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I'm trying to improve my digital painting abilities, so I figured I'd try replicating an actual photo. There's definitely still room for improvement, but it's a step in the right direction! 

I hope you all like it!




I'd like to see more detail on the dick


What kind of detail? I'll happily make modified version to better suit your desires. ;) I was already thinking of doing one with more cum just for you.

Naomi Robison

I like it. The dick isn't the focal point, so I like that it's a little out of focus. It does look like it's just sort of floating there, unattached to a person. Is it supposed to be coming out of his jeans, or from behind curtains? Is it a glory hole? That part does need a little more detail, just so it doesn't look detached. And the color/consistency of the cum is much better. If you're going for more realistic, the irises of her eyes are a little flat and maybe need more color change in the lighter blue parts, or more fading from the dark to the light blue, or something. With all that said, I think you did a great job.