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This bitch never fails to get a lot of likes out of you guys lol thankyou. Here's her as my warm up for today. 




Absolute malicious intent on her face

Toma Cafe

I think she just transmits your energy too well


MHA fans unite lol! I do agree that the vibe doesn't normally match her, but gj on working it in. Here's the hoping you give into popular demand and do another piece with them in some form. (Here's hoping you don't hate the subject matter. Wouldn't want you to get burnout.) Keep it up!


I'm not gonna lie, your work deserve the love you put in it :)

Person LastName

Ah, it's a bit of a mixed feeling. I don't mind obvs cause I chose to draw her and MHA characters but it's a bit disappointing when I follow up with something I worked equally or even harder on with a different subject mater and it's met with a 3rd of the attention of the MHA stuff lol