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 Been awhile since I've touched any of my OC's. For those that don't remember Valarie is a fast food manager that eats by growing. She's never really been developed beyond the concept but maybe if I get the time I could do some more content with her or even other OC's of mine.

 Mostly did these to get back into rhythm (which also reminds me I need a new scanner. my scans are so gross when I don't spend too much time digitally whiting out all the gunk) 


 Sorry for the disappearance everyone but I'm back! I took a long needed vacation but now it's back to work. I'm gonna be a little slow starting up again since I'm honestly rusty af. The next few days I'm just gonna be doing some sketches to sharpen up a bit but my main priority this month is gonna be returning to the Nagatoro vs President comic. Again, right now I'm just re adjusting but I expect to begin layout this weekend. Thank you all again for sticking around and I hope you look forward to the rest of the month to come.  



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