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I'm trying to play around with some textures and flat colors so my sketches aren't always a harsh beaming white color. Since it's still a sketch tier picture I didn't spend too much time on this, but I thought a chinse paper texture would be fun for Mulan.

Update on Nagatoro, 2 panels need to be shaded and the backgrounds. It's not much but If I get it out it might be pretty late in the day. I'll let you all know what's up if I chose to push it to Tuesday. 



Mika chu

Wow, this is amazing! :D

Person LastName

ayee, thank you. you through it out there and I was on a Disney kick so I did these for warm ups

Marcio Chaves

Wow, simply wow! You know, I would love if you just sketched every Disney princess out there as evil giantesses

Person LastName

Ha, it's tempting but I'm really starting to run low on ideas. But thank you for the complement, you are a kind soul!