a chance to be in the poll” it’s more of a “punish the character that keeps being used to much over punish the whole series in general”


I think the majority of characters/series that win polls are mainly due to current trends. I know Rottytops was the last character done, but I think that was just the exception, because Chika and Ranni were also drawn recently.


It might also round out the poll if you use check boxes instead of radio buttons, allowing your followers to vote for multiple characters.


I would allow check box if I could control a limited number of multiple votes. We'll stick with the radio buttons for a while.


So yeah it seems like the general agreement is that 1 year for characters and 3 months for series could work out. Of Course I also know that the artist choice is to give lesser known characters a chance.


Just out of curiosity but when do you think you’ll make the discord? As I’d personally love to join it