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Zone-tan won the poll, who leads Rias Gremory by only 1 point. Zone-tan will be my next featured dakimakura for this month.

I believe this is what Zone-tan looks like.



That is indeed what zone-tan looks like, she does have alt-forms though. Here is a full reference sheet I found. <a href="http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/841/718/587.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/841/718/587.png</a>


I love this special one. though Rosalina also my fav


Oh, this girl should come with some tentacles lol


Who is this?

Hunter Marshall

Zone-Tan is the mascot for Zone Toons. They make short porn animations of different cartoon characters, like Raven from Teen Titans.

The Mighty Goldfish

This is most underwhelming. Such good potential of almost every other option wasted with Zone Tan.


Is it just me or have polls been really sub-par recently? Zone-Tan porn has been around longer than the internet. This is like getting nudes from a pornstar.

Nagatsu Seiken

Yeah, after seeing the results I looked up zone-tan (cuz I'd never heard of her before); &amp; when I saw it, I was like "THIS? THIS is what beat out Rias?! Wow..."