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Just a survey for the next month. Which do you guys prefer?



I think just in general this is really important, to what extent do you guys want RWBY/Non-RWBY artworks and how would you scale it? Like 75 RWBY /25% Non? 60/40? Etc etc


I definitely am here for the RWBY fanarts, but im ok with some other stuff. as long as we continue to get a mix of both im happy!

J Gerard

I prefer a balance of both.


A lot of people including myself subscribe to Kimmy years ago when he started doing Rwby fanart. I’m OK with getting non-rwby art. When it comes to the polls and all that. I would honestly like more Rwby artwork because that’s the main reason I pledge to him years ago.


I say 70% RWBY at least. Would love to see more of Emerald, but would be nice to see some girls from Rosario+Vampire.... and other series as well.


I don't mind the RWBY art, but I feel like Kimmy has almost been pushed into a corner by how much RWBY art people request that it's now effectively labelled them as a RWBY artist for the general public when they absolutely have other stuff they've also drawn quite nicely. And personally I don't feel like this poll is going to help that situation at all.

Panther J

I don't mind RWBY fan art, but I feel like every other character are just pushed to the side and are not given enough love.


I can imagine how some long-term backers might have come for the RWBY content, and i don't mind seeing these girls pop up on a regular basis. However it's kind of sad seeing his talent basically being pushed into a corner with so many other great characters out there waiting to be tickled. The specialization might also cripple the ability to grow and attract a wider audience - i myself came in here recently with a $10 pledge after stumbling upon some of his non-RWBY works on deviantart, but quickly pulled back again after realizing the back-catalog being extremely niche.

Nagatsu Seiken

Honestly, I miss the super-early days of his Brave Frontier fanarts - that's why I pledged. That said, RWBY needs to be cut back on; much as I like some of the characters, I'm starting to get burnt out on them *cough* Neo *cough*. I still want to see them, but it seems like such a waste to have 4 characters take up the bulk of his time (and before anyone says it, yes - I know he's done other characters from the series; but they're the exception). (Frankly, I think it's a even stretch to say its 4 characters - Neo seems to get more attention than any of them; though he certainly does a lot of Yang & Ruby as well, with Weiss bringing up the rear.)


Yeah, Brave Frontier days were a blast and I'm very thankful for that. Unfortunately, it was sad that they didn't localize the game globally and the game did come to an end in my phase. I also had a bad past with the game and community, also the reason why I switch to RWBY. Yet after 4 years, I think I'm back again playing another Gumi game.


Honestly after being a backer for quite some time I'd like to see more non RWBY art. I originally subbed because of the RWBY art but at this point I think there's more than enough. Your art of other characters is really fantastic and each piece that comes out I try to see how many improvements I can spot (unfortunately mines an untrained eye ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) but I'd definitely like to see Kimmy branch out more :) do other shows and art they want to.

J Gerard

Less Neo would also be good.

Aaron Newton

i like the ruby stuff (its the main reason why i subbed) but for you to grow as an artist, you shouldnt be afraid to break out from the niche.

Aaron Newton

i voted for more non-ruby, becuase there is a myriad of waifus i would like to see


Also vary the RWBY content more.


You have quite a lot or material here. Do not be afraid to experiment. People should already be happy with what you have put out thus far. Maybe add another tier to make all your art here available. It is very generous that tier 3 has access to all art at all times.