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Hey everyone! Just wanted to add along with these drawings that I'll be picking up the pace with content posting this month. Last month I was on vacation for the second half of it and working on some commissions at the end. But once again, this months gonna be much stronger with posting. Just gonna get in the habit with some sketches then some colored drawings and also finish Azula's part 2 of the comic (One last page is left) Hope you all look forward to it! 



Marcio Chaves

Glad that you are back to posting!

Marcio Chaves

Loved the sketches, by the way!

Toma Cafe

Wooo Mt Lady double feature haha


Looks great, but uh, how do I put this, the first one looks like Mt. Lady has a second set of eyes literally on top of her first pair.

Person LastName

idk man I shaded the mask and the eye shape of the mask is different then her eye ball shape. Of all the things I get wrong with my crude drawings I'm gonna have to disagree with that one. I'm actively trying to see the mask as eyes rn and I can't (maybe cause I drew it?) idk whatever you've turned me into salt ty


It's nothing to do with her mask, it's just that the shape of her eyelids and the placement of the middle eyelash looks like a second set of eyes. It's kind of funny honestly. I just felt like pointing it out. Didn't mean to upset you.

Toma Cafe

I see what you mean but onlY because you made me aware of it, like looking at clouds or like logos upside down or something haha. I was too caught up with the scene