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Hey all, I've been trying to figure out the best way to continue forward with my Patreon so that it benefits everyone as well as possible. As I've struggled to produce content at the same pace as I previously had, I want to change how you amazing people are getting charged to support me. It's unfair on my part to continue to accept monthly donations when I have not been consistently producing monthly work. 

So, going forward, I'm switching the billing method to a Per Creation format. This means you will only get charged when I make a "charged post". These will only be completed pieces. All versions of a completed piece will be included in the price of the charge post. All sketches, WIP posts, and side project doodles will continue as normal, and just be "free" perks of being my supporter (just like they currently are). 

Since this change can theoretically cause multiple charges a month, each of you can set your monthly limit so you don't get charged more than you currently do each month. Just go to your membership setting for my Patreon and adjust from there. 

If you are currently at the $2 tier, you will continue to receive the HD versions of completed pieces as they finish.

Hopefully everything transitions properly, and hopefully this will work out better for everyone involved. 

Please please please reach out to me if you have any questions or thoughts about this change. Leave a comment below or DM me. If more of you feel that the monthly charge works better for you, and you're happy with how things are currently going, I'm more than willing to put it back on a straight monthly plan. 

If you're still reading this, thank you. Seriously, you guys are all awesome, and your support means more to me than I can express.


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