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Hey everyone I just want to make a public announcement that my Azula comic was leaked on e henti. I have no real way of finding out who did it but if that person still follows me and reads this post: it would mean a lot if you take it down. I work very hard on this comic and I dont think 10 dollers is a lot to ask from anyone who truly wants to read it. I enjoy the gts fetish but I don't do this for the fun of it or the notoriety. I have lots of things I'd rather do with my time. If someone wants the comic become a patron. If the person doesn't come forward i at least ask whoevers reading this to report the upload


Just pick the third report option and mention this is leaked exclusive content. I'll be giving updates on the next page soon but anyone who helps out with this has my thanks.



well, to be fair, I've discovered your work in there... soooo is it worth it ?

Marcio Chaves

That sucks man... Well, just reported it, I hope it helps you

Person LastName

Yes and no? It's good that someone searched my page afterword's but there's a lot of people that have the attitude of "It'll be public eventually." That alone stunts me pretty bad. I took a couple of my patron posts and posted on DA and I had a complete dry period of income after that. The fact that it was done without my consent and just leaving it up there with no regard of how I'd feel about it is already frustrating enough.