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Harley out of costume in the original series was v cute and I wanted to try doing a piece with her. I was so focused on getting the face and style on model that I'm not crazy about how the body came out. Think I'm gonna play around with this version of Harley more, I had fun with it. 

On another note I wanted to write a more formal address of my absence this month. I've had a crises in my life and without giving TMI of my personal details it completely threw my mental state off to the point where I couldn't work. Even though this is my primary source of income. If I'm to be honest my savings took a hit because of this and now I'm comically behind on work. All the while things have slowed down a lot of these events are still on going and will probably be chewing on my anxiety and mental state for the for seeable future. Going to be doing colored pieces and a mini comic for the next week or so to get the ball rolling again. However I'll repeat myself to all of you who have stayed despite the dry spell of content I'm very grateful for your patronage. It can be pretty easy to drop a patreon sub that's not giving back and in a time where I really needed someway to be held afloat you all have really helped. Thank you. 



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